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“Well, now what?” I ask myself. I decide that I can use some girl time. I get in touch with my mom and Aimee to see if they are available to have a lunch date with me.

“So, how’d it go?” Aimee asks me while we settle farther into our seats as we get our food.

“How did what go?” Mom looks at her, a puzzled expression on her face.

“Their first therapy session was this morning, remember?”

“Oh yeah. Whoops,” she chuckles at us. “So?” She turns in her chair so her body is fully facing mine. I let out a deep sigh.

"Well…it didn’t exactly go as planned, to be honest. Tyr and I went in together and sat on the couch. The therapist is the same court-appointed one the detectives made us see after the island."

"I didn't know y’all were seeing the same lady. She does relationship stuff, too?" Aimee asks while choking down a street taco.

"Yeah, she’s pretty sweet. She can be very understanding and down-to-earth. Now Tyr, on the other hand, not so much.” I glance at them briefly, keeping my eyes focused on the food that fills my plate. My mother’s kind eyes silently implore me to continue. “She kept focusing on me and not us. When I brought it up, he just shut me up and told me to let her do her job. She scolded him for it, but, I mean, that was kinda it.

"Anyway, he left before we even got halfway through. Said he got a text from his boss or some shit. I'm not sure. He’s been acting a little crazy lately." I poke at my messy burrito with my fork.

"Nova, you can't say that he’s crazy. Look what you’ve been through recently." Aimee is quiet and reserved. She looks around, making sure no one else hears me say what I did.

"I don't mean crazy crazy; I just mean slightly detached from reality. Kind of like he isn't all there."

"And that's why you're seeing someone about it. You both could use some guidance through all this trauma," my mom says before blowing on a spoon full of piping hot pozole and shoving it into her mouth.

After lunch, we decide to do some much-needed retail therapy. My mom and I leave our cars in the parking lot.

As the three of us make our way down the sidewalk, we almost run into a man exiting the hardware store. He apologizes as I think about how Tyr and I could use some things in there. He could tie me up and strap me down or something. I shake my head, grinning and dispelling the thought.

I get a call from Tyr asking where I am and when I will come home. He seems genuinely curious. I respond quickly and put my phone back in my pocket.

As we stroll farther down the strip mall, I know we will be stopping soon because Aimee’s favorite store is coming up. She always wants to go in, even though she doesn't need anything new. Aimee stops in her tracks and gasps as she puts her arms out to the side, forcing us to stop. She’s looking at the boutique display. After gazing at the mint green tulle dress with tiny flowers sprinkled throughout for a few seconds, she rushes to it and touches her hand to the window. I smile and shake my head, catching Aimee’s attention.

“What? Like I can’t go in? I mean, look at that!” She rubs the sleeve of her sweater against the glass where her hand has been, wiping the fingerprints off. I know it truly annoys her when people leave marks on the glass like that. Beckoning us to follow, Aimee hurries inside.

“Hi, I’m Juliet. Is everything OK? Can I help-”

“Yes! Where is that?” Aims interrupts while pointing excitedly to the window. The lady laughs at her enthusiasm.

“I have to have it!” She’s almost bouncing as she follows Juliet to the dress. Aimee practically squeals in delight when she sees that the dress comes in a multitude of sizes and colors.

The girls chatter as they pick out the same mint green, pale pink, baby blue, pastel yellow, and lavender choices and carry them to the fitting rooms. Mom and I hold back and look at the clearance rack filled with yoga pants, sweatshirts, and graphic tees.

“What made you say he’s detached from reality? I’ve been wondering since you mentioned it earlier,” my mother asks me softly after a bit.

“I don’t really know. It’s kind of hard to explain. He sort of hurt me.” I say the last part so quietly I don’t think she even hears me.


I glance at her briefly, noticing how soft her expression is, how curious her eyes look, and how safe and secure she makes me feel.

“We were taking a bath together, and we started…doing stuff,” She blinks slowly in understanding, her lips thinning in a knowing smile. I grin back at her sheepishly. “Well, I was on top, and he had his hands nowhere near my head, but all of a sudden, he started choking me. Like, as if he wanted to harm me, not in a sensual way.”

She cocks her head to the side as a puzzled look comes across her complexion. “Does anyone else know? Were you just trying something new? What did you do? What did you say? How did he respond? Do you think he was trying a new fetish-type thing?” I’m taken aback by all her questions.

“He just continued. He wasn’t even looking at my face. He just… finished.”

“I don’t know, sweetie. Something doesn't feel right about this.” She shakes her head in bewilderment.

“I know. That's why I-”

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