Page 39 of Tame Me

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“So, what’s going to happen with this Peter guy and everyone else involved in this shit?” Zoey questions me, her voice hardly above a whisper like she doesn’t really want to ask me the question.

“Well, there’s a trial coming up for them. I’ll be testifying against Peter and Precious since they were the ones involved in my kidnapping and holding me hostage for over twenty-four hours. Plus, the attack from Peter when I first met him. His parents will also be on trial for their crimes, I believe the Dean of my school is now under investigation for not properly dealing with the Peter situation, and there’s a ton of police and other government officials who have been removed from their jobs and will be facing charges as well. I don’t really give a fuck what happens to all of those people. The only ones I care about are Peter and Precious. They’re the ones who I’m going up against,” I answer her honestly as I feel the nerves filling me once again.

“I hope they both rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives,” Zoey states with a smile on her face. “Wait. Didn’t you say that Precious girl was pregnant?”

“Yeah. Um, there’s a story there actually,” I tell her, not sure if she needs to hear all about that shit.

“What kind of story?” she finally asks when I don’t immediately say anything else.

“Well, she was a Fallen girl for the club. When they were getting ready to kick her ass to the curb for various reasons, mainly fucking with Trax and not leaving him alone, she told them she was pregnant and that the dad was Jameson. He swore he never touched her and wouldn’t even if he were black-out drunk. So, they ended up locking her in one of the rooms of the clubhouse until Doc could perform a pregnancy test on her. She is in fact pregnant. So, when they could, a DNA test was performed for all the members of the club who had been with her and Jameson. No one from there is the father. It was just a way to stay there longer so that Trax would realize they were in love and meant to be together or whatever delusional bullshit she believed. They kicked her ass out and two officers put her on a bus and made sure it didn’t stop close to Clinton City so she could get off and come back. She came back anyway. The baby is actually Peter’s baby,” I inform her as the pain fills her face with the thought of my brother fucking someone like Precious.

“Well, I’m glad none of them are gonna be stuck with her in their life until the day they die. I wonder what will happen to the baby now?” she muses out loud.

“I don’t know what they do in that case. I mean it’s not like Peter’s parents can raise the baby because they’ll be in prison for their crimes if everything works out right. I don’t believe she has any family of her own either. I don’t really give a fuck if she does or not. So, I would imagine the baby would be taken from her after she delivers him or her and then put in the foster care system. I don’t know all of the charges against Precious right now. There’s honestly too many to count for both of them. But, that’s what I think will happen. Honestly, I feel as if the baby will be better off not being with either one of them,” I tell her honestly because any child raised by Peter and Precious will be hurt and treated like shit without fail. Neither one of them would know how to be a parent and only think of themselves on a daily basis.

“That’s so sad though. It’s too bad they’re both stupid fuckers so the baby is going to be the one to suffer because of their choices and actions. When will people realize every fucking decision they make leads to consequences they might not be the only one paying?” she questions, not necessarily talking about Peter and Precious right now. I have a feeling it’s more about Jameson than anything else.

“I don’t know, babe. What I do know is you gotta do what’s best for you. The only thing I want is for you to be happy and healthy. You’ve done so much to get away from Clifton Falls and it’s time to keep moving forward whether a certain someone pulls his head out of his ass or not. You deserve to be treated like a fucking queen and there’s a guy out there who will step up to the plate and be exactly what you need him to be,” I tell her, moving closer to her as I grab the remote and we search for a movie to watch to bring us out of this funk we’re now in.

Zoey and I spend the rest of the day together. We talk, laugh, cry, and are there to support one another. I want to tell her about the baby so fucking bad, but I keep it to myself. We make some sandwiches for lunch and then order pizza for dinner. Trax picked it up on his way home after giving my brother some excuse as to why he couldn’t come over to the house for the night. I feel as if I’m being torn in two directions because of this, but Zoey and I need our time together. I’ll make that happen even if I’m in the middle of the situation because my brother’s a fucking idiot.

By the time Zoey heads out, we have tears in our eyes again. I’m not ready for her to leave again. She’ll be heading back to her apartment in the morning. This was just a quick trip and she wants to get ready for the finals she’ll be taking. With hugs and promises to stay in touch, I watch as my best friend leaves again. Trax keeps me in his arms until I can no longer see her taillights. When we go back inside, he takes a shower with me, washing me from the top of my head down to my toes. Trax dries me off and puts me in bed before his nightly ritual of talking to the baby. I’m so exhausted tonight, I fall asleep before he’s finished his talk.

Chapter Twenty-Six


FOR THE LAST week, my pixie has been nervous as hell. She’s had more than one panic attack and is having a hard time focusing on anything. Especially her physical therapy. The trial is set to start today and she can’t get having to face Peter out of her mind. She knows he can’t hurt her physically again, but it doesn’t mean she’s ready to confront him and have her try to play his mind games in the middle of a courtroom. Yes, we fully believe he’s going to try to intimidate her or something in front of the judge because he’s such an entitled prick and doesn’t believe he’s ever going to get in trouble for the crimes he’s committed against her or anyone else. I hope the fucker realizes his parents aren’t going to fucking get him out of this shit and that a jury will hopefully side with the victims testifying against him. Peter deserves to be locked up in prison and have someone make him their bitch for the rest of his pathetic fucking life.

Right now my wife is getting ready to go to the courthouse. She’s been in the shower for a little while now and I’ve left her alone. Reagan’s been so damn quiet and the last thing I want to do is bother her when she’d rather be alone. Yes, there are times that’s what she needs and I try to make sure no one goes near her. Including myself. Reagan has a way she works through things and I will do everything in my power to make sure she has the time to process everything going on in her head. My wife knows I’m here for her when she needs me and that I’ll listen to her, let her cry on my shoulder, or beat the shit out of someone who won’t leave her alone.

Savage stayed with us last night to make sure he was here for her. He kept her mind off of things the best he could by being a complete ass. My best friend is an ass most times with the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth and last night was no exception. Savage kept Reagan laughing and for a brief moment in time she forgets all the bullshit she has to deal with today. Then I made sure she was so exhausted she had no choice but to sleep. No, she hasn’t been sleeping for the last week or so either. Every time she closes her eyes, everything she’s been through because of that fucker plays on repeat. I can’t stand this shit and will be happy when today is over with.

“You sure you shouldn’t go in there and check on my sister?” Savage asks, looking at the bedroom door from where he sits in the living room.

“I’m sure. She’s in the shower and gettin’ ready to go to the courthouse. Right now, she’s more than likely sheddin’ the only tears she’ll allow herself to cry today because of the asshole. Before I came out here, she asked me to give her time,” I answer him as my own gaze remains locked on the bedroom door.

“I don’t like it. This stupid bitch put her through hell almost every fuckin’ day and now she has to see him again in a courtroom. Reagan is strong as fuck and I know she can handle herself in almost every situation she finds herself in. What this pussy did to her is shit she hasn’t experienced before on a personal level. We’ve all heard the stories of what our parents have been through and shit. Heard how our dads and the club saved them from horrible situations. Reagan has now gone through one of those situations and she’s still havin’ to deal with it,” Savage says, his voice letting me know how upset he is on his sister’s behalf.

“I know. But Reagan will get through this. She’s got me, you, and the rest of the Fallen Brethren at her back. Every family member you guys have will also have her back and you know it. Your parents have been talkin’ to her on a daily basis and makin’ sure she doesn’t get lost in her head about the trial and what she has to do today. She knows we’ll all be here for when she breaks and will help her put the pieces back together. I don’t have a problem makin’ sure she’s whole the second this is over with,” I say as the door of the bedroom finally opens and Reagan stands in the doorway.

She’s not wearing any make-up and her hair is pulled up in some kind of sophisticated twist at the back of her head. My girl is wearing a black skirt with a pale purple button-down shirt that’s tucked into her skirt. She’s wearing open-toed sandals on her feet. Looking at her face, I know she’s been crying. Her eyes are puffy and there’s a redness to her face that the water from the shower doesn’t ever hide. Still, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

Getting off the couch, I make my way over to her and pull her into my arms. She buries her face in my chest and wraps her arms around me. Reagan’s entire body is trembling with the nerves and fear filling her. I tighten my hold on her and don’t let go as Savage joins us.

“You’ve got this, Reagan. I know you don’t want to see Peter, but this is the only way to make him pay for what he did to you and others. The very second your testimony is over, we’ll leave the courthouse. You don’t have to stay and listen to everythin’ else that’s said in the courtroom. I don’t know that they’d let you anyway. Today is the last fuckin’ day you have to see that prick,” Savage states when Reagan finally pulls away from me and turns to face him. “Mom called and they’re ready to come here if you need them. Everyone is ready to make the trip here. They’re just tryin’ to give you some room to breathe and get through this in your own way. I love you, Reagan.”

“I love you too, Jameson. They don’t need to come down here for this. I’ll be okay once I get through everything. It’s just knowing I have to share what he did to me while he sits there and listens to the words I’m saying. I know he’s going to have his lawyer try to twist my words around and that’s the part I’m not looking forward to,” Reagan says, her voice hitching as she makes sure she has her phone and bag so we can head out.

“I know, pixie. But, after today he’ll finally pay for his sins and won’t be able to hurt anyone else the way he hurt you,” I tell her, wrapping an arm around her and holding her close.

The three of us make our way out to my truck. Today isn’t a day to ride the bike. Helping Reagan in the front passenger seat, Savage climbs in the back. Once I know my wife is settled in her seat, I lean in to give her a kiss before backing away and closing the door. I walk around the front of the truck and get in the driver’s seat. There’s no hesitation when I start the truck and pull away from the house. When we get to the gate and make our way through it, we’re met with every member of the club waiting for us on their bikes. Reaper motions with his hand and they surround us to give us an escort to the courthouse in town. Tears slide down Reagan’s face as I rest my hand on her thigh. She links our fingers together with a smile on her face. The club surprised the hell out of her by showing up to support her today. I don’t know why considering the Wild Kings would do the same thing.

The courtroom is full. Not just with the club members waiting for Reagan to give her testimony, but a ton of family members of the other victims Peter has testifying against him during the trial. Reagan is going first and she’s in a room alone so she can’t hear anything being said as the defense and state give their opening statements and all the other bullshit the court does. I’m not really paying attention to anything until I hear Reagan’s name being called. She made sure the lawyer she’s been talking to knows she’s gotten married and they call for Reagan Smith. Hearing my last name attached to her name always makes me feel excited. Right now, I tamp that shit down to focus on my wife.

Reagan walks into the courtroom and makes her way to the stand where she’ll sit. She’s sworn in to tell the truth and all that shit before the state lawyer stands and starts asking her questions.

“Mrs. Smith, can you please tell the court how you met the defendant?” the lawyer questions her.
