Page 71 of Sharing the Nanny

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And by something, I meant me.

The glasses were handed out, and this time we drank without toasting. In our defense, we’d been toasting all night. By now I was dizzy with Merlot, thrilled to be relaxing, and of course, giddy at the idea of finally getting laid.

“Got any music?”

At my request, Preston pulled out his phone and sent something remotely to some very expensive-sounding speakers. Whatever it was, it had a slow, beautiful rhythm that was perfect to sway my hips to. Which of course, I did.

“Nice. Dance with me?”

I breathed the words softly, seductively, while trailing my wine glass in one hand. I allowed the music to wash over me, guiding my movements, lifting me through the dimly-lit apartment as if floating on a cloud. No one joined me, although I could feel their eyes following me with every step.

“Fine,” I chuckled. “You boys just watch, then.”

I looked back to find the guys sprawled out in soft chairs, gazing at me intently. Their shirts were only half-buttoned. Their wine glasses, already half-empty. They looked dashingly handsome with their shoes and slacks still on, like real, true men and not the immature boys I’d been so used to dating. Their expressions were unapologetically lecherous, though. And that was just fine by me.

I kept dancing, swaying, moving before them. Then, piece by piece, I began removing my clothes. My dress came up, my bra came undone. I left my G-sting on, though. After all, a girl had to leave something to the imagination.

I was stripped bare before them in no time, my body undulating slowly to the haunting yet beautiful song. It felt absurdly normal, being naked and dancing before them both. I let my hands wander slowly up my hips, then over my breasts, then down across the flat of my stomach…

“So, it’s like this, now?” Adrian asked casually.

Still moving with deliberate slowness, I sauntered over to him. Bracing a hand on one muscular thigh, I leaned in close enough that my lips brushed his ear.

“Yeah,” I nodded sultrily. “It’s like this.”

I grabbed his cock, growing even wetter in anticipation. He didn’t flinch.

“And this.”

I turned around and grabbed Preston too. He didn’t flinch either. To reach him, I had to bend at the hips, giving Adrian a full view of my G-string covered ass.

“And something like this.”

I dropped to my knees and gave my full attention to Preston, flipping my hair forward, rubbing my face all over his lap. I could feel him stirring beneath the fabric. His manhood was straining against its cotton prison, struggling to break free.

“After all, you did agree to share me,” I murmured softly. “Didn’t you?”

I unbuckled him with a mischievous chuckle, then used my teeth to pull his zipper down. The whole time, I was putting on a show for Adrian. I shoved my ass high in the air and rolled it left and right for him, moving it like a cobra emerging from a snake charmer’s basket.

“You wanted a girlfriend?” I teased Adrian, sultrily. “Well, this is girlfriend stuff.”

It was threesome stuff too, of course. I knew that part might be new to him, and maybe a little strange. But it was what he’d signed up for. He needed to know that in not choosing any of them, I’d chosen them all.

Baptism by fire.

Preston’s beautiful member popped free as I yanked his pants and boxers down. Just dragging it against my face made my mouth water. Before I closed my lips over it, I heard the familiar jangle of a belt buckle, followed by the sound of Adrian standing up. My stomach erupted in butterflies. This was all really happening.

A strong pair of hands went straight to my hips, and in no time Adrian was stretching my G-string to one side. He buried his face into me from behind, pressing his lips against my wetness, driving his tongue so deep I wanted to scream.

Then I did scream, and that felt even better.

He devoured me expertly, as I stroked Preston up and down. For a while I just coasted, rocking forward and back, floating through a warm haze of sex-saturated bliss. I could stay here pinned between them forever, and spend the rest of my days squirming against that model-handsome face…

Adrian had other ideas, though. Eventually he got up on his knees, and his hands went to my hips again. When he rubbed the bulbous head of his thick shaft through my already-drenched folds, I bit my lip and just about cried.

Girlfriend stuff is fucking awesome, I sighed to myself, as he sank right in.

~ 36 ~
