Page 31 of Tame Me

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“Again, that doesn’t make you a man. It makes you a bitch because you have to fuck me over and hurt me because you’re nothing at the end of the day. The only time my man touches me is to get me to scream out his name in nothing but pleasure. Something he does every fucking night,” I taunt him, pushing him to see how far he’s willing to go right now.

“You stupid bitch! You swore you were a virgin!” he shouts, slamming his fist into the wall above my head so hard the drywall crumbles beneath his touch and rains down on me. His second hit lands just above my eye and opens a cut.

I refuse to scream out in pain because I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’s hurting me. I press my lips together and hold them tight as I realize Peter isn’t going to hurt me too bad right now. He doesn’t have all the toys he wants to use against me yet. I haven’t heard Connor’s voice again so I know he’s not back yet. That’s about the only thing that gives me the smallest bit of hope that I won’t be too hurt before I can get out of here.

“I was a virgin when I met you. I mean before you turned into the giant douche canoe you truly are. Now, my man has the pleasure of takin’ my virginity and bein’ the only man who knows my body completely,” I tell him, further tormenting him as the look in his eyes turns wild.

“That wasn’t yours to give the fuck away, slut. I told you that you belong to me and that means every fucking inch of your body and every aspect of your life. You’re nothing without being at my side and you know it as well as I do,” he spits out, his spittle covering my face and making me gag to the point I can’t stop it from happening.

I get sick all over Peter and the edge of the bed they’ve got me chained to. He roars out in anger because it’s not a little bit. Peter is fucking covered and I wait for him to lash out at me again. Fortunately for me, he doesn’t touch a hair on my head. Peter runs from the room, gagging the entire time. I can’t stop the laughter from filling me as I realize he can’t stand the sight of vomit and yet he’s about to have a baby with a skank. I have no doubt that he’ll be the main one taking care of the baby. The skank will be too worried about spreading her legs and making sure she fucks as many men as possible. Though, I have a feeling nannies and other staff will have the baby more often than either one of the parents. I guess it’s better than being hit and abused on a daily basis.

For now, I relax back against the bed as I listen to Peter stumble as he tries to run down the hallway. It’s not going to be good for him with how drunk he is. The skank starts screaming from somewhere and I know she’s seeing him covered in fucking vomit. This is going to make for an interesting little while until he can get himself cleaned up. Though it also means they’ll be leaving me alone.

Peter starts yelling and screaming at the slut until I hear something crash to the ground. Either he hurt her or he fell over when he was trying to fucking get to the bathroom in his rush. Personally, I don’t give a fuck either way because the longer it takes them to get cleaned up and changed, the less time they’ll have to spend on hurting me. So, I’m happy they’re fighting and Peter’s not cleaning himself up right now. All bets are off once Connor gets back. I have no doubt in my mind he’ll fucking take care of the job himself if Peter’s too drunk or still fucking around.

Chapter Twenty


YESTERDAY WAS AN absolute clusterfuck. No one found any sign of Connor, Reagan, or anyone else. We still can’t say for sure that Connor or Peter are the ones who have my girl, but it doesn’t take a genius to know that’s what’s happened here. They’ve been fucking with us this entire time and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that Connor is the one helping Peter because he’d have some information on the club and our movements on a regular basis. Yes, we’ve been keeping him even farther out of the loop lately, but he did have to sit with Reagan at the house yesterday. If I knew this was going to be the outcome, then I wouldn’t have left her home while I came to the clubhouse. She would’ve been with me and this would not have happened. Reagan would be at my side and safe. Now, I’m trying to figure out where the hell she is.

Savage and I spent hours out searching for any sign of anything. Even when the others stopped and went back to the clubhouse, we remained out riding around Clinton City and the surrounding towns. I’m so fucking filled with rage that I’m not tired, hungry, or anything. The only thought consuming me is Reagan and finding her to bring her home. She needs her medicine and to be seen by a doctor to make sure she’s okay since she didn’t get her medicine this morning.

We rode up and down each road, stopped at every single abandoned property, and talked to anyone we could find out on the street throughout the night. No one has seen anything out of the ordinary or any sign of Reagan. Thankfully I’ve got a ton of pictures of her on my phone that I could show to people. With every person saying they haven’t seen her, my hope only diminished more and more. Savage wasn’t doing any better than me. We’re both lost and doing everything we possibly can to find Reagan. He’s even called his parents to let them know what’s going on. They’re now on their way here and should be here soon.

“Savage, you go on to the clubhouse. Your parents will be here soon and you should be there for them. I know Reaper doesn’t want us ridin’ alone, but I’m okay to stay on my own and keep searchin’ for her,” I say through the comms we have in all of our helmets.

“Nope. I’m not leavin’ you, Trax. If anyone is gonna find Reagan, it will be the two of us. Or my parents. I know our dads will be out here searchin’ as soon as they get Mom settled in at the clubhouse. So, for now, we’ll keep searchin’ on our own and find her as soon as we can. Remember, we can’t give her the medicine when we get her because the first thing we need to find out is if she’s had a seizure. The second we get to the hospital, they’ll let us know what they want us to do. That’s what we’ve had to do in the past from what I can remember,” Savage returns, his voice full of determination as we ride down the road.

“Savage, I’m fine. There’s no reason for us to both be out here when your parents will be here any time. Go see your mom, get somethin’ to eat, and then come back out with your dads. I don’t need to eat or anythin’ right now,” I state, twisting the throttle and speeding up slightly more than Savage so I can keep riding and hope he turns around to go to the clubhouse.

Before Savage can say a word in response to what I’ve just said, I see my car driving down the road. Twisting the throttle once again, I race to the car and get up even with the driver’s door to see Connor behind the wheel. He looks over at me and his face pales completely. Looking away from me, Connor tries to speed up to get away from me. It’s not gonna happen, but he can try it anyway. I call Reaper to let him know what’s going on and to have someone bring out the van because I’m about to make sure my car gets totaled if that’s what it takes to bring Connor down.

“What’s up, Trax?” Reaper answers his phone, his tone showing how exhausted he is.

“I’m lookin’ at Connor right now. He’s tryin’ to get away from me with my car. Reagan’s not with him so he’s already dropped her off somewhere. Gonna need a fuckin’ van or somethin’ to bring this stupid fucker back to the clubhouse,” I inform him, his voice filled with the exhaustion he’s feeling since this all started.

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? Where are you?” he questions me, anger filling his voice now.

“We’re headin’ out of town. Guessin’ he was on his way to dump my car. Old state road twenty. I’m gonna try to get him to pull over and I may end up crashin’ my bike in doin’ so. Not givin’ a shit what has to be done because this could mean the difference between gettin’ Reagan back before she has a seizure or gets hurt and not gettin’ her back in time,” I tell him as Savage pulls up to the passenger side of the car.

“Sendin’ someone out now. I’ll make sure someone brings the tow truck to get the car and bike if it’s needed,” he says before hanging up the phone.

Pulling my gun from the back of my jeans, I point it at Connor. He looks over long enough to see the gun and I swear he pisses himself realizing how fucking real this situation truly is for him. I will not hesitate to pull the fucking trigger. Even moving down the road like this, I’m a pretty good fucking shot so I can shoot him and not kill him in order to get him to fucking stop. Connor must realize this because he drops his head down slightly and indicates he’s gonna pull over on the side of the road.

Looking over, Savage has his own gun pulled. I know he’s as good of a shot as I am and will make a shot to do enough damage to Connor but not kill him. He gets my car pulled over on the side of the road, shuts the engine off, and removes the keys from the ignition. Tossing them into the passenger side seat, he keeps his hands raised in an attempt to prove he’s not gonna try to fight this shit. I shut my bike off and put down the kickstand down before getting off my bike. Keeping my gun trained on him, I yank open the door and pull him from the driver’s seat to toss him on the ground at my feet.

“Don’t fuckin’ move!” I yell out as Savage comes around the car and trains his gun on Connor as well. “Savage, get the fuckin’ zip ties and tape out of my saddle bags. We’re gonna make sure this fucker can’t get away from us before everyone else gets here.”

“On it. You already called them?” he questions as he gets the items I requested.

“Yeah. Got a tow truck and van comin’ now. By the time we get back to the clubhouse, I hope your fuckin’ parents are here and can join in on the fun,” I state, watching Connor squirm even more because he knows how Joker and Cage are when it comes to his kids.

Savage and I get Connor tied up so he can’t move anywhere and I put a thick layer of tape over his mouth. I don’t buy the cheap tape either. This shit is gonna hurt him when I rip it off for him to talk once we’re back at the clubhouse. I lean in my car to find Reagan’s bag. It’s on the floor of the passenger side. There’s no sign of her cell phone anywhere in the car. Rage and fear consume me as my mind goes to everything that can be happening right now to my girl.

We’re finally pulling back into the clubhouse after waiting for the guys to show up and pick Connor up from the side of the road. He didn’t move or try to fight until the van got there. Then he tried everything in his weak power to stay out of the van to get taken back to the clubhouse. He knows he won’t be leaving there alive and that his time is now up. I don’t know why the fuck he ever believed he’d get out of this shit, but he truly did. Connor is stupid as fuck but has some people working to keep his past a secret. Hawk has been digging into him and there’s no information out there. The background check that was done on him when he first joined the club was false and Hawk didn’t pick up on it at the time for some reason.

I park in my spot in the line of bikes and quickly get off my bike after shutting the engine off and making sure the kickstand is down. Rushing in through the main door, I don’t stop to look around at who’s in the common room. It doesn’t matter to me because we’re so close to getting the information we need to bring Reagan home to us. Savage is so close to me, he almost steps on the back of my feet more than once. We manage to get down the steps to the basement without tripping or falling on our faces to find Connor being led into one of the cells we have down here.
