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Man, I am really out of it. He wrings the fabric out, then proceeds to wash away the waste that my body has acquired while I‘ve been here.

Not being able to stop the tears that build up and fall from my eyes, I just lay here, motionless and crying. At least I’m not in my own filth anymore. It might just be the most embarrassing moment of my existence.

Taking away the dirty rag and used water, Blue Eyes gives me one more glance and walks out of the room. Sobbing to myself, I don't notice the door reopening almost instantly.

The troglodyte walks in, stops, and crouches before me. He huffs a little, obviously disappointed at my disheveled look. Standing back up, he walks out of the room again. I’m at a loss for what happened. What am I supposed to do?

An hour or so later, the door creaks open once more. Again, Blue Eyes walks towards me, but instead of having food, water, or a bucket, he has a skeleton key. Stopping in front of me, he leans down and unlocks my chains, then puts the key into one of the pockets of his robe. Not much feeling has returned to my arms, so they just hang at my sides.

Gently taking my wrists, he lays my right hand on my stomach and drapes my left around his neck. Then, he scoops me up with one arm at my back, one arm under my legs, and stands up. Fully engulfed in Blue Eyes' arms, I tuck my chin to my chest and sigh. As we approach the door, I make a mental note to never come back to this room.

Stepping out of the door, I’m greeted by a blinding light, worse than the tiny light bulb had been. Taking a few moments before lifting my head, I take multiple breaths of non-stagnant air. I hadn't noticed until now that the air in that room had been hard to breathe. I slowly bring my head up and realize we are walking down a long decrepit hallway.

The hallway isn't anything special. It has a door here and there, brick walls, and leaf litter on the ground. What stands out is the staircase at the end of the hall, which we are headed straight for. As Blue Eyes approaches the stairwell, I finally look at him, actually seeing him.

I remind myself that he isn't a figment of my imagination– he’s just a man. Not just a man, but a sexy one at that. Everything about him is perfect. Glancing down at me, his lips curve into a slight smirk. Oh god, I hope this man isn't my kidnapper's accomplice.

At the top of the stairs, I finally look away from him, and I’m confronted with a door. Using the hand that is under my legs, he shifts me closer until his hand pokes out, and he can grab the handle and twist it.

Afraid of saying anything, I just lie in his arms. I am still naked, but he doesn't seem to pay any attention. Once the door is opened, I realize I have been on the grounds of a mansion. I’m still not sure if it's a storm cellar or a separate building. I don’t care either way though, I refuse to look back and figure it out.

The mansion is just as creepy. It’s gothic and dilapidated. The architecture has sharp corners, windows spanning most of the walls, and is in need of a fresh coat of paint. The windows all have black hurricane shutters that are closed tight. The entire sight takes my breath away. I would love it if I wasn’t in this predicament.

Neither one of us speaks nor looks at one another.

Once inside the wide front door, I’m met with a grand staircase to the left and another hallway to the right. This hallway is decorated with paintings and various artwork even though it hangs haphazardly off the walls. Although I don't know the artists, I do know they are beautiful pieces. Blue Eyes arrives at a door that is slightly ajar. Using his foot, he pushes the door open to find a teal blue canopy bed, dark brown curtains, and a single chair that matches the room. No other furniture exists in the room, and there’s only one other door leading to what I assume is a bathroom.

Blue Eyes travels over to the bed, gently sets me down, and slowly turns back towards the door.

Finding my voice, I ask, "What's your name?"

Glancing back at me, he gives me that tiny little smirk once again. "Tyr," he answers. "The dick’s name is Roger, but be quiet. The more questions, the more punishments." Winking quickly, he turns his head and walks out the door. I have two questions answered and a new one to ask.

Time To Work

I am so tired, but there’s no chance in hell that I can sleep. I stand up from the bed, finding out if my legs work yet. After walking like a newborn giraffe, I’m able to figure out where the other door leads to.

I’m correct in my assumption that it’s a bathroom. Well, more like a powder room. Only a toilet and sink surrounded by a small counter fill the room. Thankfully, I’m able to use the sink provided to wash up. Using handfuls of water, I clean my body carefully. Still tender and sore from hanging. After finishing, I walk to the bed, sit down, and let my mind wander.

Other than the fact that I’m still nude and the room is chilled, it’s quaint. The bed is dressed with a plush-down comforter and two soft king-sized pillows.

Odd, given the circumstances.

The curtains are brown black-out shades, and I wonder if that’s to keep me from figuring out what time it is. I draw them back and realize I'm mistaken–there are boards screwed in, covering the window. Whoever was in this room before me had scratched the boards numerous times. I hope that I make it out of this place alive.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I know, I am being shaken. Aggressively. Without words, I sit up and pull the blanket up to cover my exposed chest. Once again, I’m face to face with my captor.

"Get up, bitch. You've got work today," Roger says.

"What do you mean work? How can I work? I don't even have clothes."

He laughs in my face so hard he ends up wheezing. "It's not your typical job, but you’ll do. See, you're a pretty little thing, and people will pay a lot of money to see you squirm." Walking away from the bed, he turns once he realizes I’m still in bed. "Get the fuck up and follow me!"

What choice do I have? I don't want to end up back in that dark room. I pull myself from the bed, using my arms to cover my chest and follow.

We turn so many corners and open so many doors that I get turned around. I have no idea how I’m going to find my way back to my room on my own. Maybe that’s Roger's intent. The last doorway we enter leads into the smallest room than I’ve seen so far. A single bare mattress sits on the floor, and adjacent to that is a video camera.

Pulling me into the room, Roger pushes me onto the springboard mattress. As I’m getting up and situated into a sitting position, Tyr walks in. He carries a razor and a bucket of water, similar to last time. Grimacing, he gets down in front of me.

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