Page 33 of Tame Me

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“It’s not just about making her pay, Precious. It’s about more than that. This bitch thought she was better than me and made me look like a fucking fool at school. That stupid biker beat the fuck outta me in front of everyone and then told them what I did to this slut. Wouldn’t you want payback if that shit happened to you?” Peter says, neither one of them paying me any attention as they argue back and forth.

“I get they did that shit to you Peter. However, it doesn’t mean that you should drag this shit out if there’s not another reason for you to want her around. Are you just fucking lying to me about everything?” she questions him, her voice getting even colder than a few minutes ago.

“I’m not lying to you about anything. I told you we were gonna be together and raise our baby together. That’s what I’m gonna do. My parents don’t want me to be with you though. So, you have to understand what they want me to give up to be with you. They’re threatening to cut me off from everything. Even my trust fund because they have control of it since they’re lawyers. That’s a ton of fucking money they want me to give up and you want me because of the money,” Peter growls out, his voice washing over me and filling me with dread because he’s about to lose his shit and I don’t see him taking it out on anyone other than me.

“I thought you had a plan in place for the money and everything, Peter? Just make sure we don’t lose that. It’s the only way we’ll be able to get the fuck outta here and away from all this shit. Now, either rape her and make her pay now, or I’m leaving and I’ll tell your parents everything. You won’t have to worry about them cutting you off because I’ll get every fucking penny that belongs to you,” the skank threatens Peter as his entire body tenses up and he steps up in her face.

“My parents wouldn’t listen to you for a fucking second,” Peter says, his face paling with the implications of them learning about what he’s doing right now.

I’m guessing kidnapping me, hurting me, and holding me hostage wouldn’t be something they want him to do for some reason. They’ve been buying off anyone that can make the charges stick and getting him out of trouble at the college. Why would they suddenly stop doing all that shit?

“Oh, but they would. See, I already have a paternity test done to prove the baby is yours. The last time you got drunk, I got a sample of your DNA and had it run. I’ve also got all the messages saved somewhere secure to make sure you can’t erase them from my phone when I’m not paying attention. I’ve even got messages from Connor asking about when he’s needed and everything else. I’m not as stupid as you all think. I’m gonna get what I deserve one way or another. You’re either gonna be at my side as a family or you’ll be in my way and I’ll cut you the fuck loose,” she states, examining her nails as if she’s bored with this conversation.

Peter finally turns to face me and I don’t try to hide the fact that I’ve gotten my hands free. While they were arguing, I managed to hide the bobby pin again. Anger fills his face as he looks at the cuffs hanging loose against the headboard of the bed I’ve been chained to.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he growls out at me as I flinch at the anger in his voice.

“I’m not doing anything. Just laying here in this bed. Connor was going to let me up to go to the bathroom before he left but suddenly left the room after he got my wrists free. I don’t know why he didn’t chain me back up or anything. I’ve been here the entire time waiting for him to come back. I thought he was going to go get me some food or something to drink since I haven’t had anything since I was taken from my home,” I tell him, trying to buy some time and blame this shit on Connor.

“Connor wouldn’t have let you loose unless I told him to. I didn’t tell him anything. So, how did you get free?” Peter questions me as the skank steps up to his side and folds her arms over her chest while glaring at me.

“He really did. I have to go to the bathroom so bad and I thought I was going to be sick again. I’ve already been laying in whatever I threw up the last time. I guess he felt some kind of pity or something for me. He was only going to let me in the bathroom and then he was going to put me back in the cuffs. I swear, Peter. Why would I lie to you about something like this?” I ask him, trying to appear innocent in this situation when that’s the last thing I am.

“I don’t believe her,” the skank says, her voice grating on my nerves as the need to beat the hell out of her consumes me.

“And I wouldn’t believe anything you say either. How many guys are you playing right now? I know Connor isn’t the only one you’re fucking because before you got locked in the room at the clubhouse, you were fucking multiple bikers a day. All in an attempt to get Trax to notice you. My man has standards and you don’t fucking even begin to qualify for them. The pole you start at is so low to the ground I’m surprised Peter even touched you,” I state, pissing her off as she looks at Peter with guilt showing in her eyes.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You were still fucking those vile bikers when you started fucking me? How do I know that baby is really mine? DNA tests can be forged. It’s been proven and done more than once in the past. I’m done trusting your fucking ass,” Peter growls out, grabbing the skank by her arm and leading her to the opposite side of the room.

For the first time since I woke up in this room, I see another set of chains. They’re hanging down from the ceiling and have the same cuffs attached to them as the ones on the bed. Peter locks the skank in them before she realizes what he’s doing and starts to fight him. Her screaming and shrieking hurt my head and I want to slap the fuck outta her so she shuts up. The only reason I haven’t done anything to her yet is because she’s pregnant. I won’t ever hurt a pregnant woman because damage could be done to the baby if things get out of hand.

Peter doesn’t stay in the room with us. He leaves, slamming the door behind him so hard, the entire thing rattles and appears as if it’s going to fall apart. It doesn’t as his stomping footsteps sound farther and farther away from the room. I have no clue how big this house is, but it can’t be that big considering it doesn’t take very long for his footsteps to disappear completely.

The bitch looks at me with hate in her eyes.

“This is all your fucking fault. If you had just left Peter alone, we wouldn’t be in this position right now,” she spits out, her voice full of venom.

“This isn’t my fault at all. Right now, the only reason you’re handcuffed to a fucking wall is because your little secret came out about fucking bikers when you were already carrying Peter’s baby. The fact that you managed to get him to fuck you in the first place says more about him than it does you. I mean, he can have his choice of girls since he’s rich and a good looking guy if you like that kind of thing. At the same time, you’re nothing more than a fucking slut who spreads her legs for everyone she comes into contact with,” I tell her honestly while glaring in her direction because her getting chained up is her fault and only her fault. It has nothing to do with me.

“He wouldn’t have found out about that if you hadn’t opened your big fucking mouth, slut. Peter is so fucking gullible and it’s easy to manipulate him. He thinks with his cock and doesn’t give a fuck who he’s fucking. I know he’s fucking more than just me. We’re both fucking others and don’t give a fuck about the other one at the end of the day. Now we have this fucking baby to think about and that wasn’t ever supposed to fucking happen. Peter refused to wear a condom though,” she says, her voice almost gloating as she says this shit.

“I don’t give a fuck what your arrangement is with him. You’re both fucked up and what the two of you do together is none of my business. It was bad enough I had to hear it here already. That’s fucking disgusting and I grew up in a fucking club. I saw way more than I should have at all times because of that shit. Hearing the two of you have sex is like monkeys fucking in a zoo. And even they aren’t as disgusting as the two of you,” I tell her, leaning back down against the mattress below me. “Now, shut the fuck up since you’re making my headache even worse. Your fucking voice is like nails on a chalkboard.”

“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” she returns, and I want to make a snappy comeback at her but it’s truly not worth it with a bitch like her.

For now, the room is in silence and I close my eyes. While she’s in this fucking room with me, I refuse to open the cuffs holding my ankles in place. There’s no fucking way she’s going to know I can free myself because then she’ll want me to free her to. I’m not about to let her free from the cuffs when she’s working with Peter. For all I know, this is part of their plan to trick me into revealing the truth to them. So, I try to forget her being in the room with me as I stay alert to what’s going on around me.

I must have dozed off again because I’m startled awake by a loud crashing sound coming from somewhere in the house. Precious is still in the cuffs across the room from me. The anger is no longer on her face as she sits uncomfortably on the floor. When she sees me looking in her direction, she tries to glare at me again. It doesn’t work, but it’s funny as hell to me. So, for now I don’t bother saying anything to her or worry about glaring back at her. This shit is already old and I’m ready to go home.

The crashing sounds continue to happen and I know Peter is pissed about something. He’s destroying whatever’s in the house. Precious keeps glancing at the door of the room, waiting for him to come back in the room with us. I look at the door too. If Peter comes in this room with us in the mood he’s currently in, it won’t end good. He won’t care that Precious is pregnant or anything. He’ll hurt her just like he hurt me before.

“I don’t want to see him like this,” Precious whispers, fear filling her voice as she looks back at me.

“I don’t either. The last time he beat the shit out of me he was in this kind of mood. I spent a lot of time in the hospital and started having seizures again. It had been a long time since my last seizure and that’s all changed now because of him,” I tell her, showing more than I want to.

“You have seizures?” she questions, panic filling her voice now.

“I do. Have had them since I was a toddler. I just managed to get my license and everything. Now that’s all gone away,” I tell her, anger filling me with the thought of losing my license again so soon.
