Page 21 of Sharing the Nanny

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He said the second part with such disdain, the word might’ve well have tasted like earwax.

“So let me get this straight,” he said, joining me on the couch. “You came here thinking you and Adrian would somehow pick up where you left off.” He chuckled gruffly. “After all these years.”

I shot him an intense look of total hatred. He responded with a dismissive sigh.

“For such a nerd, you’re not very smart.”

God, I wanted to kick him! More than that, I wanted to kick myself.

But fuck. He was right.

Five hours. That’s how long Adrian had been gone. He’d returned to his apartment alone, thankfully, and even offered me a drink before I left. I’d told him I was tired and got out of there as fast as humanly possible.

Stopping down here on the way out, though…

It was already starting to look like a bad decision.

“You look like shit,” Jax told me.

“And you smell like hot dog water,” I sneered back.

He laughed. “Yeah, well I should. I’ve been on shift almost fifteen hours.” He pointed somewhere near my neck. “But I wasn’t talking about you, I was referring to your shirt.”

I looked down. The mixture of baby food and toddler vomit was still a chalky outline on my shoulder, despite my best attempts to clean it up.

“This was a nice shirt,” I lamented.

“You shouldn’t wear nice shirts around toddlers,” Jax admonished. “A good nanny knows that.” He smiled wryly. “But we both know you didn’t wear that blouse for Brayden, now don’t we?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but he’d already stood up. Jax reached down with one big hand.

“Give it here.”


“Your shirt. I’ll wash it.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Yeah, no. I’m good, thanks.”

Undaunted, Jax set his wine glass down on the coffee table and began unbuttoning his own shirt. He got down around his navel when I balked.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Laundry,” he answered.


“Look, I’m washing my uniform anyway. I could throw your shirt in too, if you weren’t such a prude.”

I frowned, but didn’t look away as he peeled off his button-down shirt and undershirt. His slacks came next. He pulled a black leather belt through the loops and dropped them easily, revealing a pair of legs that were surprisingly toned and muscular.

He caught me staring at him, head to toe. I quickly put the glass to my face and took another long drink.

“See anything you like?”

“Only a pair of legs so pale they’d make a vampire look tan.”

My comments were merely a thin veil beneath which I stole a few quick glances at his physique. I’d definitely been right about the muscle. Like Adrian, Jax had put on a lot of a it, and in all the right places. His broad shoulders flared out to two very big, annoyingly toned arms. I started to low-key hate myself for even looking.
