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It takes me a minute to realize that I, too, am crying. I never would’ve known what happened to her if it wasn't for this crappy movie, but now I'm kind of glad we watched it.

"I know sorry doesn't help, but Jesus, Aims." I reach over and give her a hug.

I think back to that day, and realize once again, I’m crying. I really miss my best friend, and I hope she’s alright.

I miss the way she would look at me crookedly when I went off on random tangents about stupid things. I miss the way she could drink three bottles of wine and still walk in a straight line. Shit, I even miss how she had such a bad attitude after waking up in the morning the day after the wine.

I pray to whatever and whoever is listening to me. Let Aimee be okay. It’s the not knowing that makes the anxiety worse.

Upon waking up the next morning, I’m still alone. I lay on my stomach and try getting up to go pee. Unfortunately, that just isn't going to happen yet. I’m still in such an extreme amount of pain that I almost black out when I try to stand on my own.

I fear yelling out for someone, because I’m sure I will get punished again. Instead, I struggle by myself, still naked and cold.

Fifteen minutes later, I hobble into the hallway. Knowing I won't get much further, I can't help but crumple like a piece of paper against the wall. Falling to the ground, I whimper.

This is miserable.

Several moments later, I hear shuffling, the noise of bare feet getting closer. Wishing that it’s anyone but Roger, I clench my eyes closed and wait for the inevitable.

Turns out it’s Kiyanna.

"Oh, girl. What did he do to you?" She whispers and comes to help me stand up. She looks around, making sure Roger isn't near us. "Where are you trying to go? After a beating, we take care of one another. I was just coming to check on you and bring you some food."

"I figured with how ruthless he is, I needed to get up and go to work like normal, but I can't go any further. Fuck, I can barely keep my head up."

Reaching under my arms, she heaves me up and helps me back to my room and into bed.

"Girl, you gotta chill. Roger always goes to his private rooms and stays there for a while after doing shit to us. He still watches the cameras, but he doesn't expect us to move around. There aren't any cameras in our rooms, just the rest of the house." She’s sitting on my bed cuddled up next to me, stroking my hair.

"He is such a fucking prick. Does he get off on beating us or what's the deal?" Laying my head on her shoulder, I sigh heavily, my eyelids slowly closing.

"I think he gets off, but none of us know for sure. It would make sense, him going to his rooms and all." She slides off my bed. "I'm gonna get you food now. Go back to sleep, you're okay for now. I promise."

“You wanna eat me?”

I wake up to someone crawling into bed with me. I know it isn't Roger– he's just not that type of person. I think it’s Kiyanna bringing me food like she said she was going to, but when I open my eyes, I find Tyr. He lays on his back next to me, mimicking my surprised facial expression.

"Caleb said you were going to come in tonight. I forgot though. I thought Kiyanna was gonna bring me something to eat. I didn't realize it would be you. I am starving, though."

Tyr laughs hysterically. "You wanna eat me?"

"What?" I ask, confused. I look at Tyr, half talking, half yawning. I smile at him, not wanting him to think that I don't want him here.

"Nothing, never mind." He chuckles one last time. "Anyway, Kiyanna ended up going to the video room with Roger. I'm not sure what happened, but I don't think she was getting a punishment. I think he was just bored. After what he did to the both of us, I fear for when Caleb finally finds her." He glances at me, frowning and concerned.

"Are you okay?" Forgetting what Caleb said at first, I go into a panic. "Caleb said that he was going to make sure that Roger went to sleep tonight and didn't wake up for a while, you shouldn't be in here yet. What if he catches us in a room together again after hours?"

"Calm down, and don't worry about me, I have put up with Rogers' antics before. It's all figured out, Caleb will give Roger a glass of water with some sleeping pills that he found, and then he'll take care of Kiyanna. I'll be here for a while. Oh…this is all my fault," he mutters.

"No, it wasn't. I fucked up and said what I was thinking out loud. I deserved it. Well, I didn't deserve it, but you know…"

He puts his hand on my head and starts playing with my hair. "No talking. Let me just lay here and hold you."

Nodding, I let what he says sink in. I’m not usually nervous around men. Then again, I’m not usually around men to begin with. We lay together, lost within our minds until Tyr shifts to his side. I continue to lay on my back, my left knee bent and the right leg extended. He tangles his lower limbs with mine, putting one arm under my head, and the other over my body.

"I want to touch you. I want to make you feel some happiness within these walls. Are you okay with that?" Tyr looks at me with apprehension.

I’m hesitant, but I still nod my head in agreement. He doesn't seem to want to bring me pain like Roger has. As soon as I nod, he leans closer and puts his lips to mine.
