Page 12 of Tame Me

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“Oh…” I begin before I’m cut off.

“She tripped coming in the door yesterday. Girl can’t walk a straight line some days,” Peter says, laughing at my expense when he’s the asshole that marked my face.

Carrie looks at me again and I give my head a slight shake. At the same time, I hope Trax can hear what’s going on and understands what’s being said and by who. I need about an hour for him and Jameson to get here.

“We hate to run, but I need to talk to Reagan. You understand?” Peter asks, putting his perfect façade in place again for our small audience.

The one thing he doesn’t do is take his hand from around my arm. He’s squeezing so tight, I’m sure his fingers are turning white. A wince leaves my face as Carrie watches on. She knows something isn’t right but won’t call attention to it. Not with the man hurting me standing right here.

“I’ll see you in class. Or did you want to meet up in a little bit for a study session?” she asks.

“I’ll do the study session. I can use it,” I answer on a small laugh to cover my pain.

The girls finally leave and Peter pushes me down the hall toward my room. How he knows where it is, I don’t have a clue. When I go to unlock my door, I drop my keys and bend down to pick them up. Peter uses this opportunity to smash his knee into my head. I grunt as I drop to my knees. My phone drops below me and I can see from the screen Trax is still on the line with me. He’s hearing everything going on.

“Hurry the fuck up, you dumb bitch! I don’t think you want an audience for what I’m about to do to you,” Peter says, his voice full of menace as he glares down at me with hate filling his eyes.

Grabbing my keys off the floor, I hand them to the asshole standing next to me. I can’t see right now with blood flowing down my face from the shot from his knee. I’m getting anxious about any more trauma happening to my head. The last thing I need to happen is for a seizure to start when he’s here. Peter won’t care or know what do and will probably leave me to die.

We finally get in my room and Peter looks around it. He slams the door shut before making his way over to the corkboard with pictures of my family on it. Before I can say a word, he’s ripping every single one down and to shreds as he shouts at me. Telling me what scum I am and how all my family is nothing but a bunch of gang members and criminals. Especially when he gets to the picture of Trax I snapped and printed out.

The only criminal I see is the man destroying everything I love in my life. With his back to me, I take a chance and look down at my phone again. Trax is still there and I can faintly hear him shouting into the phone mixed with the rumble of a bike. He’s coming—he’s really coming to save me.

My body sags in relief that’s short-lived. Once my entire room has been ripped to shreds, Peter turns his attention back to me. He stalks me until I have nowhere to go before beating on me. I literally have never been so scared in my life as scenes begin to flash in my mind. Blackness is quickly taking over and the one fear I’ll have for the rest of my life begins to take root; my seizures are going to start again. He’s in the process of making me have one right now and wouldn’t give a fuck even if I could tell him what’s about to happen.

Chapter Six


THE SECOND I saw Reagan’s name appear on my phone; happiness overtakes me. Then worry begins to take root. She had a date tonight and there’s no way she should be done this early. I know they only left less than an hour ago. What I hear on the other end of the line piques my curiosity and I begin to wonder if she butt-dialed me. Until I hear another female voice ask about her face. What the fuck? What happened to Reagan’s face that makes another girl ask what happened? Someone put their hands on my fucking girl and I see nothing but fucking red.

Lifting my eyes, I immediately begin to search the common room for Savage. He’s sitting in a corner with Reaper, Hawk, and Alex. I rush over to him and he immediately leaves the conversation they were in the middle of. Whatever look he sees on my face has him immediately on alert and ready to find out what the fuck is going on. Placing my fingers against my lips, I put my phone on speaker so he can hear what’s going on too. Reaper and Hawk also stand up and take notice of the situation we’re trying to figure out.

After we hear a guy say they need to get going, I sit down to see what’s going to come next. For a minute, not much. Then we hear the guy yelling and a grunt. That’s all I need to know. I look at my brothers and run out the door. Savage is on my heels and I can see him on the phone himself. Don’t need to know who he’s calling right now; home. He’s calling in reinforcements even though we’re closer to Reagan then they are. His family needs to know that something is going on with Reagan so they can be here in whatever way she needs from them.

I make sure my Bluetooth in the helmet is hooked up and connected before I start my bike and race out of the parking lot. Savage never once leaves my side. We race toward Reagan and I hope we can get to her in time before any more damage is done to her. The entire time I hear everything happening on her end of the call. It’s not good at all. I hear shouting from a guy and then something I can’t determine because the line is muffled for some reason.

“Talked to Dad. She called him and told him the guy was a douchebag but made him promise he wouldn’t go there. Said she was done with him and was goin’ back to the dorm. I don’t know what happened after they got off the phone, but all bets are off now. They’re on the way down here to get her,” Savage informs me through the communication in our helmets.

“I’m worried. You don’t hear what I hear right now. He’s goin’ to town on her,” I tell him, fear and rage consuming me as I twist the throttle and fucking speed even more than I have been.

The last thing I want to do is worry my brother, but this is his sister and she’s had a shitty past due to medical reasons. Savage listens to my words and speeds up. He races in front of me as we pass a cop. Immediately the lights and sirens come on and they follow us. We’re gonna end up going to jail at this rate because not a single thing is going to make either one of us stop. Not until we get to Reagan and save her from the beating she’s currently enduring while I’m powerless to stop it from happening to her.

“Callin’ Reaper now. He’ll get them to back off or give us an escort,” Savage says, determination filling his voice as I keep my attention focused on the road and the call in my ear.

Yeah, we got cops in our pockets. This isn’t something we need to worry about right now.

I put the cop following us out of my mind as I continue to listen in on the call that Reagan had enough courage and thought to place. Honestly, I don’t know many other women that would have had enough insight to think of doing this. We’re the closest to her and she knew we would get to her as soon as we possibly could. Plus, not knowing what would happen, she didn’t want to have her brother listen in on what I’m hearing right now. While I appreciate that she trusts me enough to call me, I don’t want to hear this shit happening to her.

Suddenly, the police cruiser pulls out around us and takes the lead. Savage and I speed up as fast as the cop allows us to. At this rate, we should be to my girl in no time at all. This is what we need. Not only can we get there faster, but the fucker will have to face the police when we get there. Or sooner if he calls the locals in to stop what’s going on.

The remaining time on the road seems to drag by as I hear the sweetest angel I’ve ever known in my life be attacked for no reason at all. There’s no reason for a man to lay hands on a woman. Ever. But, for someone to do this to Reagan is unthinkable. I may not know every little detail about her, but unless she’s pushed, there’s not a mean bone in her body. Even her ‘mean’ isn’t like anyone else’s. She’s sweet as fuck and can only take so much shit from someone. I knew deep in my gut this guy she was going out with wasn’t meant for her. He’s too fucking egotistical and selfish. His image means everything to him and that’s not the kind of man who will make my girl happy at all.

As soon as we roar into the parking lot of her dorm, I see a man being led out in cuffs. There’s a smug as fuck look on his face and I want to wipe it off. He’s not my priority though. Getting inside to Reagan is. I’ll take care of the fucker once I know how my girl is. He’s got another thing coming if he thinks he’s safe being arrested right now.

I bet the fucker thinks that mommy and daddy are going to get him out of whatever they decide to charge him with. Little do they know they’ll have every single member of the Wild Kings and the Fallen Brethren there to make sure justice gets served for Reagan. No one will ever lay a hand on her again. My waiting is done and no one will ever know what it’s like to have my pixie in their life again. I don’t care what anyone says. I stepped back so she could experience the world and dating. This is what fucking happens to her because she’s not with me. A man who will give his life for hers because she deserves no less than that. Reagan is a fucking queen and I’m going to make sure she’s treated that way every fucking day starting now.

Savage and I rush into the building. Thankfully, the cops left the door open as I hear sirens wailing in the distance. We rush into the room we moved our girl into not that long ago and the sight greeting us stops me in my tracks. Reagan’s room is demolished. There’s not a single thing left in here that’s been untouched. Everything she owns has been fucking shredded and is littering the floor around her. Even her bed has been completely destroyed. I can’t even tell if her clothing is still usable because it's all in piles and heaps all over the place. What really stops me is the sight of my pixie.

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