Page 31 of Rock

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But if she’s uncomfortable in my presence, she sure as heck hides it well.

She seems perfectly at ease.

And she better be, as we’re about to get up close and personal in a different way.

I got the logistics report from her father this morning.

I have to sleep at the apartment building, which I guess is a given, but you’d think a prospect on the door would be enough to ensure her safety while I sleep in my own bed, in my own place. It’s like Fort fuckin’ Knox in that complex. Nobody can get to her floor without the damn code and a pass.

I crack my neck.

It’s gonna be okay.

She’s off limits. She’s off limits. She’s off limits.

“Don’t worry, where we’re goin’, we don’t have any alligators, wayward ones or otherwise.”

“Good to hear. So, I guess a trip out to the bayou is off the cards then?” She quirks an eyebrow as she looks over at me.

“Better believe it.”

As she sighs, the sound makes me turn my head. “You good?” I prompt.

She fiddles with her fingers in her lap; the first sign I’ve seen that she’s a little hesitant, aside from the lip biting which is turning me the fuck on.

“I’m fine.”

It’s none of my business, and I don’t know why I care, but I find myself asking, “Why the sigh?”

I can’t be sure, but I think she just eye rolled me. “Because it’s always the same, no matter where I go or what I’m doing.”

Uh, oh. Cash warned me she was a brat. Five minutes in the car and she’s already whining.

“What is?”

She crosses her arms over her chest and it’s the first time I really notice her tits.

They’re not huge, but also not small. Just the right size if we’re comparing apples to oranges. I imagine sliding my hand up her torso and under her shirt to feel how hard her nipples are…

“My father’s rules.”

Here we go… “Sounds like you don’t like that.”

“You guessed right.”

“So why follow them?” I say.

I feel her gaze on me. “What do you mean?”

I shrug. “You’re old enough to make your own decisions, Aspyn.”

It’s the first time I use her name, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m sure I heard a little intake of breath when I said it.

“That just goes to show you how different we really are because, in my world, if you don’t do as your parents say, you’ll be outcasted and labeled a black sheep.”

“So? All you’d have to do is sell one of your fancy cars and you’d be able to start out someplace new. I’m guessin’ you drive a luxury car and have lots of pretty things to sell if you did get cut off.”

Probably not the right thing to say, but I’ve never minced words.
