Page 35 of Tame Me

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Reagan has been in the hospital for a few hours now. They’ve done blood work, have her getting fluids because she was dehydrated, and done X-rays on her wrist and arm to make sure no further damage has been done by her being in those fucking metal handcuffs. We’re waiting for the fluids to be done and for the doctor to come back in to talk to us about everything. Once they get the results of her bloodwork and shit, they’ll deal with her medicine and making sure she gets the right dosage. We were told something about them wanting to know the levels in her body before they did anything else. That’s only because she hasn’t had a seizure since the original attack at Peter’s hands. I hope it’s soon. She’s exhausted and ready to go the fuck home. I’m ready to go the hell home if I’m being honest. I haven’t slept since I discovered she was taken. No, I’m not bitching at all. Both of us need to sleep and get some rest after everything.

Everyone is waiting in the waiting room for us to get released from here. I’m pacing the room like a damn caged animal and there’s nothing I can do to stop. Even seeing my girl laying in the bed in the same room as me isn’t helping right now. Maybe it’s because at the end of the day, we still don’t know what the fuck is going on with her. There’s always a possibility she’ll be kept overnight for observation and shit. I know Reagan won’t like that because she’s already told the staff here she wants to go home and the only reason she’s here is because she knows we wouldn’t let her get away without being checked out.

As I continue to pace the room, I can feel Reagan’s eyes on me. She’s ready to get the fuck out of here and my pacing isn’t helping the situation at all. So, I take a deep breath and go back to her side, lifting her hand in mine and holding it so I can feel her warm skin against mine. Before I can say a word to her, the door opens and the doctor enters with a smile on his face.

“Everything looks really good. The X-rays didn’t show any further damage to your wrist, hand, or arm. It’s healing remarkably well considering what was done to it to repair the original injury. I believe it’s sore from being held in the same position for so long and the fact that you have to start therapy to strengthen it once again. If the pain doesn’t go away in a few days, if you notice it swelling, or anything else that’s not normal, call the orthopedist you’ve been seeing and get an immediate appointment with them so they can do further testing.

“All of your blood work came back really well. However, we are going to lower the dosage of your seizure medication for the time being. Reagan, did you know that you’re pregnant?” the doctor asks, looking between the two of us with that same smile on his face.

“I’m what?” she returns, shock filling her as her hand tightens in mine.

“You’re pregnant. It's still in the very early stages. So, you will remain on your medication for the time being just at a lower dose than what you’ve been taking. You need to make an appointment with an obstetrician immediately so they can further discuss the medication you’re currently taking and decide if you should be on a different one. I will tell you now that this will be treated as a high risk pregnancy due to your seizures. They’ll want to see you more often than normal and there are certain things they might change during the course of your pregnancy,” he says as if he’s not shocking the hell out of us.

“Um, will the baby be okay? I mean is there risk to the baby or Reagan durin’ the pregnancy?” I ask, needing to know this information moving forward.

“Women who have seizures deliver healthy babies every day. There’s no reason to think anything will happen during the pregnancy. Just make sure you keep a close eye on things and rest when you have to. Considering the situation you’ve just been taken from, I’m going to suggest a light bed rest until you can get into the obstetrician. Don’t overwork yourself or do too much and get tired. It’s going to happen more often now that you’re pregnant,” the doctor says before going over the instructions for her discharge.

We don’t have to wait very long for the nurse to come in and remove the IV from her arm before going over the instructions once again and making sure we have the scripts for the new seizure medicine and the prenatal vitamins she needs to start as soon as possible. Today she won’t have to take another dose of her medicine since she’s getting one here. Moving forward, she’ll take one dose a day instead of two. I don’t know how she feels about that, but we’ll discuss it at home. For now, I just want to get her out of here and away from the hospital.

“Are you okay with this, Trax? I mean we haven’t talked about having kids or anything like that,” Reagan asks me as we make our way out of the room we’ve been in since arriving at the hospital.

“I’m okay, pixie. My main concern is you and what’s gonna happen to you while you’re pregnant. Especially with them lowerin’ the dose of your medicine already. How are you feelin’ about this?” I ask her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into my side so I have as much contact with her as possible.

“I’m happy, Trax. I’ve always wanted to be a mom and everything the doctor said are things I’ve already researched. For now, we need to get home and keep this to ourselves. I don’t want anyone to know. Especially my parents. They’ll be too uptight about the situation and they won’t leave Clinton City until I’ve had the baby. Plus, if I’m still early in the pregnancy, I want to make sure we hit the second trimester before anyone finds out about the baby,” she answers me, her voice washing over me as I take in her words.

“Yeah. That makes sense, pixie. I’m good with waitin’ to tell anyone. Savage is gonna be just as bad as your parents when he finds out. So, we’ll keep this news between us. I’ll just have to be the one to go to the pharmacy instead of sendin’ one of the Prospects or Savage. Let’s go home, pixie. I want to get you in a warm bath to relax and we’ll get some dinner with your family before you get in bed,” I tell her as we enter the waiting room and make our way to her family as they all stand up from their seats with the rest of the club.

After letting them know everything is okay and that we have to make a stop on the way home for a prescription, we all leave the hospital and head to the SUV. Once we’re loaded up, Cage doesn’t wait to head toward my house. Savage and Skylar are with us this time as we make our way through town. Reagan is practically asleep in my lap before we get halfway home. I hold her close and don’t let go as I lay her in our bed on the first floor. We haven’t moved up to the master suite yet. Reagan needs to sleep and that’s what I’m going to let her do while I talk with her family and order food to have here when she wakes up. If she wakes up before tomorrow morning. A large part of me hopes she sleeps all night long and doesn’t get up again because I know this is what she needs.

Chapter Twenty-Three


TRAX ISN’T LETTING me go for any reason right now. I can’t blame him either. I don’t want him to let me go after being taken and held by Peter and that stupid skank. I know she thought she was pulling one over on me and that I’d believe her sob story. Hell, part of it might actually be true. However, there isn’t a doubt in my mind, those words were meant to soften me up so that I’d put a good word in for her with the club. It was never gonna happen, but a person can always dream. Or manipulate in her case. Precious is nothing more than a manipulative bitch who will say, or do, anything to get her way and make sure she comes out on top. Well, the only thing she’s getting now is a one way ticket to prison to pay for her crimes. All because she wanted a man who didn’t want anything to do with her and she wanted Peter’s money. Stupid greedy bitch.

My dad pulls into the parking lot of the clubhouse and parks close to the door. Trax’ arms hold me close to him as Joker gets out of the passenger seat and opens the door for us. Cage opens my mom’s door for her. Yeah, Jameson had to ride bitch today and he didn’t complain one time. He knows better when it comes to our mom and me. Our dads would beat his ass if he tried to bitch and whine about riding bitch when he’s in a cage with us. So, he sat there and kept his eyes on me the entire time. Now, he can finally get out and stretch out his long body from sitting scrunched up in the middle of the seat with no leg room.

“Pixie, are you okay?” Trax asks me as he carries me into the clubhouse.

“Yeah. I’m ready to go to bed soon though. Maybe after we have something to eat,” I answer him, nuzzling my face into his neck.

“Can we do somethin’ before that happens?” he asks me, a soft smile on his face as I look up at him.

“What do you wanna do?” I return, a million possibilities running through my head because I never know what’s going to come out of his mouth.

“If this entire situation has taught me anythin’, it’s that we never know what the fuck is gonna happen. So, with your family here right now, I want to get married. Reagan, my sweet pixie, I love you so fuckin’ much and there’s no one else in this world that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Your parents are here and it’s the right time. I want the entire fuckin’ world to know that I belong to you and you’re mine,” he says, a smirk on his face because he knows exactly what he’s doing.

Trax isn’t asking me to marry him. He’s not giving me the chance to say no to him. There’s no way in fucking hell I’d ever say no to Trax. I want to spend the rest of my life with him and I completely agree that this entire situation with Peter taught me the same thing. That fucker didn’t just get to me once. He got to me twice. Once on campus and once from my house. Peter might not have been the one to take me from the house, but it happened because of him. I don’t ever want to be away from Trax again. So, I’ll marry him any day he wants. If that’s today then I’m ready for it.

“Let’s do it,” I whisper with tears in my eyes as my dads, mom, and brother step up to us.

“What’s goin’ on?” Jameson asks, a smile on his face as if he already knows.

“Your sister is gonna marry me. Right fuckin’ now,” Trax answers, not taking his eyes off me to look at anyone else. “I know I should’ve asked for your blessin’ and everythin’, but I can’t wait another second to make Reagan mine in every way possible. I love her and will spend the rest of my life showin’ her how much I love her and treat her like my queen because that’s what she is.”

“You’ve had our blessin’ since the beginnin’,” Joker says, stepping closer to us with a smile on his face. “You’ve done nothin’ but show you’re prepared to put her needs and wants first. You’ve supported her in everythin’ she wants to do and it’s easy to see the love you have for her. Even when you didn’t wanna step back you did so she could experience shit before the two of you got together. We all know what happened there and you stepped right the fuck up and did what you had to do to be there for our girl. No one else would’ve done the shit for her that you have. Just remember, she was our girl first and that will never change. Reagan is a daddy’s girl and if you can get on board with that then you’ll be just fine.”

“I know that about my pixie. All of you are important to her and I’d never encourage her to be anyone but who she is. If that means she calls you when we get into a fight to talk shit about me, I wouldn’t ever stop her. Just know I’d burn down the fuckin’ world for her and that’s no lie,” he states as my mom steps up and hugs us both while I’m still in his arms.
