Page 76 of The Vampire's Mate

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“Jesse. Please,” I chant, the words falling from my lips on repeat as I begin to shake uncontrollably.

His lips find my clit and close around it. He sucks, hard, and the pressure throws me over the precipice I’d been balancing on. I shout my release, and the world flips upside-down before I suddenly find myself on my hands and knees.

Before my next breath, Jesse slams his cock into me in one, swift thrust, filling me up in the most delicious of ways. His hand tangles in my hair, and he wraps the length of it around a fist and pulls it to the side, turning my head to expose the length of my neck.

Leaning low over my back, he kisses the sensitive skin below my ear as he begins to pump his hips. Anticipation fuels my need, shooting me right back to the edge of ecstasy. Jesse’s free hand curls around me ad dips between my spread thighs. His finger finds my clit, tapping it with quick strokes as he whispers in my ear.

“I could make you come a thousand times with my mind and my words. But tonight, I want your pleasure to come from my body. My cock.” He drives deep and swirls his hips, making me gasp as electricity fires through every one of my nerve endings. “My hands.” He pinches my clit lightly before resuming the circular rhythm he had used before. “My tongue.” He licks the length of my neck before flicking his tongue against my earlobe.

“I’m so close,” I grunt out between heavy breaths. “You feel so good.”

“Do you want my bite?” he asks, nipping my skin lightly with his teeth.

“Yes,” I breathe, jutting my chin out to give him better access. “Please, Jesse.”

His lips press against my skin, a gentle kiss before he opens his mouth and sinks his teeth into my flesh. A keening cry wails out of me as intense pleasure explodes through my entire body. My toes and fingers curl inward as my pulse pounds in my ears, the suction of Jesse’s mouth and the pounding of his cock inside me drawing out my pleasure as wave after wave crashes through me.

Jesse’s teeth slip free of my flesh as he shouts his own release, driving deep inside me one last time and freezing. His cock pulses against my inner walls as his tongue licks at the wounds on my neck, healing them.

We collapse onto the mattress, Jesse twisting us as we fall so I end up tucked against his side, my cheek on his shoulder. My mind reels with the passion of what we just did, and I wonder if it will always be so intense for us. Once I catch my breath, and my heartrate slows, I clear my throat.

“Will it always be this way with us?” I ask softly.

“I know it will,” he answers, running his fingers gently through my hair. “We love each other, and our mate-bond is eternal. We will always be drawn to each other. Emotionally, as well as physically.”

“What if I become a vampire?”

“What?” he asks, his fingers pressing against my chin to tilt my head up.

Looking into his eyes, I say, “If I become a vampire, will you still bite me? I know my blood won’t be food for you anymore, but will we still have that connection?”

“Eden,” he says, his voice deeper than I’ve ever heard it. “Do you want to become a vampire? I know you said so before, but because you haven’t mentioned it again, I assumed you changed your mind.”

“I don’t know,” I say honestly. “I’m just…weighing my options.”

“If you were to go through the change,” he says slowly, his tone giving no hint as to if that’s what he wants, “my bite would still affect you as it does today. And yours would do the same for me.”

“Mine?” I ask, then my eyes widen with realization. “I would be able to bite you, in return.”

It’s not a question, but he nods, anyway. “But that is no reason to decide to end your human life and become a vampire. I find an exorbitant amount of pleasure in your human body.”

He runs his hand down my back to cup my ass.

“I know,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “But this human body is aging. It will die, and when it does, you’ll die, too.”

I don’t want to ruin the mood, but we can’t ignore the facts and pretend like this can go on forever if I don’t go through the change.

“I love you more with each day that passes. I will love you until the day you take your last breath.”

I know he speaks the truth. And I also know it’s up to me whether my “last breath” is when I’m old and wrinkled, or sometime much sooner, when and if I decide to end my human existence and become one of his kind.

“And if I ask you to turn me, you’ll do it?” I ask, and he sighs.

“I would do anything for you, Eden. If you’re certain it’s what you really want, I would be honored to be your sire. All I ask is that you consider it carefully. This is a change that cannot be undone.”

“I know,” I say simply.

“I know you think you do,” he says, “but you can’t just think about being with me forever. You must consider every angle. You’ll lose those closest to you. You will watch them grow old and die as you continue to be young, healthy, and strong. That guilt is a heavy weight to bear. And Eden, you mustn’t forget how vampires survive. You won’t be able to bite me for sustenance. You’ll have to bite living, breathing humans and drink their blood.”
