Page 20 of Tame Me

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They’re all pissed as fuck and ready to go find this fucker to take him out of the equation. This is one of the many reasons I love my club. They’re all prepared to go to battle for my girl and Savage’s sister. They’ll have to get in line, but it’s the point that they’re ready to step up this very second.

“Okay. Hawk, I want you to dig into this asshole and his parents. Find out who the fuck they got in their pockets to get him off the hook for this shit. I want eyes on him as much as we can make it happen. We got a few Prospects we can enroll in the college and start takin’ classes there. Somethin’ that can be useful to the club or themselves. It doesn’t matter to me either way. I’ll pull them into my office in a while to find out who’s ready to go to college. When Reagan goes back, we’ll step up protection on her. I’m happy as fuck to hear she’s not lettin’ this bitch take anythin’ else from her. Any of you need somethin’ from us, you reach the fuck out. Keep a close eye on her. Savage, I want you and your sister to talk to everyone here and let them know what has to happen if she’s here and has a seizure. I want every fuckin’ man at this table, the Prospects, and Alex to know what to do to protect and help Reagan if it’s needed. Anyone got anythin’ else?” Reaper asks, looking around the table before lifting the gavel back in his hand and slamming it against the table while calling church.

We all get up from our seats and head for the door. Before I’m even through it, I hear a commotion in the common room. Forgetting my gun and phone, I race there to find Alex panting on the couch with Reagan looking at her with fear in her eyes. My girl looks up and our eyes lock on one another. Reagan’s face is pale and she’s shaking.

“She’s in labor. Her water just broke and she needs to get to the hospital. Now. Her contractions are far too close together for there to be any hesitation,” Reagan informs us as I’m shoved to the side.

Reaper races across the distance separating him from his woman and immediately lifts her into his arms. I turn to grab my things from the Prospect before making my way over to Reagan. She looks up at me with a smile on her face.

“I was ready to come knock on the door to get you guys, but you came out just in time,” she says as I help her turn the chair so we can head out. “Why don’t you carry me out? Jameson can take the chair before he gets on his bike.”

With a nod of my head, I lift Reagan into my arms and carry her out of the clubhouse. Getting her in the car doesn’t take any time at all. She does her own seatbelt as I run around to get in the driver’s seat. Savage has the wheelchair in the back before he runs to his bike and straddles it. I pull out first surrounded by all my brothers as we race toward the hospital. Reaper is already gone and I don’t blame him. I can just imagine how panicked he is right now. It’s not even my woman or kid about to be born and I’m nervous as hell. Placing my hand on Reagan’s leg, I let her ground me as I drive through town.

When we pull into the parking lot of the hospital, I park as Savage rides his bike right up to Reaper’s truck. He’s left it with the doors wide open right in front of the entrance of the hospital. Savage moves it to a parking space and makes sure the doors are locked before worrying about his bike. By the time he’s parked and over to us, I’ve got Reagan in her chair and ready to head inside. We only pause long enough to find out what floor labor and delivery are on before making our way there.

I watch on as we all get settled into the waiting room for the next few hours. None of us will leave here until Reaper and Alex’ baby is born and we know everything is okay. Then, a few of us will remain here for the night to keep an eye on things. I stay by Reagan’s side as the Prospects make sure we all have things to drink and eat through the rest of the day. I ignore the looks of the nurses as they find excuses to come by the waiting room to eye fuck all of us. The only woman I want is by my side and I don’t need to look at another woman for any reason.

Chapter Eleven


TWO WEEKS HAVE passed since Alex had her daughter. They named her Adeline Kimberly and she’s the most precious little girl I’ve ever seen in my life. We all stayed at the hospital for the fifteen hours it took for her to make her grand entrance into the world and I wouldn’t have been anywhere else. I might just be getting to know the members of this club, but Alex is nice and I really enjoyed talking to her when the guys had church. She doesn’t take any bullshit and her past is horrible. We didn’t get into a ton of details, but the few she gave me were horrendous. She’s so fucking strong and I’m glad Reaper helped her get out of the situation she was in and loves her every day. If anyone deserves to be loved completely by a man, it’s her.

Since then, I’ve been going to the clubhouse with Trax more. I like hanging out there and I’m slowly getting to know everyone. Alex hasn’t been around but that’s no surprise as she adjusts to being a mom of two and doesn’t want the baby around a lot of people right now. It’s understandable since Adeline’s immune system isn’t strong enough to protect her from everything out in the world. We don’t want her to get sick because we have a cold or something else that could hurt her. I have been spending time with Round’s daughter Marsha. Round was a member of the club who was killed while out with Reaper and the guys. Marsha’s another adorable little girl and I love hanging out with her while Alex is busy and needs a break from having both babies at the same time.

I’ve had my follow-up appointment with the doctors in Iron Head and they’re really happy with my healing so far. My knee does not need to have surgery to repair any damage to it. It’s still slightly swollen and it hurts, but I have a brace on and I’m allowed to use crutches when I finally heal from my arm and wrist injury. Though, I’m hoping by then I won’t need to use anything. In another week I’ll be able to start physical therapy at the house and I can’t wait. It’s going to be hard because of my arm still being heavily wrapped up and healing. It is healing, but I still have a few weeks before they’ll even talk about removing the bandages and letting me start the necessary therapy to ensure I regain full use of it.

Trax listened to everything the doctor said and he’s not letting me do anything I’m not supposed to. He’s taking my recovery extremely hard and will only let me up out of bed and into the wheelchair. From there, I can go anywhere I want on the first floor, but he also still has to help me in the bathroom because I’m not able to pull my pants up yet. I’m going to try standing on my leg so I can use one hand to pull them up, but for now, I’m letting him help me when he can and I try to figure out what he needs to do when he’s feeling bad about the shit I went through at Peter’s hands. The stupid fucker will get his at some point and I’m going to make sure he does. It might not be by my hands, but one way or another he’ll pay for everything he’s taken from me.

Yes I still plan on going to campus and going to school to get my degree. I don’t want to run into Peter, but I know eventually I’m going to see him. That he’s going to make my life a living hell there because that’s the kind of person he is. So, for now, I’m trying not to think about it. I’ve got another week at least before I can go back to campus so there’s still time to change my mind. For now, I’ve been doing my classwork online so I don’t get too far behind. I’ve even managed to turn a few of my assignments in early because there’s not much else for me to do at the house. So, I’ve been moving forward with the reading and working on my papers and other things that have been assigned or are listed in the syllabus we got at the beginning of the year.

Today is another day we’re at the clubhouse. Rebel and a few other Fallen girls are preparing a feast in celebration for the newest addition to the family. I’ve tried to go in and help, but Trax found out quick as fuck and pushed me out of the kitchen and back into the common room. He also got Alex to bring Marsha to the clubhouse so I could hang out with her instead of trying to push myself and cook or get hurt because I don’t have full use of both of my arms. It’s just been ingrained in me to help cook and bake for so many years. I’ve always tried to help my mom and the other ol’ ladies whenever we celebrated anything at the clubhouse or for the club.

Sitting in the common room, I’m waiting on one of the Prospects to get here when the front door of the clubhouse opens up so hard it slams into the wall. A woman barely wearing any clothing comes strutting in as if her shit don’t stink. The entire time she looks around until her eyes land on me and she glares in my direction. Her path immediately changes so she’s heading my way and I know this is the bitch Trax and my brother have been telling me about. I’m confused because the last I heard is that she was locked in one of the rooms here so they can do a DNA test to see if the baby she carries is actually my brother’s or not. I’m guessing it’s not and this skank is just buying her time by remaining within the clubhouse so she can make Trax fall in love with her. Yeah, he told me all about her obsession with him and I can see the crazy in her eyes as she gets closer to me.

“So, you’re the little bitch who thinks she can come in here and steal my man from me?” she barks out, her voice all high-pitched and whiny like the skank she is.

“No, I’m the woman Trax claimed as his ol’ lady. A woman who isn’t obsessed with him and lying to everyone here just so I can keep some kind of claim on a man who wants nothing to do with me. I mean, if desperation is your thing, I can tell you it doesn’t look good on you. Trax will never want you. He won’t fuck you, let you near his cock with your hands or mouth, and you won’t be in the clubhouse for longer than it takes to get the results of the DNA test showing my brother isn’t the father of the baby you carry. Trax was never your man and if you think running your mouth is going to scare me away, then you’re dumber than I thought to begin with,” I inform her as the door opens and a few guys come in the clubhouse as quietly as they can so this skank doesn’t hear or see them until they’re ready to make their presence known.

“That’s where you’re wrong, you little slut. You’re gonna leave here and leave Trax the fuck alone. He will be my man and it’s just a matter of time before that happens. I don’t give a fuck about this baby and I know it’s not your brother’s. He wouldn’t touch me even when he was drunk. Savage even knows that I belong to Trax and since they’re best friends, there’s no reason for him to go after what his friend wants. Once I have this bastard, there won’t be anything stopping Trax from claiming me. He might have told the rest of the guys here that he’s claimed you, but he really hasn’t. You don’t even have a rag. If he truly wanted you, you’d be wearing that right now. Since I don’t see one on your back, I know for a fact he’s holding out for me and no one else. Trax just wanted to protect you for some reason and gave you the illusion of being his ol’ lady for right now,” the bitch states as if she’s got everything all figured out.

“Bitch, I can tell you right now that I will be wearing Trax’ rag as soon as he gets it in. It’s already been ordered and there was an emergency with the person who does them for the club. Again, if you knew anything, you’d realize that. So, no, I don’t have a rag right this second. It’s just a matter of time before it’s covering my back so everyone knows exactly who I belong to and who belongs to me. The difference between you and me is that I’m not just some dumb skank spewing a bunch of words about a man belonging to her. He’s claimed me and right here and now, I’m claiming him. Trax is my man and you’re not gonna take him from me. I might not be able to do anything right now because I’m injured, but when I’m healed, I will put you on your fucking ass so quick you don’t understand what’s even happening to you. Unlike you, I can fight and it doesn’t involve bitchy little slaps and hair pulling. I can shoot multiple guns, and I’m not afraid of some delusional skank who’s going to end up put to ground,” I promise her, as Trax finally steps away from the guys he’s been standing with and listening to our exchange.

“Happy to hear you claim me back, pixie. I’m yours as much as you’re mine. There’s no way in fuck I’m gonna push you aside for a nasty piece of pussy like the one standin’ in front of you right now. She doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talkin’ about and I wouldn’t ever touch her with a ten-foot pole and someone else’s cock. Though, it’s good to know that you know Savage isn’t the father of the baby you carry, Precious,” Trax says, his voice low and deadly as he stands next to me and rests his hand on my shoulder while Precious stares at him with her mouth hanging open and her eyes narrow into a glare that might threaten a child but not me.

“Trax, you can’t mean that. She’s not your woman. I am. This slut doesn’t mean anything to you and I know you were just trying to help her for some reason. It’s time for Savage to take over caring for his slutty sister so you can stand at my side. And, the baby is Savage’s. I told you guys that when this all started,” she lies, her face turning a mottled shade of red as she finally realizes how fucked she is.

“Why aren’t you in the room you’re supposed to be in, Precious?” Reaper barks, his loud voice making me jump a little in the wheelchair.

“I was let out. Thought you guys had finally come to your senses and let me out so I can get my man and we can start our life together,” she says, the lie filling her eyes as she looks at the floor and nowhere else.

“Yeah, that didn’t happen. If someone let you out, it wasn’t on our orders. Who do you have helpin’ you, Precious?” he questions, stepping even closer to her as she looks around trying to find a place to hide from the men circling her.

“I’m not telling you a fucking thing. I don’t have to,” she states like a fucking toddler instead of the so-called adult she is.

“That’s okay. We’ll figure it out and then whoever your accomplice is will also be taken care of one way or another. I’m gonna get Doc in here to do the DNA test now. It shouldn’t be too early for that to happen. Once we know for sure the baby doesn’t belong to a single member of this club, you’ll be out bad and no one will fuckin’ come near you. You won’t be allowed to remain in Clinton City or anythin’. I hope all this shit was worth it, Precious, because you’re fuckin’ done here,” Reaper says, the guys grabbing her arms before she can try to outrun them as she gets removed from the common room while kicking and screaming the entire time.

I wince with how loud her screams are. They echo off the walls of the common room and I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to hear this shit. All the guys cover their ears as a few of the Fallen girls run out of the kitchen to find out what’s going on. They stare at Precious with smirks on their faces. Well, all but one of them. Her face pales the second she realizes Precious has been discovered out of the room she’s supposed to be locked in. A gentle nudge to Trax and he nods his head to let me know he’s seeing what I am. This bitch knows something about how Precious really got out of the room she’s been locked in and I’m sure the guys will talk to her about this situation before too long.
