Page 28 of Tame Me

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“Trax messaged you?” I ask him as I open the passenger side door.

“Yeah. Gotta get you to the clubhouse,” he responds without looking at me. “You got the keys to the car?”

“They’re in the ignition,” I inform him as I look at the driver’s side to be sure Trax left the keys there.

“So fuckin’ stupid to leave keys in a vehicle,” he mumbles to himself.

“No, it’s really not. He left them in here this morning in case something like this happened. There’s no way in fuck I’m getting on the back of your bike when you’re not my man and Trax wouldn’t allow me on your bike anyway. He doesn’t trust you and not many others do after the shit you’ve done,” I tell him, not bothering to hold back because the way he’s looking at me is unnerving and making me wonder if this is legit.

“Wouldn’t put your fat ass on my bike if I were paid all the fuckin’ money in the world. The only reason I’m even here today is because the other Prospects were busy. I drew the short fuckin’ stick. Sit back and shut the fuck up. I’m not gonna listen to your fuckin’ stupid ass the entire ride to the club,” Connor growls out, his hand clenching into a fist and I have no doubt he’d hit me right now if we weren’t on our way to the clubhouse.

To keep myself safe, I sit back in the passenger seat and look out the window. There’s nothing I can say that will help this situation because I hate this stupid fucker. Connor is a fucking poser and hardly even rides his bike. The more I think of everything about him, the more I realize he truly wants nothing to do with the Fallen Brethren MC. He’s here for a reason, but I can’t figure out what that reason is. Trax needs to know this information. Pulling out my phone, I look back up to see we’re passing the turnoff for the clubhouse.

“Where are you taking me? You just passed the clubhouse,” I ask him, fear filling my voice as I go to unlock the door prepared to jump out if necessary.

“You’ll find out soon enough, you stupid slut. Always a fuckin’ tease with your fuckin’ innocent act. You grew up in a fuckin’ club and I have no doubt you were fuckin’ every member there,” Connor growls out as hate fills me from his typical bullshit thought about women growing up in a club.

"First of all, two of those men are my dads. Second of all, the rest of those men are my uncles, cousins, and best friends. I have never fucked any man other than my man. Not that it’s any of your fucking business. Though, I can see why you joined this club. Thought you’d get more pussy than you can handle. That’s not the case though, is it Connor? The Fallen girls don’t touch the Prospects for the most part and you are given a wide berth from them. They all see how fucking fake you are. You’re not a fucking biker in any sense of the word and it’s not hard to see. You hid it for a while as you did the shit jobs and stuff. When it comes time to step up and prove yourself to the men who would give you their complete loyalty and a life worth living, you’re willing to betray them. For what?” I ask him, needing to give myself some time so I can figure out how to get out of this mess I currently find myself in.

“I can’t stand bein’ in that fuckin’ club. My life is spent at fuckin’ country clubs and goin’ out to elegant fuckin’ dinners and clubs. Havin’ to stoop this fuckin’ low is beneath me and I can’t wait until I drop your ass off so I can fuckin’ get back to my real life. A life where stupid skanks like you wouldn’t even register to me,” he says, giving me a little insight to who he truly is as I pull up Trax’ name on my phone to call him.

“And I’m sure you’re no better than Peter with having to rape and beat women to bust a nut. You’re fucking pathetic and nothing more than a fucking coward. Real men, like Trax, are the ones women want and it drives you fucking insane to know they’d rather have a biker than you. Money doesn’t mean shit to any woman who values her life, respect, and knows what she’s worth. The only women falling on your dick are the ones who want to use you for your money and then toss you to the side. Like I said, fucking pathetic. You’re so desperate for a woman, you accept any fucking scrap of attention you get for the second they deem you worthy enough,” I taunt him, knowing I hit the nail on the head when he finally lashes out.

Connor slams his fist to the side and barely grazes my jaw as I start laughing. With how wild he threw the punch, the car starts moving back and forth on the road. He’s sped up and I honestly worry about us crashing because he’s becoming out of control. Maybe I shouldn’t have taunted him this bad while he’s behind the wheel.

“Shut. Up!” he screams out, his voice cracking as he gets the car back under control. “You don’t know anythin’ you’re talkin’ about you stupid little slut. I don’t even know how Trax can stand bein’ around you when you’re so fuckin’ annoyin’. There’s only one thing your mouth should be doin’ and it ain’t talkin’,” he growls out, his voice filled with lethal intent as he lashes out once again.

This time Connor manages to land a solid punch to my temple. Thankfully it’s not the side of my head that the cyst is on. I don’t need to be going into a seizure right now when I have no clue where I’m being taken or to who. I mean, I’m sure I’ll be taken to Peter, but I’d like to know where the fuck I’m going. Connor finally realizes I have my phone in my hand and it only angers him more. He rips it from me and tosses it out the window he’s just opened. The rush of air fills the car and whips my hair around me as I try to keep my focus on him and only him.

I don’t have time to react as he throws one more punch so hard it knocks me out. My body slumps against the passenger window before everything goes dark. The last thing I see is a cruel smirk on Connor’s face. He’s going to take me to Peter and make sure I never see my man again. I just hope Trax realizes how much I truly love him and that my only goal is to spend the rest of my life with him. That’s not going to happen now, but I hope he knows that I loved the time we’ve been able to spend together so far. And, I hope my family knows I love them and they have always been my support system no matter how frustrated and upset I got with them. If Peter gets his hands on me again, there’s no coming back for me. He’ll kill me just because I don’t want to be his and I belong to Trax.

Chapter Eighteen


KNOWING REAGAN IS at the house with only Connor to watch over her has me on fucking edge. I get why she didn’t want to come to the clubhouse today, but it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. If Greg, Jay, or Jonah could’ve been the one to stay with her, I’d be perfectly okay. However, Connor is a completely different story altogether. He has something to do with Peter and we’re still trying to figure out what the fuck the connection is. There’s no one who can sit here and tell me that he doesn’t have some kind of link to the fucker who I want to gut because of the coincidences that took place when Reagan first started going to campus for class once again. Peter was always showing up where she was and there’s only one way he’d be able to know her location at all times. Connor is the only thing that makes sense because he hasn’t been able to find her every second of the day since we took him off of her protection duty.

With the other Prospects busy today, Connor was the only one available. I even tried to say Reaper could catch me up with church after it was over and I could bring Reagan here with me. He didn’t go for it. There’s too much to deal with today and I have to be here for it. Savage tried the same thing only to be turned down as well. Reaper knows how we all feel about Connor and doesn’t exactly trust him either. It doesn’t mean he’ll change his mind about him watching over her today. He feels that if she stays at the house and doesn’t make a move from there that she’ll be okay. No one can get in the house because Connor doesn’t know the code to the gate to let anyone in. If they try to climb it and get in that way, they’ll be in for a nice surprise.

Hawk helped me set up an electric charge to anyone who thinks about climbing any part of the gate or fence surrounding my house. I don’t have a regular fence so a potential intruder can’t cut the wires or a hole in the wood. I have a cement wall surrounding my property. It cost a fortune, but I’m glad that I made the decision to go this route with Reagan there. It’s the only thing that gives me a sense of peace that she’ll be okay and I don’t have to worry about Connor getting to her. He doesn’t have a key to my house and the only other way to open the door is to put a code into the panel right next to it. Another thing he doesn’t have access to. Reagan knows not to leave the house and promised me she’s going to spend the day working on her accounting project since she’s so close to being done with it.

“Trax, are you payin’ attention?” Reaper questions me, understanding filling his voice as he looks at me.

“Nope. Not gonna lie. I’m gettin’ a horrible feelin’ about my girl bein’ at the house with no one but Connor watchin’ over her. I know she’s good as long as she doesn’t leave, but I don’t trust him. If he’s gonna make a fuckin’ move, it’s gonna happen now while we’re all here for church and the other Prospects are busy,” I answer him honestly, my eyes moving around the table as I speak.

“I get it. Reagan is a smart girl and grew up in a club. She knows how to protect herself and won’t let Connor get close to her. If there were any other way to keep him away from her, I’d be doin’ it. Today just isn’t workin’ in our favor,” Reaper states as he looks between Savage and me.

“I know. Still doesn’t make it any easier to fuckin’ deal with. Now, can we wrap this shit up so I can get home to my girl?” I ask, knowing we still have more than a few things to discuss here today.

“Everyone has been updated on the situation with Reagan. You’re all to keep an eye out when you are anywhere near Reagan. Her man, brother, and Wild Kings family have given us their trust when it comes to protectin’ her. We’re not gonna let them down. She’s priority number one. We’ve gone over club business and know where all the businesses stand. We’re doin’ good. Better than last year. As long as we keep growin’, we’re gonna be makin’ more and more money. That’s always a good thing if you ask me. Now, what about the situation with Precious? I’m hearin’ some shit and it doesn’t make me happy,” Reaper says as he looks around the table while I sit up straighter in my seat because this is news to me.

“What the fuck did you hear about that skank?” Savage barks out, his voice low and deadly with the thought of what she tried to do to him.

“She’s back in Clinton City. I don’t know how she got back or where she is, but my intel says that she’s been here for at least a week. Have any of you seen her or anyone who resembles her?” Reaper questions, again looking around the table at all of us because we’re out more than he is now that he’s got Alex and the girls.

Everyone says they haven’t seen her in town or anywhere nearby. I know I haven’t seen her. Though, I’ve been spending all of my time with Reagan. But, even when we’re driving through town, there’s been no sight of her. If she’s in town, then she’s hiding really good. Or being hidden by whoever the baby’s dad is. That’s my bet when it comes to this situation. The man who knocked her up is the one helping her stay hidden and there’s no doubt in my mind about it.

“Was there any indication about who the baby’s dad is?” I ask the table as I look around.
