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Sure, I can only avoid him for so long, but I’m going to soak up whatever amount of space I can. It’s not like it wasn’t his idea anyway.

I flick over to Corvin’s and take a hissing breath in through my teeth. Shit.

Asshole: Test results should be back next week. Did you make it to your appointment?

No the fuck I didn’t. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I got so damn caught up in this kink sheet that I forgot. I take a look at the time and see that it’s definitely past the clinic’s closing and curse under my breath.

Fucking hell. I can’t even do this shit right.

“I gotta go,” I mumble, pushing to my feet. “Take it easy on Vee. Even if she branches out, she’s still your sister.”

Valco shoos me away, and I throw the hood up on my hoodie as I step out of their apartment and into the evening drizzle.

By the time I make it back to the dorms, anxiety has twisted my nerves into a bundled artwork of knots.

I’m a colossal fuck up, but that isn’t news to Corvin. He knows my darkness almost as well as I do.

Besides, what the hell am I doing being afraid of what some asshole on a power trip is going to think of me missing a stupid appointment?

It’s infuriating as hell that the moment I walk through the door, his green eyes flick up to mine over his thick-framed glasses. I push my hood back and toss my bag on the floor, but that stare pins my feet to the floor.


He tilts his head, closes the laptop resting on his legs, and pats the spot beside him on the bed. “Let’s see it.”

The list.

My fingers shouldn’t fucking tremble as I unzip the bag and pull the paper out. My legs shouldn’t feel like lead as I travel the few excruciating feet to stop at the bedside.

Corvin holds out his hand, and the moment the paper transfers between us, my mouth opens like an invisible force tears the words from my lips.

“I didn’t get tested.”

The page crumples a little as his fingers tighten around it. I stare straight down at the comforter, grinding my teeth into my cheek.

“Why’s that?”

There’s no accusation. In fact, there’s no indication of what he’s thinking or feeling at all.

Goddammit, I’m not even supposed to care.

“I forgot.”

There’s that thoughtful, ominous hum. “Forgot, huh?”

My canine splits the skin of my lip, and I suck it in before the blood can show.

“I was helping Valco and doing some school work. Lost track of time. I forgot.”

A blanket of silence falls, and then Corvin scootches toward the wall and pats the bed again.

Standing gives me a quicker means of escape, but do I really want to run from whatever Corvin plans to give me?

Hurt me.

Take it off my shoulders.

I sit as the silence continues, Corvin seemingly engrossed in my over-scribbled mess of a paper.
