Page 39 of Sharing the Nanny

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Either way, the two of us were all in.

I worked her body with my hands, the tips of my fingers remembering her every delicate curve and crevasse. Harper gasped as I slipped my fingers down her back and beyond her waistband. The warmth of her thong-covered ass felt incredible against my palms and I squeezed possessively, devouring the resulting moans and whimpers as I remembered other places that were even warmer.

We tripped our way to the bed then fell shamelessly into it, the last of our inhibitions gone. Our bodies began grinding obscenely. Our mouths moved over places we both knew well, as I began peeling my clothes off for the second time tonight.

But what about—

What, Jax? I shoved the intrusive thought from my head. Jax had certainly taken her, but this wasn’t Jax’s girl. If anything I had first dibs, having planted my flag long before him.

Besides, Jax and Harper totally fucking hated each other. On separate occasions, they’d both told me so. Yeah, okay, they’d had sex. But so what? The way Jax described it, I saw it as a heat of the moment thing. A necessary letting off of steam, after more than a decade of swapping insults and hard infighting.

Ultimately, it was Jax’s friend Adrian that had created this powder keg in the first place. She’d grown up with him, she knew him well. If anything she was his girl, and not ours. Or maybe, just like she said, Harper was no one’s girl at all. No marking of territory needed.

But fuck… I wasn’t leaving here without marking something.

A delicate hand slipped through the leg of my boxer briefs. Eager fingers wrapped around my thickening shaft before extracting me, slapping my manhood heavily down the side of one leg.

Harper stared at her handiwork, lips slightly parted, her sapphire eyes fixed on my erection like she’d seen an old friend. A second later she was kissing me even more deeply, swirling her smooth pink tongue through my mouth as she spread her legs wide for me. I buried my face between those incredible thighs, then inhaled her through the thin fabric of her tiny thong.

Fuck yes.

Her scent was husky, sweet, ambrosial — exactly as I remembered it. Her panties were totally adorable. I couldn’t wait to destroy them.

I looked down into those beautiful, lust-filled eyes. Harper bit her lip and smiled. She gave me the nod…


We jumped off the bed so fast the springs squeaked! The noise had been loud and unmistakable. With a protective arm out, I kept her behind me as we crept in the direction of the doorway. We peered down the hall, into the living room…

Jax was flopping around and groaning, spread eagle across the floor.

He’d rolled off the couch.

“He’s up?” Harper whispered.

Her near-naked body was pressed into me from behind, awakening my every last animalistic instinct. It was almost impossible to suppress them.

“Nah,” I assured her. “The four horsemen of the apocalypse could ride through your living room right now, and he’d still be asleep.”

This happened often I knew, especially after he’d worked so many hours in a row. Jax’s body desperately needed rest, but his mind was still racing, still awake. And sometimes, still hungry too. This combination had caused all kinds of midnight chaos back at our place, usually in the kitchen.

Jax groaned again, then flopped over. He tried to get up, but apparently his legs said no.

“Does he sleepwalk?” Harper asked.

“Sometimes,” I admitted. “Usually when he’s exhausted like this. I’ve found him in all different rooms, doing all different things. Once he was sitting in the corner, trying to play cards with himself.”

On cue, Jax mumbled something loudly. It was a half-sentence of gibberish, followed by an all-new round of snoring.

I turned to face Harper. She stood there in her underwear, all soft and vulnerable, staring back at me. Her expression was unsure.

“Maybe… Maybe we shouldn’t do this,” she murmured. “Right now, I mean.”

Her blue eyes were soft and apologetic as she took my hand.

“If he wakes up, it just wouldn’t be—”

“I know.”
