Page 28 of Rock

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It’s very him.

Mr. Dark and Dangerous.

He might have a pretty face, but the vibe I get coming off him is all wrong. Not wrong in a bad way, like I feel uncomfortable with him, but in another way. Like he’s lived a hard life. Like he’s seen it all.

I check out his ass as he walks toward the trolleys and avert my gaze when he returns back.

Even the way he walks commands attention. And people are looking.

They’re probably wondering what I’m doing with this guy. If it weren’t me, I’d be thinking the exact same thing.

It takes another fifteen minutes of standing in awkward silence until all my luggage is finally loaded. Thank God nothing looks as damaged as the first suitcase.

We push the trolleys out together through the exit, and I follow him to his truck.

It’s as expected, a large four-wheel drive, black with tinted windows.

It looks like something a biker would drive, when they’re not on a motorcycle.

I stand by as he loads all the cases into the trunk, and then lays my hand luggage on the back seat.

“Hop in,” he says, nodding to the passenger side.

I do as he says, taking Pirate’s cage and placing him on the floor, then I pull myself into the cab as I glance around. It’s neat and smells like him.

Holy fuck.

I clear my throat for what feels like the millionth time as he swings his way into his seat, the car rocks with his weight and he starts the engine.

“Nice ride,” I say, staring ahead.

I feel his eyes on me. “Thanks.”

“Do you ride a Harley normally?”

“Sure do.” Then I turn as he leans his arm over the back of my chair to reverse.

Holy mother of God. This man shouldn’t be legal.

It’s a simple enough move, guys do it all the time. But with him, it’s so fucking sexy.

I press my legs together again. It’s been a while. Sue me. And being locked in his cab with that woodsy smell permeating my nostrils might just tip me over the edge.

I’m sure as fuck feeling things in my nether-region and this Rock guy could be just the one to relieve the tension…

“So, have you ever been in this neck of the woods?” he asks.

He’s hot, smells amazing, has pretty eyes and he’s chatty? Surely, he must have some flaws…

“Uh, no. I can’t say I have. The brochure says you have a lot of mosquitos and alligators.”

His lips turn up into a devastating smile. I realize that Rock smiling could actually be my undoing, which is ridiculous, I just met this man… Breathe, fruitcake, just breathe.

“Don’t worry, the alligators are well fed.” He gives me a wink, and I quickly look away.

“Hopefully not from the tourists?”

“Nah. Just bad people.”

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