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“Yeah, yeah. I love you, too. Give it to me, Morales.”

I’ve never been as taken off guard by an orgasm as I am by this one. It slams into me so hard my dick physically aches as cum spurts out of the tip and splashes across Shiloh’s face. His lips, his cheeks and nose, even his mouth as he opens for it. Innocent eyes bat up at me, and I know two things for certain:

I’m going to be in love with this man for the rest of my life, and I’m going to enjoy turning his ass and dick matching shades of red.

“Say it again.”

I tighten my fingers around him and watch his eyes flutter.

“I love you.”

My weak knees drop to the floor, and I take his cum-coated chin in my hand and draw his mouth to mine in a rough collision. He whimpers as I bite down on his lip, but takes every nip and dirty thrust of my tongue that I give to him.

“Again,” I growl into his mouth and suck the blood from his lip.

His eyes are dazed, but his smile is sweet and dopey. “I love you so goddamn much my whole body aches not having you inside me.”

All the air in my lungs evaporates. The only two things on the planet that exist are me and Shiloh.

“That can be remedied.” Because my cock is already twitching and ready to rally.

I reach around and smack his ass, reveling in his tiny yelp and half-hearted glare. But he doesn’t object as I drag him to his feet and shove him toward the bed.

“You better lay down and cover that filthy mouth. I’m going to wreck this hole.”

I climb on top of him from behind, pressing my growing erection to his ass and slipping my hand around to the front of his waistband. My fingers dig beneath, and when there’s no protest I press a single digit to his wetness.

“Who does this belong to?”

That lust-filled haze is still there as he throws a blazing look over his shoulder, but now I can read the smolder for what it is: an outpouring of love and trust.

His hand winding around the back of my neck and squeezing tight is the only confirmation I need.




Six Months Later

When people die, their loved ones usually have one of two reactions: They’re either numb to the entire experience, or they become so overrun by emotion that they’re an inconsolable mess.

I’m some fucked up third meld of the two, because it feels like I’ve been doused with lidocaine but my mood swings are so all over the place that I have a permanent handprint on my ass from my boyfriend’s reprimands.

“Unless you want your bare ass spanked in front of your brother, I suggest you shut your mouth and behave.”

Like I’m a goddamn dog.

I roll my eyes hard but make sure to give Corvin’s hand an extra squeeze so he knows I appreciate the reminder.

The screen door to the trailer is wide open, and Atlas’ booming laughter can be heard from the driveway. I step forward to head inside and get this over with, but Corvin tugs on our joined hands and pulls me back into his arms.

“You sure you want to do this?”

Corvin has this annoying insistence on being our group’s voice of reason, which is absurd considering my brother—Blair Novak—is also a part of the crew and as uptight as they get. Sure, Atlas has mellowed him out a little, but he’s still a buzzkill on the best days.

“One last ‘fuck you’ to take to the grave.” I throw him a smile and yank my arm away, turning to stomp into the house like the petulant toddler he secretly loves that I am.
