Page 14 of Tame Me

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“Reagan is fortunate. She’s got several injuries. We had to repair her arm with a rod and pins. Her knee may have to be repaired at a later date. We don’t know the extent of the damage with the swelling and fluid we drained from it. There’s damage to her face, hands, head, and abdomen as well. We were able to stop the internal bleeding. She’ll be here for a while for observation since she had a seizure in the ambulance. For now, we’re going to keep her in a medically induced coma while most of the trauma begins to heal. We’ll check her progress daily and make decisions based on that,” the doctor says, looking around the room at everyone waiting for this update.

Skylar collapses as the doctor informs us of the injuries she’s suffered. Cage and Joker pick her up and sit down in the chairs with her. Tears are falling from their faces along with almost every single member of the Wild Kings. The women are being supported by their men while I make my way over to Savage.

He’s got Zoey wrapped up in his arms but I can tell it’s taking everything in him to stay upright right now. Zoey isn’t faring much better. I slowly lead them over to a couch and help them sit down so Savage doesn’t have to let go of his girl. He’s crying as he looks up at me and I can see the regret and guilt lacing his emotions. Savage is going to take this on his shoulders even though it’s not his fault. He feels as if he wasn’t there for his sister and that he could’ve prevented this from happening when that’s not the case at all.

“Don’t go there. You were there as fast as you could be. She knows that,” I say so only he can hear me.

He shakes his head in response and I know it’s going to take a long time for him to overcome this. Especially after seeing her the way we did. Seeing that everyone else has someone by their side, I make my way out of the waiting room. The one person I want to see and hold in my arms I can’t. I need some air before I lose my shit.

Stepping outside the hospital, I take in a breath of air. It does absolutely nothing to take away the pain and rage flowing through my body. If only I hadn’t listened to Cage and claimed her straight away, none of this would have happened.

“You just told my son not to take this on his shoulders. I’m tellin’ you not to take it on yours,” Joker says, walking out and stopping next to me as I pull a cigarette from the pocket of my cut.

“I shouldn’t have listened. Never listened to anyone in my fuckin’ life when I wanted somethin’. This wouldn’t have happened if I had claimed her already,” I say, repeating the thoughts I just had.

“You don’t know that. Just because you claimed my daughter doesn’t mean this asshole wouldn’t have pulled the same shit just because she wouldn’t give him the time of day. He’ll get his, you can fuckin’ count on that. The only thing I need to know right now is that you’re goin’ to stay by her side no matter what happens. Can you handle her havin’ seizures if that happens?” he asks me, fresh tears sliding down his face.

“I’ll be there every step of the way. Reagan, my pixie, is stuck with me now,” I say vehemently.

Joker nods his head and stays by my side while I finish my smoke. Together we make our way inside to find Savage, Cage, Skylar, and the other kids have gone to see her. She’s been moved to a room based on what Reaper just told us. Joker tries to get me to go with him to see her, but I refuse. This is their time. I’ll have my time soon enough.

Chapter Seven


I WAKE TO the sound of beeping. My entire body hurts as I try to open my eyes. They feel like sandpaper has been rubbed in them for days on end. The more I try to pry them open, the louder and faster the beeping noise gets. The pain in my head only increases with each beep sounding wherever I am. It’s not long before every single inch of my body hurts and I know something is definitely wrong as I try to figure out what happened to me. The entire time I keep trying to open my eyes so I can figure out what’s going on. It hurts and I must make a noise as a hand gently squeezes mine.

“We’re all here for you,” my mom’s angelic voice says, washing me in a feeling of home and safety.

Even though my eyes are closed, I feel wetness slip down my cheeks. Memories of the assault begin to flood in and I hear the beeping get louder and faster than before. Fear and panic fill me as the images play out one at a time. Peter beat the fuck outta me after destroying my room and telling me what a piece of shit I am along with all of my family and friends. All because we live differently than he does and I didn’t stay with him for a date we both know wasn’t going to go anywhere. At least I did. I’m guessing he had different ideas in mind based on him declaring I was his.

“You need to calm down, baby. Take your time. We’re not goin’ anywhere until you leave here,” my dad Cage says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

The darkness pulls me back under and I relish the peace it brings with it. There’s no pain here in the darkness and I feel as if I’m floating around on a cloud or something. There’s no fear and panic at the thought of Peter getting his hands on me again. I know that’s going to be the only thing on his mind because I got away from him and a guy like him isn’t going to handle that very well.

I’m not sure how much time has passed as I feel myself being pulled from the tranquility and blackness surrounding me again. This time, I can open my eyes to the point that I’m squinting. The figures surrounding me are blurry and hazy as I try my hardest to focus.

“Welcome back, baby,” my dad Joker says. “You sure know how to bring us all together by scarin’ the shit outta us.”

There’s a few chuckles around the room. That’s the one thing you can always count on one of my dads for. He’ll lighten any moment. This isn’t exactly one that needs to be lightened, but it’s his way of dealing with it. I don’t know how I’m going to handle everything, but I know they’ll be by my side no matter what it is.

I can feel a straw at my lips and I slowly take a sip of the cold water. It coats my parched throat and brings some relief. Talking isn’t a priority for me at the moment so I don’t know how that’s gonna feel. Right now, I just want to be able to focus on something and see who’s in here with me. Eventually, I’ll want to know what happened and where I am. I can’t even tell based on the room around me because it’s such a blurred mess.

Finally, the shapes begin to resemble my family. All of my siblings, my parents, and Trax are in various places around the room. Trax won’t take his eyes off me. We lock gazes and I can feel every emotion going through him in this moment. He’s scared, angry, hurt, and determined. There’s another emotion there I can’t quite figure out, but eventually I’ll know what it is. Another tear slips down my cheek as I realize this is the man I’m meant to be with. We have a lot to work out, but I’m done. I don’t need dating experience or anything else. Not when the man I want is here with my family because he’s already made his decision.

I’m betting Peter thought he broke me with the vicious attack he pulled. He didn’t. I’m stronger than he knows, I have a support system better than anyone I know, and a man I know will be by my side. These thoughts make me realize how lucky I truly am. No matter what damage has been done to my body, I will survive and come out on the other side even fucking stronger than I am now.

“Never want to see you like that again,” my brother Jameson says, walking up to the side of my bed.

Oh no! The last thing I want is for any of my family to have seen what happened to me. My family should have been spared that sight, but I guess I can’t help that now. Nothing matters except for getting better and getting out of here. Then I’ll decide what I’m going to do from there.

“We’re gonna go get somethin’ to eat. You take a few minutes with Trax and we’ll be back. The doctors will be in soon to check on you,” Cage says, looking at the man still remaining behind my family.

Trax watches as each member of my family leaves the room. They each kiss me on the cheek or forehead before leaving. Finally, we’re alone. I wait for the man in question to make his way closer to me, but he stays put.

“I’m so sorry, Pixie,” he finally says. “We got there as soon as we could.”

“I know,” I whisper as my throat aches.
