Page 32 of Tame Me

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I strip off my cut and hang it up on a hook just outside the door of the cell we’ll be working in today. Savage repeats my movements as we make our way into the cell without our cuts. Jonah and Jay take complete joy in chaining him to the chair in the middle of the room. Whenever Connor tries to fight against their hold, the guys who stepped up for Reagan ‘slip’ and land a hit or two to his body making him groan out in pain. I can’t stop myself from laughing because it’s funny as fuck. Connor honestly thought he would get out of this shit without a scratch on him. Instead, he’s got Prospects beating the fuck out of him and none of us are stopping them as more guys fill the room. Even Reaper isn’t stopping them from getting their hits in with Connor.

When he’s finally chained down, I rub my hands together and step up to the fucking prick who will die here today. Grabbing a corner of the tape covering his mouth, I rip it from his face. Pieces of skin come off his face with the tape and he screams out in pain. Connor glares up at me and opens his mouth to fucking talk shit to me. I can see the defiance and hate in his eyes as he glares around the room at every man before him.

“You all think you’re tough shit and you’re nothing more than a bunch of pussies,” Connor says, pain lacing his voice.

“I’m not a fuckin’ pussy. None of the men standin’ in this room are pussies either. We’re real fuckin’ men who know how to treat a woman and don’t use her for our own selfish gains. Tell me, bitch, what do you gain from takin’ Reagan to Peter? What’s he promised you?” I question him, my voice hard and cold as I bend down to look him in the eyes.

“I don’t gain a damn thing. Peter is my cousin and I’m gladly helping him because Reagan is nothing more than a slut and a cock tease. She’s going to get everything she deserves and more. Peter and that skank from here are with her right now,” Connor informs us, making me smirk because now we know for sure where Precious is.

“So, which one of you are fuckin’ her?” Savage asks, stepping up next to me as Cage and Joker enter the room.

“Peter’s the only one fucking her. My standards are much higher than his. It’s his kid she’s carrying now. The bitch told him she was on birth control and I told him she was fucking lying and that this shit was gonna happen. Peter didn’t wanna listen to me. Now, he’s tied to the bitch for the rest of his life. His parents even threatened to cut him off because of this shit. He’s bringing too much heat to them,” Connor states before shutting his mouth when Cage and Joker step up in front of him.

“Where the fuck is my daughter?” Cage growls out, his hands clenching into fists at his side. “You have about one second to tell me before I cut your fuckin’ tongue out.”

“I’m not telling you shit,” Connor spits out, spitting at Cage.

Cage doesn’t fucking wait for him to say another word. He starts beating the fuck out of him. Joker helps him as Savage and I stand back with the rest of the guys from our club. I want to be the one to hand his ass to him, but Cage and Joker need this shit too. Reagan is their daughter and not only are they pissed about the situation, but they’re scared about what’s going to happen to her. If she’s having a seizure right now and no one’s there to help her.

Leaning against the wall, I watch as they use the tools already laid out to torture the fuck out of Connor. I finally step up when Cage and Joker step back. Savage is giving me this time to get my rage out before he does anything. I mean, if there’s anything left of Connor by the time I’m done. Cage and Joker did a lot of damage to the stupid fucker and I don’t honestly know what I can do with him. However, his chest has a few spots that aren’t currently fucked up beyond repair.

Taking a knife from the stand, I look at Connor and wait for him to look at me too. When he finally does, I don’t hesitate to flash the knife in front of his face.

“This is your last chance. Where the fuck is Reagan bein’ held? She has a medical condition and we need to fuckin’ get to her immediately. If she doesn’t get to the hospital, she could have a seizure. Does Peter know how to handle that? Will he take care of her? Make sure she doesn’t fuck herself up because she’s seizin’? There’s so much none of you even realize when it comes to her. Her death will be on your fuckin’ head too if you don’t tell me right this fuckin’ second where she is,” I tell Connor honestly because we don’t know what’s going on with her.

Connor’s face pales even fucking more with the bombshell I’ve just dropped on him.

“We didn’t know. I don’t want her to fucking die. That was never the plan. Peter just wanted to fucking ruin her for you because she stood up to him. He wants to pay her back for the disrespect and you beating his ass on campus in front of everyone,” Connor says, his voice trembling in fear now. “They’re all at one of the abandoned houses outside of town. It’s one of the old farmhouses. You won’t find a car or anything there because it’s parked in the old barn. The skank and Peter are the only ones there with her. It’s the only house on the fucking road. I wasn’t that far from there when you found me. You have to believe me that I never wanted her to die. The only reason I’m even going along with this shit is because Peter’s my cousin.”

“Don’t give a fuck why you did it. The fact is that you did fuckin’ do this shit. You took my girl away from me without any thought of what was gonna fuckin’ happen to her. That’s Savage’s sister. Cage and Joker’s fuckin’ daughter. I’m not the only one who will fuckin’ burn this world down to protect Reagan. She’s got multiple clubs that love her and will jump at the chance to fuckin’ save her from any motherfucker who wants to hurt her for any reason,” I tell him, my voice hard and cold as I fucking take the knife and start ripping pieces of skin from his body. I let them land on his thighs while not smiling at the screams coming from him.

When I finally finish up, Savage steps up and takes his turn. There’s really nothing left of Connor. He can barely hold his fucking head up as my best friend fucking finally ends his pathetic life. Turning to face Reaper and everyone else, I take a second before racing from the cell. I barely stop long enough to grab my cut. I wouldn’t even be doing that, but the gloves I put on when Cage and Joker were taking their turn with Connor mean I don’t have hands covered in blood.

“Where are you goin’?” Savage asks me as he follows me from the cell with his cut.

“I’m headin’ for my girl. I know where the fuck she is and we don’t have time to put some kind of plan in place. Connor just told us there’s no one there but Precious and Peter. Neither one of them are gonna put up a fuckin’ fight when we all show up. So, I’m not waitin’ and I don’t give a fuck who tries to get me to stop. You can stay here with everyone else if you want, but that’s not gonna be me,” I tell him, taking the steps up to the first floor two at a time.

“I’m not fuckin’ waitin’ either. That’s my fuckin’ sister,” Savage says, his voice letting me know he’s not joking about this. Reagan is the only one he’s concerned about right now. We’ll both take our punishments when we get her back.

“No one’s waitin’,” Reaper says, coming up behind us as we head through the common room and straight outside. “You lead us, Trax. There’s not gonna be a fuckin’ surprise for them or anythin’. I want everyone pullin’ right up to the house and surroundin’ it. Peter and Precious aren’t to be fuckin’ harmed. I say we let those fuckers live and spend the rest of their days in prison where they fuckin’ belong. We can make their stay as uncomfortable as possible for the rest of their miserable lives.”

With a nod of my head, I get on my bike and start the engine as everyone else gets on their bikes. Cage and Joker race to an SUV parked in the lot and get inside to follow us. We make our way out of town and I take us down the road where Reagan is being held. She’s been through more than enough and I told her no one would ever hurt her again. Instead, Peter got her in his clutches and he’s planning on making her pay because he’s a stupid fucker who can’t take rejection or someone he views as weaker than him standing up for what they believe in and going against him. It’s stupid fuckers like him who make me want to take most people out. I don’t like anyone but those in the Fallen Brethren MC.

Chapter Twenty-One


TIME STILL HAS no meaning to me. What I do know is I probably should’ve taken my medicine for the seizures I have by now and that hasn’t happened. It only makes my need to get the fuck out of here grow even bigger. There’s nothing I can do to stop a seizure from happening until I get the medicine I need. If it’s later in the day, I’ll more than likely have to go to the hospital to be checked out and given the medicine before asking the neurologist if I still need my nightly dose. That’s what I’ve had to do in the past. It fucking sucks, but I’ve lived my life this way for so long that I’m used to it. For now, my main concern is getting the fuck out of here and away from Peter and the skank he’s been fucking for however long.

Grabbing the bobby pin I found, I try to pick the locks of the cuffs holding my wrists in place. If I can just get those undone, I’ll be able to get my ankles free in no time at all. The only reason I even know how to do this shit is because it’s one of the things Pops taught me growing up. I don’t know if he teaches all the kids this shit, but he taught me a ton of shit because I was the only one around when we got older. Everyone else was out with friends, on dates, at various sporting events, and whatever else they were doing. Since I wasn’t allowed to do all that shit, Pops spent time with me and taught me so many things just in case something happened and I’d ever need the knowledge. Right now, I’m glad I got this particular lesson.

After several minutes, I finally manage to get one of the cuffs to release. My wrist is sore as fuck since it’s the one that Peter previous injured and I needed to have repaired. Despite still having the brace on it, there’s nothing to stop the pain from shooting up my arm. I take the bobby pin in that hand and release the other cuff. For a few minutes, I rub each of my wrists and inspect any damage to them when I was trying to pull my hands free before finding the bobby pin. It’s not too bad if I’m being honest. It could always be worse.

Before I can get my ankles free, the door of the room slams open. I was so focused on getting free that I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings. That’s one of the first fucking things we’re taught. Now, I’m gonna fucking pay for being free and there’s nothing I can do about that.

My attention turns to Peter and the skank as they make their way in the room with me. They’re already arguing and I know this is going to fucking go to shit before too long.

“You want to make her fucking pay, then do it Peter. Rape this bitch and get it over with,” the skank yells, looking at Peter with anger filling her eyes and face.

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