Page 34 of Tame Me

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I barely had my license and the freedom that gives a person because they don’t have to depend on everyone else to take them anywhere they need to go. I’ve lived my entire life based around my seizures and for the first time in my life I didn’t have to constantly worry about having one or something happening because I could get out and live my life to an extent. I didn’t travel very far, but it was still better than waiting for my parents or someone else having to take me places.

“I was going to nursing school a few years ago. My ex got in trouble for cheating at the same college and dragged me into his shit so he wouldn’t get expelled. Instead, they expelled me because I didn’t come from a wealthy family. The club took me in after that because I knew it would be a long time before I’d ever trust another man after the shit my ex pulled. I was in class long enough to go over seizures and what needs to be done if you come across a patient having one. If anything happens to you here, I will be able to help you,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper as she looks at a spot on the floor in front of her.

I’ll never like this bitch, but I kind of get where she’s coming from. Every single girl who walks through the doors of a clubhouse is looking for something. For her, it was a sense of freedom and having sex on her terms. Without everything that comes with being in a relationship and all that shit. She made multiple mistakes after getting in the clubhouse with the Fallen Brethren MC, but I’m sure there are more reasons as to why she is the way she is. Reasons I don’t need to know because she’ll never be my friend and I don’t care about her in any way other than making sure she gets away from Peter so he doesn’t hurt her or the baby.

I lay my head back against the mattress as the crashing and commotion continues from the other part of the house. Peter is really going to town. It’s so loud I can’t hear or focus on anything else. The only important thing right now is he’s leaving us alone in this room and not hurting either one of us. I want to get the bobby pin and continue freeing myself, but he already knows my ankles are still cuffed and if he comes back in to see me completely free, it won’t end good for me at all. So, I remain on the bed and don’t worry about anything else for now. The guys will find me and bring me home very soon.

Chapter Twenty-Two


PULLING UP TO the house where Connor said Reagan is, everyone in the Fallen Brethren MC, Cage, and Joker all surround the small house. It’s clearly an old farmhouse that’s seen better days and looks as if a strong wind will knock it the fuck over. Knowing Peter is hiding out here makes me want to laugh my ass off because he’s used to nothing but the best of everything life has to offer. Now, he’s in a house that more than likely has no electricity, the plumbing is probably shit and not working, and I’m sure there’s nothing there to comfort him in any way that he’s used to. Sucks to be him and I don’t give a fuck how he feels being in this house. The only thing I care about is getting to Reagan and making sure we bring her home where she belongs. The first stop no matter what is going to be making sure she’s looked at in the hospital. I don’t want Doc dealing with this situation today because of her seizures.

I barely have my bike off and the kickstand down before I’m jumping off my bike and racing up on the porch that I’m unsure if it will even hold my weight. Hell, there are five of us standing on it now and I’m seriously worried about us all falling straight through the fucking thing. Between old age, the weather taking its toll on the wood, and any animal that might have done damage could weaken this to the point that we all take a fall before we can get through the door.

“Get the fuck in there!” Reaper says through the comms as I kick the door open and race inside.

Usually, I’d step back after kicking in the door. Today, I know there’s really no threat to me here because Peter’s nothing more than a bitch and Precious wouldn’t know how to fight if her life depended on it. So, instead of stepping back, I race inside to find Peter completely destroying everything that’s not nailed down to the floor. Furniture is turned upside down and in pieces, there’s holes in the walls from him slamming his fists into them, lamps are shattered all over the place, and trash litters the floor of the room we’re in. Peter doesn’t even stop or notice us making our way inside the house with him. He’s so focused on the destruction of the room that it’s as if he checked completely out and doesn’t care about what happens around him. Stupid fucking asshole!

Hawk and Titan make their way to Peter and grab him from behind. He doesn’t put up a fight at first. As I make my way down the hall to the left, I hear him finally starting to struggle against the hold they have on him. Instead of paying attention to that shit, I start opening doors on either side of the hallway. None of them are locked as they all slam against the walls of the room they’re in. By the time I reach the last door of the hallway, I’m losing hope that she’s up here and not in the basement or something. If he’s hidden her away on the property, I’ll fucking gut him despite Reaper wanting to turn them over to the cops so they can serve time in prison.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door to find my girl laying on a disgusting mattress. Her hands are free as I take in the cuffs attached to chains from the headboard. Moving my eyes slowly over her body, I see her ankles still in cuffs attached to the foot of the bed somehow. She doesn’t have a single mark on her body as I release the breath I’ve been holding. My eyes move around the room to find Precious sitting against the wall. She’s been handcuffed and her head snaps up to look at me.

A devious smile fills her face as she takes me in. Precious lets her eyes run over my body as I start to move toward the bed where my pixie is.

“I knew you guys would come for us,” Precious states, her voice wavering as she acts like she’s crying. “Can one of you get me out of these cuffs? Peter has lost his mind and took me when Connor was bringing this girl here. Trax, isn’t she your ol’ lady?”

I can tell by the tone of Precious’ voice that she thinks she’s pulling off this shit. None of us in the room are buying her bullshit. She might be chained up right now, but there’s a reason for that. And it’s not because she was randomly picked up by Peter while Connor was bringing my sweet pixie here to him.

“Pixie, are you okay?” I ask her, needing to know she’s okay as she feels under the pillow that’s been pushed up so her head isn’t resting on it.

“I’m okay. They were so busy arguing and fucking that he didn’t even touch me. I guess he was waiting for Connor to get back with some shit he was buying for Peter so he could torture me and shit. This bitch was only locked up because I let it spill that she was still fucking the guys at the clubhouse and more than likely others even after she became pregnant by Peter. She had an entire plan to cut him out of her life while still making sure she got a huge payday. So, that’s why she’s in here with me now. Tried to make me like her or something. Telling me she knew how to deal with my seizures if I had one here,” she answers me, frustration filling her voice as she continues to search for something.

“Pixie, what are you lookin’ for?” I ask her, moving the pillow out of her way.

“The bobby pin I had to get these damn cuffs off me,” she answers as she finally smiles and pulls her hand back up to reveal the item in question.

“You mean to tell me you could’ve gotten us the fuck outta here this entire time?” Precious shouts, anger filling her voice as she glares at my girl.

“That’s exactly why I hid it while you were telling Peter to rape me and do whatever else he needed to do for his payback. Yeah, I’ve heard every single conversation the two of you have had in this damn house. The walls are paper thin. I know every single detail of what you wanted to do to me, what you were trying to get Peter to do to me, and what you were trying to talk Connor into doing to me. You’re not some sweet, innocent little girl who can manipulate these guys. They’re smarter than you’ll ever be. Ya know, I almost fell for your sob story. The more I thought about that shit though, the more I realized, you never went to college because you would’ve said more about your classes and what you got expelled for. Yeah, cheating is a reason to expel a student, but if you were a model student, they would’ve listened to your side of the story before your supposed ex had the time to call his parents to handle the situation. And it all kind of reminds me a little too much of Peter than anything else. So, fuck all the way off. I never would’ve let you go for any reason,” my girl states as she opens the cuffs around her ankles.

I lift Reagan up into my arms and hold her close to me as Savage, Cage, and Joker lead the way out of the room. Reaper, Eagle, Kidd, and Jonah follow behind us to make sure that no one can get close. We all know Connor won’t be showing up. However, if Peter somehow manages to get free from whatever Hawk and Titan did to him, he’ll still have a ton of people to get through before he can even think about getting close to my ol’ lady.

“You stupid fucking slut!” Peter roars out, glaring daggers at Reagan as she glares right back in his direction.

“I’m not a fucking slut. I can count on one hand the number of guys I’ve had sex with and still have four fingers left over. The slut in this situation is one of two people. You or the skank you cuffed in the bedroom. I can guarantee neither one of you knows your body count at this point. Not that I give a fuck. All I know is that you’ll never add me to that number,” she says as I stop in the middle of the room.

“Haven’t you stupid pussies learned yet? My parents will have me out of jail in a matter of minutes. I’m not gonna get in trouble for anything,” Peter gloats the truth as he knows it.

I look to Reaper to ask silent permission for me to drop the bombshell on Peter and completely destroy his fucking world. Reaper nods his head and a smile grows on his face. Not everyone in the club knows what I’m about to say because we’ve been playing this close to our chest because we had a feeling Connor was the only one helping Peter.

“Your parents aren’t gonna do a fuckin’ thing this time, Peter. See, right about now, they are bein’ put in their own set of handcuffs. Not by any local police either. Your parents have been very bad people. We know all about their crimes. And, so does the FBI. They let us know just a little while ago that they were gonna take your parents out while we found Reagan and dealt with you and Precious. Waiting for us to leave this house right now are a ton of FBI agents. They’re goin’ to give you a ride to the local precinct where you’ll be held long enough to ensure your parents are taken into custody. Then, you’ll join them in the same facility.

“None of you will ever be allowed to communicate or anythin’. Though, I’m sure your parents have more than a few things to say to you since you’re the one who led us to findin’ out everythin’ we did on them. I hope you’re happy, motherfucker. You’re gonna spend the rest of your days in prison for what you’ve done to my girl. And anyone else you’ve ever harmed over the years. Don’t drop the fuckin’ soap, bitch,” I tell him as I take pure pleasure in watching his face turn several shades of white before he drops to the floor. “I’m takin’ Reagan to the hospital. I don’t like how she’s holdin’ her wrist that had to be surgically repaired. And I want them to look over her because of the seizures. She hasn’t had her medicine today.”

“Put her in the SUV. We’ll make sure someone gets your bike back,” Reaper orders as I make my way out of the house.

The line of FBI agents spread apart for us as Cage, Joker, and Savage lead us to the SUV they brought here. I get in the backseat with my girl and hold her in my lap as Savage climbs in the other door while Cage and Joker get in the front seat. Cage is driving as he starts the engine and pulls away from the house where Reaper and the rest of the guys will take care of Peter and Precious. All I want to do is get my girl checked out and get her home where I can take care of her like she’s always meant to be taken care of. I’m sure we’ll spend time with her family and I know Savage won’t be letting her out of his sight anytime soon. I’m okay with all of that though. As long as I can hold her in my arms and keep reminding myself she’s okay and with me, I don’t care who’s spending time with us.

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