Page 18 of The Vampire's Mate

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Of the unknown.

Up until this point, the fearful side has been the clear winner. But each interaction with Jesse has slightly diminished the fear, letting the wanton, needy side of me get that much stronger. He’s shown supreme control, posed zero threat, and was blatantly protective of me earlier when his father’s men came to search him out.

He’s polite and respectful, for the most part. The only time he strays from those qualities is when he’s being naughty…promising me multiple orgasms the second I give consent.

My inner walls pulse with the memory of his promise.

I would take my time with you. Draw out your pleasure until you think you can’t take it for another minute, then prove to you that you can. I’d make you come again and again until your bones melt, then make you come once more for good measure.

Don’t you know how utterly irresistible you are?

I can show you how much I want you. All you have to do is ask.

Fully dressed, I walk into my living room and pace the length of it. At the front door, I spin and walk back to the kitchen, then retrace my steps. Back and forth I go, letting that war wage inside me as I mentally weigh the pros and cons.

Just remembering those words in that deep voice has me twisted up in knots. My t-shirt teases my sensitive nipples as I move, and they harden into tight nubs as the friction sends sparks straight to my lady bits. Fresh moisture soaks my underwear, and I stop pacing to squeeze my thighs together.

What in the hell am I supposed to do?

I can’t bring myself relief for fear of Jesse hearing and popping in again. A tiny, frail voice whispers in my ear, asking if that would be so bad. Telling me that if I’d just stop worrying so much and hand myself over to the pleasure, everything would be okay. Better than okay. Magnificent. Earth-shattering. Mind-blowing.

Besides, I’m sure he’s heard me pacing over here. He must know I’m at my wit’s end, and that his not-so-subtle sexual promises have landed me here.

My heart is pounding a mile a minute as I feel my concerns drift away, one by one.

Jesse has proven he possesses restraint. He hasn’t touched me even though he’s made it clear he wants nothing more, even when he made me come with his mind and I would’ve been powerless to stop any advances. He’s promised he would never hurt me, and that he won’t bite me unless I give him permission. And that if I do decide to give him the go ahead, it’ll only intensify my release, making it a religious experience.

Why am I still holding out? Why am I letting fear rule me when I know what I really want?

Swallowing against the lump in my throat, I take a deep breath. Exhaling, I open my mouth and let the word slip out. The one that will undoubtedly change my life forever.


A heartbeat later, knuckles rap against my door in a short, staccato rhythm. My chest hollows out as my feet carry me forward. I’m panting…half from fear and half from excitement. Stopping to take a deep, fortifying breath, I release it as my fingers turn the deadbolt and open the door.

I suck it right back in as my eyes land on Jesse, looking positively edible in nothing but a pair of athletic shorts. Muscles ripple under the pale skin of his chest, each one twitching as my gaze brushes over it. I get a quick glimpse of the package concealed under his shorts before lifting my eyes to meet his.

“Eden,” he whispers, then lunges, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me as if I’m lighter than a feather.

My legs wrap around his hips as he kicks the door closed, spins around, and pushes me into it. His body pins me in place as his hands reach up to tuck my still-damp hair behind my ears. His dark eyes search mine, nearly glowing in their intensity, as he subtly shifts his hips.

The move aligns his cock with my center, ramping up my need to a near-unbearable degree.

“Tell me you want this, Eden. That you want me.”

His words pour over me like honey, sending a fresh wave of heat through my core. Even though I called him here, he’s still concerned with getting expressed, verbal consent before we go any further.

Squeezing my legs more tightly around him, I rub myself against his erection as I say, “I want this, Jesse. I want you.”

The world tilts on its axis as he spins us back around, then blurs for a split second before my back lands on the soft surface of my bed. Jesse’s hard body stretches over mine, and he props himself up on his hands to stare down at me.

“Vampires don’t carry diseases. There are no living blood cells for a virus or bacteria to attach to or feed from. Our healing powers would only destroy any such invasion, anyway. We also can’t impregnate anyone. I will come—as many times as I want for however long I want—but there are no viable sperm inside my body. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

I nod. “We don’t need protection.”

“We don’t. But if you want to use something anyway, I understand.”

My core clenches, and I know he’s doing that thing with his mind again. Preparing me for what’s to come.

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