Page 38 of Tame Me

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Getting back in the SUV, I cover my wife up with the blanket I grabbed after packing our clothes. The last thing I have to do is grab her prescriptions from the pharmacy before we head out to the cabin. It’s on the very outskirts of Clinton City and located in the middle of nowhere. There’s nothing around the cabin and we have access to a large lake that’s man-made. Reaper owns the place but rarely uses it because he doesn’t want anyone to know about it. In fact, it’s not even in his name so no one finds out about it. Worst case, it can be used as a kind of safe house for us if it’s ever needed.

The drive is quiet as I rest a hand on Reagan’s thigh under the blanket. Her head is leaning against the window of the door and she looks so completely at ease and peaceful as I pull into the parking lot of the pharmacy. Getting out, I grab her medicine, some drinks, and a few other things before paying for everything and making my way back out to the SUV. She still hasn’t moved and I’m not surprised at all. Reagan needs her rest and I’m going to make sure she gets it. Yes, I plan on worshiping her body and showing her all the different ways I love her. However, she’ll also sleep and not have to worry about anything else while we’re gone.

Reaper let me know the cabin is fully stocked with food because he was just up there and made sure to replace the food and fill the freezer and refrigerator. It’s something he does on a regular basis because we never know what’s going to happen with the club or when he’ll let someone use the cabin for personal reasons. I wouldn’t have had a problem if I had to buy a ton of groceries to get us through the week though. We all try to pitch in and help take care of the cabin because we’ve all used it for one reason or another over the years.

It's dark by the time I finally pull into the driveway of the cabin. It’s a long, paved road surrounded by trees. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you’d miss it when it’s the middle of the night. I’ve been here more than a few times so I don’t have any problems finding the driveway and heading to the cabin. Reagan wakes up when I hit a rough spot that wasn’t there the last time I was here.

“I’m sorry, pixie. Didn’t realize that hole was there,” I apologize as Reagan sits up in her seat and looks around us.

“It’s okay. Where are we?” she asks, her voice filled with sleep.

“Look ahead of us, pixie,” I tell her as the cabin comes into view.

“Oh wow! That’s beautiful,” she says, awe filling her voice as the lights Reaper installed light up the night around the driveway and cabin.

The cabin is a log cabin that’s three stories high. It’s got a wraparound porch with multiple chairs and rocking chairs lining the length of it. There’s a ton of windows that no one can see inside even when the blinds and curtains are open. Every room but the bedrooms and bathrooms open into one another. At any given time you can see everyone in the cabin with you. Everything in the cabin is made of wood and there’s no paint on any single wall. Some area rugs cover the floors of the bedrooms and the living room. Each bedroom also has its own fireplace and bathroom. Reaper didn’t spare any expenses when he upgraded the cabin to make it a place for everyone associated with the club.

Parking, I grab the bags and help Reagan out of the SUV before leading her up the steps to the porch and the front door. Putting in the code to unlock it, I open the door and don’t step inside but lean in to place the bags just inside the door out of the way. Turning back to my wife, I lift Reagan in my arms and carry her over the threshold as she laughs and nuzzles her face into my neck. I don’t set her down until we’re in the bedroom I typically stay in here. Without hesitation, I strip Reagan down and place her in the middle of the bed where I proceed to worship her body very slowly. I drive her insane until she’s begging for me to let her find her release.

We spend the rest of the night exploring one another, sleeping, eating, and soaking in the large tub I have in my bathroom. It’s the first time I’ve ever used the tub, preferring to take a shower instead, and I’m glad Reagan is here with me to relax. This is how the next week of our lives will go if I have any say in the matter. All I want to do is love on my wife and let her relax without worries about the upcoming trial, school, or anything else. This week is all about us and being with one another as husband and wife. It’s fucking perfect and I couldn’t have made it any better if we planned out a wedding and did everything the way most other couples do.

Chapter Twenty-Five


TRAX MADE THE last week one of the best weeks of my life. We spent all of our time together, talking, laughing, swimming in the lake, and sitting on the porch to watch the sunset every single night. He didn’t pack me very many clothes that could be worn outside though. Most of the things he brought for me were lingerie. I tried on every single piece of it for him and he proceeded to rip it from my body while promising to buy me more when we got home. My husband made the week better than anything I could have ever dreamed of myself. Just like our wedding. It didn’t feel as if we got married on a whim or anything as everyone came together to make our day feel special and exactly us. Neither one of us are huge on tradition nor want huge, lavish affairs. We don’t care about the material shit in life when there’s so much more to it than possessions.

Now, it’s time to face reality. I’m back at school, talking to lawyers for the upcoming trial, and back to doing homework. I’m literally in the last week of the syllabus already. Jonah and I have spent a few days working together on homework and studying. We might have more than enough time to prepare for finals, but there are still projects and tests we have to get done before our finals take place. Jonah usually comes over to the house so we can study together and we’re not at the clubhouse where it’s so damn loud and busy all the time as the guys come and go, have a few drinks after work, and everything else they do there. I’m not going to make them change their ways or anything just so I can study. Jonah feels the same way I do so Trax told him just to come to the house.

Trax has been doing everything in his power to keep my mind occupied as the trial gets closer with each passing day. The FBI are making the case stick against Peter, Precious, and his parents. They aren’t wasting any time in getting everything the defense teams want handed over so that we can get this taken care of. I know for a fact that I’ll be called to testify against them, a few other girls from campus are also testifying about what Peter’s done to them, and I’m unsure of who else will be speaking against Peter. What I do know is that I’m going to be among the first of the witnesses called because of everything that’s been done to me by the sadistic fuck.

Each night when we slide into bed, Trax lifts my shirt from my stomach and he places kisses all over before talking to the baby. He doesn’t care that the baby can’t hear him or anything right now. At least to my knowledge that’s the case. Trax doesn’t care. He tells the baby about our day, how much he loves me, and everything he wants to do with them as they grow up. If we’re having a girl, Trax has already stated she’s not allowed to date while he’s alive. That his heart wouldn’t be able to handle her finding a man to take her away from him. It’s so fucking sweet to see him talking to my stomach and laying out our future. I cry every single time he does it because it’s so fucking adorable.

I’m bursting to tell my family, but I haven’t spilled the beans yet. Savage is the hardest one to keep the secret from because he’s with us at one point or another on a daily basis. Thankfully the morning sickness hasn’t been too bad so far and I really only get sick first thing in the morning while he’s already at work with Trax or sleeping off the night before. I have to keep nudging Trax when Jameson is with us though. My husband has started resting his hand on my stomach no matter what we’re doing. Every time we’re around others, I have to stop him from putting his hand there. It won’t take everyone long to figure out what’s going on with him doing that. Trax understands why I want to wait, but at the same time he wants to shout it from the rooftops that I’m pregnant. My husband is fucking crazy.

Today, I’m home alone and I know for a fact that Zoey’s in town. I don’t know why she’s here, but she is. She’s coming over to spend some time with me today. The only stipulation she had was that we don’t go to the clubhouse and Trax couldn’t tell Jameson she’s in town. Zoey doesn’t want to see my brother for any reason and I can’t blame her at all. He’s still being a fucking asshole when it comes to her. If he doesn’t pull his head out of his ass really soon, he’s going to lose her for good. Right now, she’s still in love with him and doesn’t want to push him away for good. However, she’s ready to move on with her life and find someone to love her the way she deserves to be loved.

I’ve had Jonah pick up an order I placed online at the grocery store for me. He’s not saying a word about her being here either. Jonah knows most everything going on with me except about the baby. He understands how close I am to Zoey and why she wants to keep her short visit to Clinton City a secret from everyone else. The only reason I know is because I called her and she was driving. Tank hates it when she answers her phone while she’s driving. Even if it's hands free. He doesn’t want anything to happen to his daughter and will hang up on her if he even thinks she’s driving when he calls her for any reason.

Now, I’m just waiting for her to show up so we can have a huge girl talk session. She’s been so out of the loop and is dying to hear what’s been going on with me here. Zoey doesn’t even know Trax and I got married. I’m sure everyone back home knows by now because my parents aren’t going to keep that information to themselves. Especially from Pops. That only lets me know that Tank hasn’t talked to one of my best friends recently because he’d tell her about things.

When she finally pulls into the driveway, I’m waiting at the door for her. She shuts the engine off and gets out with a huge smile on her face. Running from the car and up the porch, she pulls me into her arms and gives me a huge hug. We’re both laughing by the time we pull apart and head inside to shut the world out around us. I lead her to the couch in the living room and we take our seats before I grab a soda and open it. Zoey just looks at me with a smile on her face.

“Being an ol’ lady looks good on you, Reagan,” she says, still smiling as normal.

Even though Zoey is one of the happiest people I’ve ever met in my life, her eyes can’t lie. They’re filled with pain and the love she feels for Jameson. It’s hidden in the depths as she makes it through each day the best she can. Maybe I’m the only one who notices because I’ve known her my entire life. I will do everything I can to get that pain removed from her, but at the end of the day it’s up to my twin. He’s the only one who can take the pain away from Zoey by opening his fucking eyes and making a move to get the girl he’s wanted most of his life.

“Well, I’m not just an ol’ lady,” I tell her, biting on my lower lip. “Trax and I got married a little over a week ago.”

“You what?” she questions, her voice raising a few levels as she looks at me with large eyes.

“Okay, so here’s what happened. A few weeks ago I was taken by Connor, he was a Prospect for the club. Instead of taking me to the clubhouse to see Trax like I thought I was supposed to be doing, Connor took me to Peter. I was knocked out when we were still in the car so I didn’t notice when we stopped at the abandoned house or I got taken inside and chained to a bed.

“Anyway, I was there for over a day before the guys found me. That’s why my parents were down here again. Trax made me go to the hospital because I hadn’t gotten the medicine for my seizures that day and they were all worried. I spent a few hours in the hospital to get fluids and shit because I was dehydrated. You know how it is. Instead of coming back here, Cage drove us to the clubhouse. The second we walked in, Trax said we should get married because my parents were there and he knows I’d want them there for our wedding. So, we got married that day. It was great and one of the best days of my life. Then, he took me to a cabin the club uses every now and then for a week,” I tell her, giving her a brief overview of what’s been going on with me lately.

Zoey doesn’t say anything for a few minutes as she digests the news that I’ve just given her. When she’s finally processed the information, she pulls me into another hug and congratulates me. We start eating the snacks and everything as we talk about school and everything we have going on. I’m updated on everything going on with her. Including her attempts at dating. She’s tried some of those dating apps and we end up laughing hysterically at some of the things she tells me that she’s encountered on those apps. Mainly about the guys only wanting hookups and sending random dick pictures to her. Yes, I did see a few of them. Guys, let me tell you something. Most of you should not be proud of the dick you’re sending to these random women. There’s nothing there to be proud of. Just saying.

That’s when I notice the pain in her eyes becoming even more prominent than before. Zoey only wants my brother and yet she’s trying her hand at dating to get some experience and work my brother out of her system one way or another. I really can’t blame her, but at the same time, I want her to be happy. As happy as she can be. Until one of two things takes place, that’s not going to happen. My heart hurts for Zoey.

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