Page 19 of Tame Me

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“I’ll take your protection, Trax. I’m not going to put myself on the line because I think I can handle what Peter might do. It’s clear to everyone that I wasn’t prepared to take him on the last time. I can admit when I’m not strong enough to handle a situation on my own,” I assure him, leaning forward and pressing my lips to the corner of his mouth.

“Do you wanna go back out to the livin’ room? I know Jameson is worried about you.”

“Yeah. Let me freshen up real quick and then we can go spend time with him,” I answer as he takes me into the bathroom after getting out of bed.

He’s only wearing his jeans right now and I let my eyes roam over his muscled body. His tan skin is covered in tattoos that are mainly black and white with some gray shading here and there. I’ve always been a sucker for tattoos on men. There’s nothing sexier to me than a hard, muscled body covered in ink. Trax’ muscles bunch and move as he lifts me into his arms and I snuggle into his hard chest.

We spend the rest of the day with my brother and I inform him of my decision. He doesn’t like it, but Jameson won’t stop me from going back to school either. I’ll only be on campus for a few hours a day and there will be Prospects with me when I’m there. By the time Jameson leaves us alone for the night, I know he’ll help me with our parents when I tell them about my decision to go back to school. I fully see Cage and Joker losing their shit and not holding back when they hear the news. I’ll deal with them when it gets closer to the time I return. For now, I’m going to spend as much time with Trax as I can and get to know him better than we’ve been getting to know one another until Peter happened.

Chapter Ten


REAPER’S BEEN GIVING me a ton of leeway when it comes to putting off club business and not being around the clubhouse. However, we have church today and I have to be there. I’ve already talked to Reagan about it and she’s ready to go to the clubhouse. To see where Jameson and I hang out and spend most of our time. I don’t need to tell her what to expect or how to act when she’s there because she already knows. The thing with Reagan is that she grew up with the Wild Kings and even though we’re a one percent club, there really aren’t that many differences in how she’ll need to act. That’s just not how Reaper runs his club. Alex will be there tonight too so she’ll have someone to talk to. Alex is ready to have their baby any day so Reaper isn’t letting her too far from his side. The queen of our club simply rolls her eyes at her man and goes about her life with a smile on her face.

“Pixie, are you ready to head out?” I ask, walking in the bedroom to see her sitting up in bed with the brush in her hand. “Let me take care of that for you.”

Heading for my girl, I stand next to her and take the brush from her hand. It doesn’t take me long to run it through her hair and get all the knots and tangles out. She hands me a hair tie so I can put it up in a ponytail for her. Reagan fucking hates having her hair in her face and wears it up often. I personally love her hair down, but it doesn’t bother me the way it does her. So, I get it up in a ponytail the way she wants and help her into the wheelchair. My girl has a follow-up appointment soon and I hope she gets good news from it. She wants to start her therapy and heal as quickly as possible. I don’t want her to push shit, but Reagan knows her limits and I’m not going to step in unless I see her harming herself.

I push Reagan through the garage. Once I’ve got her and the wheelchair inside the car, I head around to the driver’s side and get in. The second I have the engine started, Reagan finds a station on the radio she likes and then sings along to it. My girl has a good voice and can fucking sing like no one I’ve ever heard before.

By the time I pull into the parking lot of the clubhouse, I’ve got a smile on my face and Reagan’s completely relaxed. After parking close to the door, I get the wheelchair out and push it to the passenger side of the car. Reagan already has her seatbelt off and is waiting for me to lift her into my arms. I get her settled and stay behind her as I push her over the pavement and toward the front door. Stepping in front of her, I open the door and hold it as wide as it will go for her. Grabbing the arm rest of the wheelchair I pull her through the doorway until I can step behind her to push her further into the common room. Savage stands in front of his sister with a smile on his face. They’re talking about something as I step up next to my girl and look down at her instead of remaining behind the chair.

“When do you go back to the doctor?” Savage questions her, the smile falling from his face as he takes in his sister’s injuries.

“Soon. I can’t remember, but it’s written down at the house. I hope I can start therapy by the time I go back for the follow-up. Then I’ll have to start getting all the tests and shit done again to make sure there aren’t any changes and shit with the cyst. So far I haven’t had another seizure, but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen any second. I’m ready to have this all behind me and I’m going to hope that this isn’t going to cause them to start back up again. I already know I’ve lost my license and I won’t risk putting anyone else in harm’s way by getting behind the wheel,” she answers, a frown on her face as I see Reaper and Alex making their way over to us.

“Pres,” I say, placing my hand on Reagan’s shoulder as Savage turns to face Reaper and his ol’ lady.

“Trax. Savage,” he greets us before he turns his attention to Reagan.

Even though every member of the club and the Prospects were at the hospital with us, none of them met Reagan. She needed the people she grew up around and loves more than anyone else. So, they provided protection and remained out of her room at all times. Now, it’s time for me to introduce my ol’ lady to Reaper and Alex. Along with the rest of the club members. The Fallen girls can fucking kiss my ass, but they’ll know she’s mine and that I’m hers one way or another.

“Reaper, Alex, this is my ol’ lady Reagan. She’s Savage’s sister,” I introduce them, adding on about Savage in case Alex doesn’t know who Reagan is.

“It’s nice to meet you, Reagan. I’m sorry you’re goin’ through this shit. If you need anythin’, let me know and we’ll make it happen, sweetheart,” Reaper says, holding out his hand for her to shake.

“It’s so nice to meet you as well. Thank you so much. Not just for your kind words, but for staying at the hospital so my family could spend time in the room with me,” she responds, looking at Reaper with nothing but respect in her eyes.

“It wasn’t an issue, Reagan. You’re family. Not just because of Savage, but as Trax’ ol’ lady. Boys, let’s head into church and get this shit over with,” he returns, giving Alex a kiss before heading toward the hall where our meeting room is.

Leaning down over Reagan, I press a kiss to her forehead before resting mine against hers. I simply breathe her in for a minute before going to stand up so I can follow Reaper. Reagan has other ideas as she pulls me back down and presses her lips to mine. I deepen the kiss and slide my tongue in her mouth as Savage groans behind me. When I pull back, I know I’m fucking gone for this girl. My pixie will forever fucking own me and I don’t want to change that for any reason. For the first time in my life I want someone to own me completely.

Heading for the hallway, I look back once to find Alex pushing Reagan over to the couches. My girl won’t get out of her wheelchair, but she asks to get close enough to have a conversation with Alex. I hope the two women get along because Reagan doesn’t know anyone else here in town. After handing over my gun and phone, I head into church and take my seat. Savage follows directly behind me as he glares in my direction. I simply smirk back at him. I’m not the one who kissed his sister, she kissed me. He can fucking deal with that shit because that won’t be the last time I kiss my pixie.

“Church in session,” Reaper growls out, his voice echoing in the room. “So, we’ve got a few things to go over today. The first one is that Precious is fuckin’ pregnant. I don’t know how she fuckin’ got past the barriers we’ve had in place for a long time now, but she fuckin’ did. Right now, she’s claimin’ the baby belongs to Savage. He doesn’t remember bein’ with the bitch and I believe him. So, the second we can have a DNA test done, it’s gonna fuckin’ happen. This won’t be hangin’ over Savage’s head longer than fuckin’ necessary.

“You all already fuckin’ know she’s not to be let out of the room she’s locked in for any reason. One man goes in with a tray of food and somethin’ to drink while another stands in the door. I don’t want any reason for her to escape. Hawk make sure the cameras are up in that area at all times. I want to be able to see anyone goin’ to and from that room. For now, a member will take the tray in while a Prospect waits in the doorway. I don’t want her tryin’ to influence the Prospects. Any fuckin’ problems, I wanna know about them immediately. As far as I’m concerned, the bitch is done here and will be let go the second we find out exactly whose baby she’s carryin’.

“It’s no fuckin’ secret she was fuckin’ guys outside the club even though she was specifically told that wasn’t allowed. So, this baby could belong to anyone in Clinton City or the surroundin’ area. Savage, I promise you that we’ll get this shit figured out as soon as we can. For now, focus on your sister and other shit goin’ on at the clubhouse. Spend time with Reagan as often as you can. We need her to be comfortable here and around us all.

“Reagan is here right now. I don’t want you fuckers to overwhelm her. She’ll get to know you eventually. For now, introduce yourselves and then back the fuck off. I don’t really see Trax lettin’ any of you get too fuckin’ close to her to begin with if I’m bein’ honest. Trax, what the fuck have we found out about the situation with the fucker who hurt her?” Reaper questions as I look at Savage before letting the rage fill me once again.

I honestly didn’t want Reagan to ever see me filled with rage. However, hearing the news today, I was ready to fucking explode. I couldn’t get myself under control before going to see her in the bedroom. Still, she never once flinched away from me or pulled back. She let me hold her close and it was like a calm in the face of the storm. For the first time in my life, it was easy to push the rage away and be the man she needed me to be in that moment.

“He’s not gonna fuckin’ face any jail time. The fuckin’ charges against him have all been fuckin’ dropped. The bastard is already walkin’ around campus again and fuckin’ not listenin’ to a single word he’s fuckin’ told. Apparently his parents and him were called into a meetin’ with the Dean and he was expressly told there was to be no contact with Reagan. The fuckin’ second he left the Dean’s office, he went right to her dorm. No one let him in the buildin’ and it’s not like she’s actually there. However, that only fuckin’ tells me that he’s gonna be a problem for her.

“I’ve talked to Reagan and she wants to go back to campus for school the second she’s cleared. He’s taken a lot from her with the beatin’, and she refuses to allow this to be one more thing he steals from her. I don’t know if any of you know, but my ol’ lady has seizures. It’s been a while since her last one until this shit happened. She hasn’t had one since, but now her entire life has to change once again. I’ve been doin’ research and plan to talk to her about what she needs from me movin’ forward. Savage is the only one here that I know of who truly understands what has to happen and how close she’ll have to be watched,” I say, looking around the table to find the same look on every member’s faces.
