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“Earth to Corvin.”

I turn to look at Rascal, whose hair is rumpled and has a red mark across his cheek from napping with his head on the table.

“Mornin’, sunshine.”

“Fuck you,” he says with a pout as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. “You were supposed to wake me up.”

I shrug. “You looked cozy.”

He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. “No. You were too busy daydreaming about your new roommate. Seriously, Cory, just fuck him already. The tension is astronomical.”

“Not going to happen,” I say, passing him my notebook with the fundraiser information I’d jotted down before spacing out.

He takes it, marks out a few things, circles a few others, and passes it back to me. There’s a stern look in his eyes as he points to something at the bottom he’s added.

Get. Laid.

“Are you offering?” I don’t have any intentions of hooking up with anyone this semester unless they have brown eyes, dark, unruly curls, and a permanent sneer.


I snap my attention up to Rascal, who is now sitting sideways in his chair with his head cocked and a strangely serious expression on his face. He props an elbow on the table and leans forward.

His eyes flash away for a brief second, coming back to mine with a grin.

“I’m offering to let you take all this pent up sexual energy and fuck me until I can’t stand. Whatever you want to do to your little obsession, do it to me.”

The temptation is there; Rascal has a body made for handprints and bruises, but while it might provide relief, it wouldn’t be enough.

“Is this what you do in your free time?” I know that disgruntled tone without even needing to turn around.

I catch Rascal’s grin turn a little more devious, and if he wants that spanking so bad he’s a couple choice words away from getting it.

“Shiloh.” I tilt my head to the side to see him step to the edge of our table. We’re in a far back corner of the library, so it isn’t often someone stumbles past us.

“Sex in a public library. Bold.”

Rascal jumps up from his seat and clasps his hands behind his back. “Only potential sex. Nothing indecent happening yet.”

Shiloh’s eyes are a stormy shade of blue today.

“Got your fundraiser idea picked out yet, Rat?”

Rascal furrows his brow, and after an intense staredown, his entire face breaks out in a deep flush.

“I’ve got some ideas,” he says, tucking the notebook under his arm and picking his bag up off the floor.

“Dipping out before getting dicked down? What? Don’t like an audience?”

Flustering Rascal is easy, but if his goal is making the other man uncomfortable, well... let’s just say my summer sex buddy has a bit of a humiliation kink hidden under that shy exterior.

Rascal smiles through the redness on his face and leans down to whisper in my ear, “I think I like this one.”

His eyes twinkle with an excitement that mirrors the one he gets right before a punishment.

“Behave,” I tell him as he pulls away, stern and just loud enough for Shiloh to overhear.

Rascal shudders and steps around me, and it’s not long before his receding footsteps fade away, leaving Shiloh and I alone.

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