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“Maybe we should figure out how to get some sort of revenge. I’ve half a mind to march right down there and-”

“Don’t make too much of it, darling. There’s nothing you can do about it. I just have to suck it up and deal with it. After a while, it’ll be a distant memory.”

“‘Don’t make too much of it’? Jeez, you sounded especially British just then.” I laugh loudly, teasing the man I love.

“Ooh, I did, didn’t I?” Confusion flashes briefly over his face, but he laughs before we head inside. As I close the sliding door behind me, Tyr grabs his keys from the entryway bowl and his jacket on the wall next to it. Walking over to him to give him a goodbye kiss, I open the door for him.

“Whoa, nice timing!” Alek lowers his fist.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing here?” I am stunned to see him at my home. I don’t even remember giving him the address.

“Who’s this?” Tyr looks at the man standing in our doorway like he is competition. Eyeing him from his hair to his shoes, he wraps his arm around my shoulders possessively.

“I’m Aleksandr,” he answers, offering his hand for Tyr to shake. “I was hoping to-”

“To what? Visit with my girlfriend after I leave for work? How do you know her anyway?” Tyr looks as pissed off as he sounds. He doesn’t even wait for Alek to answer. “You know what? You better just get out of here, man. Before I do something we’ll both regret.” Alek stands his ground, standing face-to-face with Tyr, neither of them wavering one bit.

“Oh, yeah? I’m tougher than you’d think. Try me, little bitch.” The words have barely left his mouth when Tyr's fist connects with his jaw.

“What the hell, Tyr?!” I try to stop the fight before it begins, but it’s no use. It’s already happening. Alek stumbles backward a little before gut-punching Tyr, making him keel over in pain. Alek goes to kick Tyr while he’s bent over, but Tyr strikes him in his ribs several times as he is standing up straight. All I can see is a flurry of fists and limbs as the two men fight over me. I scream at them to stop, but neither of the men register my voice. It seems like forever before Alek somehow manages to put Tyr in a headlock. Tyr’s face starts to turn red as he reluctantly admits defeat.

“Aleksandr, let him go! Now!” I’m glaring at both of them, angrier than I normally get. Alek looks at me with a confused look before he pushes my boyfriend away. “Now get the fuck outta here!”

Alek turns and marches over to his car. He pauses, turning to look at us once more before getting in, starting the engine, and swiftly driving away.

“Now go to work, and we’ll just talk about this tomorrow,” I tell Tyr. He leans down to kiss me, but I turn my head away. I’m so furious– I don’t even know how to put my feelings into words at the moment. He gently kisses the side of my head before stomping down the steps and getting into his car. What just happened?

As he drives away, I can’t help but think about how it felt to have two gorgeous guys fighting over me. I know most of it was their stupid male pride, but still, I’m at the center of it.

Alek won. He looked less disheveled when it was over. Even Alek’s car is more audibly and visually pleasing. I stand in the open doorway pondering things I have no control over. I close the door slowly, thinking all the while. I barely notice when a foot stops the door.

“Hey. I’m sorry. Can we talk?” Alek’s face pops around the corner as I take a step back. “I waited for him to leave; I just parked around the corner. Please, I need to apologize.”

“You just did.” I don’t want to admit to him or myself that I want him to stay.

“Okay, then, please allow me to explain.”

“Fine.” I turn around and stomp off to the kitchen, hearing his footsteps behind mine. I open the fridge and grab a bottle of iced tea from the door. “Explain. Tell me why you came over here and just started beating up Tyr.”

“We both know that’s not what happened!” He looks at me like he can’t believe that’s what I think occurred. “I came over to talk to you. To see if you wanted to do something. I just wanted to see my damsel.” The way he’s looking at me in earnest makes me feel warm and content. He leans over the counter ever so slightly before smacking his hands down in frustration. “But then that asshole just cut me off and started making all these accusations and made you look super uncomfortable. And with him not letting you do or say anything, I just lost it. I couldn’t bear to see anyone treat you that way.” He steps around the corner of the island in front of the refrigerator to get closer to me.

“He was just trying to protect me from a man he doesn’t know! You can’t blame him for that!” I turn my body to face him.

“Well, I do!”

“That’s insane.”

“Yeah, believe me, I know. But I don’t care.”

“Why not?” I ask.

“I just don’t.”


“Because I should be the one protecting you!” He pants mere inches from my face as we stare into each other’s souls with anger and lust. “We barely know each other, but you want me as much as I want you. You just haven’t admitted it yourself yet. Wake up and realize that I’m right here!” He yells.

Our faces are almost touching as his pupils dilate in passion. My breasts graze his chest as I breathe heavily onto his neck. I finally break the tension by speaking softly.
