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I remember when I was in that situation. I wish I could erase the moment from my head.

But to no avail, I’m stuck here still. I’m alone and feel broken.

"Hey, you. Fuckhead!" Roger screams, pulling me from my thoughts. He’s only a couple of feet away, but I can feel the anger rolling off of him. I roll my eyes.

"Yes, sir." I turn around to face him.

Head down, don't look him straight on. He’s like a rabid animal. If you don’t interact with them correctly, they are liable to bite your head off.

I've taken plenty of beatings, or 'punishments' as he calls them, since I got here. I am well aware of the consequences of not answering him.

"Get the room ready. I think I'm going to hang this fresh cunt by the wrists." He laughs a little too hard. "You've got three days before I get back. Everything better be just the way I left it, or I will kill you this time. Oh, and before I forget, I have all eyes pointed at you and those other two. It’ll only take one phone call, and I’ll have all of you killed. Hear me, boy?"

I knew other people had access to his cameras. I don’t want to fuck this up. I’ve been here too long to give up now.

"Yes, sir." I nod my head and wait for him to leave. Just as I assumed, he’s bringing in someone new–a woman.

I watch Roger strut through the hallway, retreating from where he found me, until all I can see is his shadow rounding a corner. Knowing I need to tell the others what is going on, I hurry to find them.

I find both of them in the dining room. When we aren't in our rooms or working for Roger, this is our space. The way the table is set up, you can only sit in three chairs with your back against the wall. We never know when Roger will sneak up on us.

Sitting in one of the chairs, I lace my fingers together and then rest my chin on my hands.

I look at the other two, letting out a deep sigh. "So, we're getting company."


Pitch black. That's the only color I see when I wake up. It’s so dark that I can’t even see my body. All I know is that it hurts. Everything fucking hurts. Groaning aloud, I try to move around, but it just causes more pain because my wrists are bound by rope. My arms are tied above my head, forcing them to cramp. I don’t know how long I’ve been here or how much longer I will be.

It’s terrifying. I don’t hear anything other than something dripping in the corner of the room.

"Hello?" I call out into the abyss. "What happened? Where am I?" The silence is the only response I receive.

It's unnerving to be alone in the dark.

The pain slowly starts to fade as unconsciousness sucks me under once more.


Upon waking up, I’m irrevocably lost. What the hell happened to me? How did I end up here? I play the events in my head over and over again until I finally remember.

A pair of eyes stared back into mine and then suddenly disappeared. I turned around, faced the door, unlocked it, and burst outside. I think I got knocked out.

I became conscious, and I felt a sandpaper texture on the ground as I was forcibly pulled from the beach. The sand itself tore at the skin on my legs.

My body contorted, and weightlessness filled me as I was shoved into a trunk. At least, I thought it was a trunk; it was dark, and the space was small. As everything went black again, I felt like I was floating in the box.

When I woke up a third time, I caught glimpses of a prison-like building. It looked brand new. Who’s grunting?

It all comes flooding back. I got fucking kidnapped. What happened to Aimee? Where the fuck is she? I start to audibly panic just before I hear the door open– and the sound of footsteps comes closer.

"Ah, you're awake. I was wondering how long it would take you to start screaming. You can if you want, but it won’t do you any good," a gravelly voice of a man speaks from the depths of the room.

I try to wiggle, but everything hurts so damn bad that all I do is twitch in place. The footsteps come closer than before. I’m pretty sure the owner of the voice is right in front of me. Suddenly, I feel a breath of repugnant air against my breasts.

A light turns on abruptly from a tiny bulb in the center of the room hanging from a single cord. Although it’s dim, my eyes don’t seem to agree. It feels like a thousand suns turn on at the same time. I suck in a shallow breath and tilt my head down. I’m fucking naked. Looking back up, I can see the rope I’m tied up with, hanging from a cross beam on the ceiling. Only then do I turn to my captor. It is Mr. Troglodyte.

I let a tear fall down my cheek. "Where am I? What happened to my friend?"
