Page 42 of Tame Me

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“If this is your work when you tattoo freehand, I can’t even begin to imagine the work you’d do if you had to use a stencil. It’s fuckin’ amazin’. Your lines are clean and straight, the shading gives the tattoo dimension, and there isn’t a mistake in your work at all. Fuck, there was hardly any blood and you didn’t fuckin’ take forever to do the work. Reagan, if you don’t come to work at Fallen Ink, I’m gonna be fuckin’ jealous of wherever the fuck you go because this is some fuckin’ talent you have,” Cash states as he looks at me with a smile on his face. “And you’re goin’ to school for your accountin’ degree?”

“Yeah. My plan was to open my own shop. I didn’t want to stay workin’ for my uncle once I was done with school. It’s not because I don’t like working for someone else, I just wanted to have my own space away from the family that protects me more than I should be protected,” I tell him honestly as I begin to put the ointment on his skin before covering the tattoo up. “Can I have a picture of this once it’s healed? My uncle has been waiting for this one to get tattooed on someone.”

“Of course. I want this shit added to your portfolio. I’ll take a picture of it later today and print it out for you. We have a complete setup for pictures when you finish a piece. Kidd can walk you through everythin’ when you make a decision. Now, about your degree. Keep goin’ for it. When you’re done, we can talk about you takin’ over the system here and seein’ if you can do anythin’ with it. I hate the fuckin’ computer and most everythin’ is done by hand. It’s easier for me. If you can get the shop set up on some computer program, we can figure out if it works for us and you’ll keep doin’ the books. It will let me start bein’ able to tattoo again instead of sittin’ at my damn desk all day long,” Cash says when I finish wrapping him up and he puts his shirt back on. His cut was left in the office and I’m guessing he’s like my uncle and makes any potential new artist prove they can tattoo on him.

“When do you want me to start?” I ask him as Trax wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into the side of his body.

“Send me a message of your school schedule. We’ll work around your classes for now. This station will be yours. You can decorate it as you please. Kidd and Tripp will show you the ropes and where everythin’ is. If you don’t have class tomorrow, you can come in to get your station setup and ready to go. The guys can show you around more and I can get your schedule ready,” Cash says as he holds his hand out for me to shake.

“I’ll send it as soon as I get home. Thank you, Cash. This means a lot to me,” I say before I clean up my new station and close my case.

Trax carries my case out to the truck and puts it in the backseat where I had it. Helping me in the front seat, Trax gets in behind the wheel and turns to face me. He gives me a deep kiss filled with all the love he has for me. I kiss him back until he finally pulls back. Trax starts the truck and pulls away from Fallen Ink. We make our way to the diner in town to celebrate all of the good news I’ve gotten today.

When we get home from the diner, Trax lets me know he’s not going into work today. We spend the rest of the day together in bed. Since getting pregnant, I can’t seem to get enough of Trax and his body. If I could keep him buried deep inside me at all times, I would. I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to be when I get further along in the pregnancy. My husband isn’t complaining one bit though. He never turns me away and always gives in when I give him a look. Trax proves to me every single day how much he loves me and that he’ll always give me what I want and need.



FOR THE LAST several months, we haven’t had a Sergeant at Arms for the club. When Pound was killed, none of us wanted to replace him as if he didn’t matter. Yes, someone should’ve been voted in to take his spot, but we’ve had a lot going on between the shit with Alex and then everything that happened with my sister. So, voting in a new officer hasn’t been a priority until today. We’re having church to vote in someone to take over the Sergeant at Arms position in the club. I’m not ready for it to happen, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. I know most of the guys feel the same way about it. We all know it has to happen, but it kind of feels like we’re replacing a man who was larger than life as if he were nothing. I just hope the right man gets voted in and realizes the shoes he has to fill.

Making my way into church behind Trax, I hand over my phone, gun, and knife. I always carry a knife on me because there isn’t always an opportunity to pull a gun if you’re in a crowded space. The knife I have on me at all times is from Pops. He gave it to me the day I became a Prospect for the Fallen Brethren and told them I was leaving to start a new life on my own. While my family might have understood my need to do this, it was hard as fuck to leave them behind. Especially Reagan. We’ve been closer than most other siblings and I’ve always been there for her as she’s always been there for me. Leaving my mom was hard as fuck too. That woman is the most wonderful woman in this world and I measure every woman I meet by her and my aunt Bailey.

There’s something going on with my sister. Reagan is keeping secrets from me for the first time in our lives. I know everything there is to know about my twin with the exception of her sex life. That’s not anything I ever need to know about because that’s just fucking disgusting. Trax is my best friend and he’s married to my sister. Knowing what they get up to behind closed doors would be like thinking my parents have sex. Not anything I need to know about. So, as far as I’m concerned, Reagan is a virgin and she’ll be one until the day she dies. However, that has nothing to do with the secret she’s hiding from me. I want to call our parents and find out if they know, but I won’t do that to her if it’s something only Trax knows about.

Taking my seat, I look at Reaper where he sits at the head of the table. His face is drawn tight and I know this vote is weighing heavily on him right now. He doesn’t want to do this shit because Pound was someone he was close to. However, we see his seat remain empty every single time we walk into church and it’s time we fill it.

“Church in session,” Reaper taps the gavel on the table in front of him with a definite lack of power behind it. “We all know why we’re here today. It’s time to vote in a new Sergeant at Arms to replace Pound. If anyone has a name they want to put up for the vote, say it now.”

“Savage,” Trax says without looking at me as he looks at every other member. “He’s more than proven himself since joining the club and is currently puttin’ together the program to help victims of domestic violence. I believe he’d make a great Sergeant at Arms for the club and will make Pound proud that he’s the one fillin’ the role.”

I have no fucking words right now. Never once did I ever think anyone, including Trax, would put my name up for this position. I keep my eyes on Trax as he finally looks at me and gives me a nod. There’s some mumbles around the table but I can’t focus on them because I’m only hearing Trax’ words playing on a loop in my mind. He believes in me as much as my family back home and is the best guy I know.

“Any other name?” Reaper questions, giving the rest of the guys a few minutes to say another name. “Well, everyone, let's vote this shit. It has to be a unanimous vote for Savage to become the new Sergeant at Arms. Yay.”

The vote goes around the table, skipping over me. Every single man sitting around me votes in favor of me stepping up as the new Sergeant at Arms. I’m fucking shocked as they all begin to pound their hands on the table in front of them.

“Savage, get your ass in your new seat,” Reaper says, a smile on his face as he waits for me to move.

The second I’m in my new chair at the table, he hands me the flash I’ll put on my cut when we leave here. It’s up to each of us to sew on our own patches and anything else that goes on our cut. No one does that shit for us. My mom taught me to sew before I started Prospecting for the club. I always knew I’d join a club one day so I had her teach me so I wouldn’t fuck anything up. Our cut is fucking sacred and it’s important for us to take care of it better than anything else we own.

“Alright, the next time we have church, we’ll be votin’ to determine if Jonah and Jay are ready to become full patch members. I think they’ve proven themselves worthy of joinin’ us. You have time to think of how you’ll vote. For now, let’s get the fuck out of here and celebrate Savage and his new position,” Reaper says, slamming the gavel on the table this time as I stand from my chair and accept all the man hugs from the men surrounding me.

No one is going to wipe this smile from my face today. There’s only one thing that would make today better than it already is and that’s if Zoey was here with me. If she were at my side where she fucking belongs. The only reason I haven’t gone to her yet is because Zoey has dreams and I’m not going to stand in her way of accomplishing all the goals she wants to. I’ve built a life here I know she could be happy with. However, she’s in college now and I’ve heard from my sister and others how important it is for her to get the degrees she wants before starting her career. I feel like she’d be settling with me and not experiencing everything this world has to offer her. So, I stay away from her and let her live her life even though I fucking hate it. Zoey is the most important girl in the world to me and if I have to stay away from her to make her dreams a reality, that’s what I’ll fucking do.

Going to the common room after shaking thoughts of Zoey away, I pull the small sewing kit I keep in my cut out and take a seat at a table on my own. Removing my cut, I carefully lay it out on the table after making sure there’s nothing sticky on the surface. With the thread and needle in hand, I sew the new flash on my cut where it belongs. Reagan and Trax join me as I’m finishing up. Trax has a drink in hand while Reagan hands me a drink and shot of my own. She’s only having water today. I know she has to be careful of her alcohol consumption with the medicine she has to take for her seizures, but she can surely have a drink with me to celebrate.

“Congratulations, Jameson. I’m so proud of you,” she says, leaning over to hug me.

I hug her back tight before pulling back and looking up at her.

“Thank you, Reagan. You’re not gonna drink to celebrate my new position in the club?” I question her as I look between Trax and her.

“Not today. I’m sure you’ll drink more than enough for the two of us combined,” she says, a smirk on her face.

“Alright, what’s goin’ on here? You’re not drinkin’ and I know you’re hidin’ somethin’ from me. I didn’t think we kept secrets from one another,” I say, continuing to look between my best friend and twin when an idea strikes and shocks the shit out of me. “Are you fuckin’ serious? Am I losin’ my mind right now? Reagan, are you pregnant?”

“I don’t want anyone to know yet, Jameson. It’s been so hard to keep this from you,” she says, tears in her eyes.
