Page 30 of Tame Me

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“No. I talked to everyone I could to gather information on the fucker. No one really knows anythin’ about him at all. He keeps his personal information private and only shows off who he wants the world to see. I’m guessin’ it’s a lesson from his parents so he doesn’t do anythin’ to tarnish the family name and image. It’s a carefully constructed plan he’s put into place,” Jonah answers as he looks between Reaper, Savage, and myself.

“Okay. If you can think of anythin’ else, let us know immediately. I want to make sure we get Reagan back before Peter does any further damage to her. We all have to remember there’s a short time limit to get her. She hasn’t had a seizure to my knowledge since her attack, but we don’t know if that’s true now. Savage, can you tell us a little bit about her medical condition so we’re all aware of what to watch for when we find her?” Reaper questions as we all look to my best friend.

“Reagan has a cyst on her brain. It disrupts the brain wave pattern she has and is in the central processin’ center of her brain. There’s no definitive trigger to her havin’ a seizure either. Stress, bein’ overheated, not takin’ her medicine, things like that can possibly set her off. Today isn’t such a big deal because she takes her medicine first thing in the mornin’. If she’s gone longer than that, it will be a definite concern because she won’t have the medicine she needs to stop them from happenin’,” Savage tells everyone in the room around us. “The most important thing to remember is to get her to the floor or keep her in bed if she’s already in one. Make sure she doesn’t choke on her vomit because she will more than likely be sick. Keep her tongue out of the way of rollin’ back in her throat and closin’ off her airway or gettin’ bitten off by her teeth. Then, she has to go to the hospital. Trax, gonna need you to get her medicine from the house because I don’t know what she’s on this time. If they changed her meds at all, I won’t know the names to tell them at the hospital and I doubt our parents will know either,” Savage says, his voice sounding completely defeated as he looks around the room.

“Okay. Hawk, go see what you can find out about any possible properties the family owns. Everyone else, I want you ridin’ out in pairs to find any sign of Reagan. Look for Trax’ car because Connor was drivin’ it. I don’t know if Reagan will use it if she gets a chance to escape,” Reaper orders as we all leave the room.

Savage and I head to the house where I grab the medicine she needs to have if we don’t find her today. That’s not a thought I want to entertain, but it’s very possible it could happen. So, we’re going to be prepared to do what needs to be done for my girl. From there, we ride all over town for any sign of my girl, car, or anything else. Rage fills me the longer we ride with no sign of her. I’m ready to burn this fuckin’ city to the ground to find her and I don’t give a fuck who I have to take out to get what I want.

Chapter Nineteen


WAKING UP, I know I’m fucked and that I’m going to be hurt before this is all said and done. My head is already pounding as I remember Connor knocking me out with a few punches. He didn’t like what I had to say about him and how much of a fucking poser he is. However, my mom and dads taught me to stand up for myself and to state the truth. That’s all I was doing. It’s not my fault that he can’t listen to the truth about himself. Every single one of my uncles, cousins, and brothers have let me fight my own battles for the most part. It’s only when someone finds out my weakness that they step in. If anyone ever goes for my head in a fight, that’s when I get help because no one is willing to risk me getting hurt because of someone taking advantage of me and a condition I can’t help having.

I try to move my hands so I can rub my temple, but I meet resistance. Looking up, I find my wrists chained to the headboard of the bed I’m in. My feet are also chained to the bed. I’m completely at the mercy of whoever has me. Looking around the room for anything to tell me where the fuck I am, I take stock of anything that could help me escape. There’s a small window with bars over it so I can’t get out of it even if I could get it open. There’s a light hanging above the bed. It doesn’t have any kind of shade on it or anything. It’s just one of those naked lightbulbs hanging from a wire. A chair is in the room with me off in the corner. There’s also three doors in the room. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize one is more than likely for a bathroom, one to leave the room, and the other will be the closet. That’s just common fucking sense.

The door closest to me opens and I see whose hands I’m in. Peter and that fucking skank from the clubhouse. The one who was trying to pin her pregnancy on my brother. They’re arguing about something as they enter the room and make their way over to the bed. I close my eyes since they haven’t noticed I’m awake just yet. The more information I can gain from them, the better position I’ll be in.

“I told you there’s no reason for you to have her fucking brought here,” the skank whines, her nasally voice worse than anything I’ve ever heard before. “Why are you so fucking obsessed with her? She’s one fucking girl and there’s nothing special about her.”

“You wouldn’t understand. She thinks she’s fucking better than everyone around her and she’s nothing more than a biker slut. I’m gonna make sure to mark her body up to the point no one will ever touch her again,” Peter responds, his voice cold and deadly as he stares at me.

I can feel his eyes on my body and wonder what the fuck he’s thinking. It takes every ounce of my self-control to remain relaxed and not tense up because that would be the quickest way to alert them that I’m awake and listening to them. When I don’t immediately feel him touch me, a small part of me realizes he won’t do that with the skank with him for some reason.

“I don’t give a fuck if she thinks she’s better than me or not. The stupid slut has the man I want and there’s no way I’m going to let that stand because Trax belongs to me. He was gonna make me his ol’ lady before she showed the fuck up. Now he won’t even look at me,” the slut says as she steps up closer to the bed where I’m still laying with my eyes closed.

“You’re carrying my fucking baby and you’re still worried about that fucking piece of shit? The guy who fucking beat me in front of a fucking crowd and my parents won’t let me retaliate because of the club he belongs to. Where the fuck are your priorities? You told me you weren’t gonna fuck with him after finding out you were carrying my child. Now you’re going back on your word,” Peter growls out, anger filling his voice and making me fill with fear even more because that’s the same way he sounded the day he beat the shit out of me.

“Trax doesn’t mean what you think he does, baby. You’re the guy I’m with. I just want to make sure that she doesn’t have him because she doesn’t deserve to have him. He’s a good guy and she’s nothing more than a slut who pretends to be so innocent and sweet. My priorities are making sure you don’t get fucked over by this bitch and raising our baby together. You know we’re supposed to be getting married soon and yet you’re still so obsessed with her. Maybe I should be asking where your priorities are and what’s going on in your fucking mind when it comes to her,” she says, anger making her voice even more high-pitched than normal.

“I just want to fucking knock her down to the fucking ground where she fucking belongs. She deserves to fucking be hurt more than anyone else in the fucking world. What I want to do to her will fucking destroy her and that’s all I want to happen. Nothing else,” he says, making my blood run cold because I know what he’ll do to destroy me and how much it will fucking hurt.

“Why the fuck hasn’t she woken up yet? Connor said he just hit her. That shouldn’t knock her ass out for this long,” the skank questions as she shuffles even closer to the bed.

“I don’t fucking know. You heard the same shit from him that I did. He’ll be back soon and then we can find out what the fuck happened. He was gonna go get rid of the car so they can’t find us that way. The asshole might not know much about what’s said or goes on at the clubhouse, but he does know there’s a possible tracker on the car and that’s the last thing we need. He’s tossed her phone already so they can’t track her that way and she’s not wearing her rag for some reason,” Peter answers as I feel his fingertips running down my arm. “I’m glad my parents took him in when he needed them too. He’s a cousin who ended up being raised in privilege because his parents were killed. Now it’s time for him to pull his weight and help the fucking family.”

I want to flinch away from him, but I know that will alert him to me being awake. Right now, I need them to believe I don’t hear them. It’s very interesting to me to know that the skank is pregnant by Peter. He fucked a known slut and knocked her up. It takes a real fucking idiot to make that kind of mistake. One he wasn’t thinking about because it takes two fucking seconds to put a condom on. No, Trax and I aren’t using them, but our situation is different to the one I’m currently in the middle of. I wonder if the guys know this detail about the situation yet. Something to think about.

They talk some more and I keep listening to them as Peter starts to go into detail about what he needs to make me pay for the sins that I’ve supposedly committed against him. It sends horrible chills through me to know he’s going to hurt me so bad. And that he’s not going to work alone because this skank wants some kind of payback for me taking her man. A man who never wanted her and wouldn’t have touched her with another man’s dick. He’s already told her that. When they finally leave me alone in the room again, I know I have to get the fuck out of here. I’m only going to have one chance to escape and I can’t fuck it up.

I have no sense of time. The window in the room is so fucking coated with a layer of thick grime that even when the sun is shining bright, it doesn’t make the room brighten up. I could have been chained to this bed for a few hours or a few days at this point. The only thing I know for sure is that my head is still pounding, I’ve listened to the fuckers having sex multiple times, and that Connor will be back soon with everything Peter wants so he can start fucking me up. I’m pretty sure at one point Connor even joined in when they were having sex and that’s just fucking disgusting. Not because they had a threesome but because of who was involved in it. I grew up knowing more than one relationship that involved three people and not just two. It’s nothing new to me considering my mom is one of those women who has two men.

Right now, I feel so fucking sick and it’s taking everything in me to not throw up all over the place. I don’t have a clue why I’m so sick unless it’s because of the pain in my head. That’s the only explanation I’m letting enter my head right now because if I think of the other possible reason I’m so sick today, I’m going to lose my fucking mind. It means my life isn’t the only one in danger. There’s possibly a baby involved if I let my head go in that direction. So, I’m not thinking about it at all.

I do know I found a bobby pin that was just close enough for me to reach with the limited movement of my hands. I haven’t heard from Peter and the skank for a while so I’m going to try and get out of the cuffs right now. Peter is so fucking cocky, he’s not even locking the door when they left me in here. I heard Connor asking him why it wasn’t locked. The response was too muffled for me to hear it properly though.

Just as I go to make my escape, I hear footsteps making their way to the room I’m in. I slide the bobby pin under the pillow I’ve got my head on so it’s hopefully not found. Turning my head away from the door, I don’t pay them any attention because if there’s one thing I know about Peter and this slut, it’s that they’re attention whores and the less I give them, the more it’s going to anger them. That’s when they’ll start making mistakes and where I can get the fuck away from them.

“You’re finally awake,” Peter says, his voice making my blood run cold as he slurs his words. “Took you fucking long enough. Connor must have hit you harder than he thought.”

I don’t say anything in response because there’s no point in responding to him. Peter growls and steps closer to the bed. He yanks my hair back and turns me to face him. For a drunk asshole, he’s got more strength than I thought he would. My scalp stings where the hair is being pulled and I know this is going to leave a mark because Peter’s not going to give a fuck about ripping my hair out.

“Nothing to say now? You’ve had plenty to say since I got my hands on you the last time. Your little fucking boyfriend has had no problem running his mouth either. Spreading nothing but lies about me at all times,” Peter slurs again, his breath making me gag as he moves into my face.

“Nothing we said was a lie. You’re nothing but an abusive little bitch who won’t ever raise his hands to a grown ass man, but has no problem beating the shit out of a woman because you see her as weaker than you. You would’ve sexually assaulted me if the cops hadn’t stopped you when they did. That’s because my man is a real fucking man and would never have to resort to that shit to get a woman of his own. Not someone’s sloppy seconds. Even your current girl is sloppy as fuck and every man in Clinton City has had a piece of her. If that’s your type then I wish you all the luck in the world because she’s gonna fuck you over and take every penny you have. More than likely your parents’ money as well. Again, if that’s your type then there’s nothing here for you,” I state, my voice filled with all the hate I have for this stupid fucker standing over me as if he’s the best man in the world.

“You wouldn’t know a real fucking man if you were beat upside the head by one. Oh wait, I already did that shit and you still don’t see me as a man,” Peter growls out, anger filling his voice even more.
