Page 13 of Tame Me

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Reagan is laying in a pool of her own blood. Her body is half under the bed while her clothes are ripped and tattered. The tank top is barely hanging on her body. I want to pull her into my arms and cradle the girl that’s coming to mean everything to me. Not knowing her injuries is the only thing stopping me right now. I’m holding off on doing what I want the most because I refuse to do anything to hurt her more than that fucker has already done.

I’m pulled out of my head when I hear Savage scream and drop to his knees in the doorway behind me. The sound coming from him is so anguished and pained my heart bleeds for my brother. I move to pull him out of the way as I hear the EMTs making their way down the hallway toward us.

“No,” Savage bellows, tears falling down his face. “I’m not leavin’ her. No one else is here for her. Trax, look at what that fucker did to my sister. All she wanted to do is live her life and look at what happens to her!”

“I know. We’ll make sure she’s taken care of before any other business is handled. We’ll find out where they’re takin’ her so we can let your family know too. You ride with her and I’ll make sure someone comes to get your bike,” I tell him, helping him up from the floor as we watch the EMTs work on her.

“No one is riding with her,” one of the EMTs tries to tell us.

“I’m not askin’ for permission. Her brother will be with her and I’ll be followin’. You want to walk out of here, I suggest you shut the fuck up and get her ready for transport,” I say, walking a few steps closer to the man that thought he was going to stand up against us.

Within minutes, they have Reagan ready to take to the hospital. I pull my phone out to call Reaper while Savage follows his sister. He jumps in behind the stretcher and the last thing I see is him taking her hand and bowing his head as tears fall.

“What’s goin’ on?” Reaper asks, answering the phone.

“Not good at all. Savage is with her now on their way to the hospital. Need someone to grab his bike. He’s not in any condition to ride right now anyway. Never seen a man lose it like that,” I tell him honestly as he listens to my words.

“Where’s the fucker responsible?”

“On his way to jail. He thinks he’s gettin’ off,” I tell him, thinking of the smug look on his face as he was led from the dorm.

“We’ll head out soon. Let me know where they took her so we can meet you there. Guess we’re about to fill the hospital with two clubs shortly,” Reaper says before hanging up.

I continue to follow the ambulance to the hospital. They’re hauling ass with my girl and I can’t imagine what’s going on inside that vehicle. My gut tells me it’s not right and I’m trying to hope for the best.

Parking my bike in the parking lot of the hospital, I run into the emergency department. I know I won’t be allowed back there based on the fact Savage is being ushered by security to the waiting room. He’s pissed as fuck and cussing up a storm. I run up to him and pull him back before the cops come in and haul his ass to jail. That’s the last thing we need. Savage needs to be here for his sister and family when they get here.

“It’s bad, Trax. She had a seizure in the ambulance. That fucker is mine!” he says, sitting down in a chair while we wait for everyone to get here and for any news on Reagan.

“Fuck!” I mutter, despair filling me.

She’s been doing so good, but this shit is terrible.

Reagan was rushed into surgery and we were moved to the surgical waiting area. I’ve filled everyone we know in on what’s going on because Savage isn’t capable right now. He spends his time pacing, crying, yelling, and sitting defeated. He’s always been close to his sister and it’s been hard for him to be away from her since joining Fallen Brethren. It was something he needed to do though. He had to get out of his dads’ shadows and live his life on his terms. We’ve had more than a few long talks about this shit since he joined the club. Reagan will always be his top priority even if he’s hours away from her.

Finally, the Wild Kings and Fallen Brethren clubs descend upon us. The waiting room is filled to overflowing. Cage, Joker, and Skylar all rush to Savage and myself to find out the latest update. Unfortunately, we don’t have anything to tell them right now. No one has been out since letting us know she was going back for surgery. We don’t even know her injuries.

“We don’t know anythin’,” I answer as Savage is wrapped in his parents’ arms.

“I’m gettin’ answers,” Cage says, pulling away from his family and leaving the room.

“Dad, need to talk to you,” Savage says, pulling away from his mom.

Joker and him walk away and I know he’s filling his dads in on the condition we found her. It’s not something Skylar needs to know right now. She’ll see enough damage soon enough. And I don’t want to fill her head with the images we have floating in ours. To know that Reagan had a seizure because there’s nothing Skylar can do to help her daughter right now.

“Trax, thank you,” Skylar says, walking up to me with tears rolling down her face.

“For what?” I ask, confused.

“For being there for my kids. You were there while we were on our way here and that means more to me than you know. How are you doing?”

“I don’t need thanks for that. Savage is my brother and Reagan is my pixie. You have to know by now she’s going to be mine,” I state, putting it out there loud enough for everyone in this waiting room to know where I’m at.

“I do know that. And I couldn’t be happier about that. I’m sorry my baby girl had to suffer this tragedy but we’ll all be there to help her through it. She’s going to need all of us by her side,” she says, pulling me into a quick hug before releasing me.

Nodding my head, I turn as Cage comes in followed by a man in scrubs. Blood covers him and I know that’s my girl’s blood. We all go silent as we wait to hear what’s going on with Reagan. Skylar is already crying as the men in her life surround her and offer their strength and support. Even if theirs is faltering right now, they’ll make sure she has any they have to spare. Just like my brothers will lend them all the support and strength they have to give.

Our two clubs are joining in more than just having Savage a part of Fallen Brethren. Reagan will be my ol’ lady and I know that’s going to further cement the bond we’ll form. It won’t matter they aren’t one percent. We’ll keep all that separate.
