Page 24 of Prepper Daddy

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“My wife.” He peered down at me with an affectionate look. “My sweet babygirl.” He cupped the side of my face and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

“My husband,” I replied with a tiny smile. “My daddy.”

Husband. I turned to mush as he held my gaze. I’d never imagined I would get married. Of course, I’d never imagined I would find a loving daddy like Darrel either.

Without warning, he grasped my hips and surged deep in my core, driving to the hilt in one quick thrust. He propped my legs over his shoulders and drove deeper, setting a fast rhythm of claiming me.

He freed an animalistic growl that sent heated quivers through me, and his fingers dug into my hips. I ran my hands up and down the hard planes of his back, drawing him closer.

He reached down to caress my clit, not missing a beat as he continued pounding me. Yes. Yes, oh, yes. As he drew moisture over my pulsating nubbin, I shattered and gasped for air, lost in the euphoric sensations that were spiraling through me.

“That’s it, babygirl. Come for Daddy. Come on my cock like a good girl.”

He erupted inside me a short while later, sending torrents of his seed into my core. His face contorted with pleasure and more savage noises left him.

By the time he was finished, he was panting hard, his hair a disheveled mess. With his muscles still tensed as he clutched my hips, he looked more beast than man as he loomed above me.

Finally, he withdrew from my center and gathered me close. He placed me on his lap and settled his chin atop my head. The warmth of his body surrounded me, and I shifted on his lap so I could place my ear over his heart. The steady thumping lulled me into a relaxed state, and I soon found myself yawning as my eyes grew heavy.

“No sleep yet, babygirl.” He set me on my feet next to the bed.

“Oh? Why’s that?” Despite my fatigue, I summoned a playful look. “Are you planning to bend me over the bed for another pound-fest, Daddy?”

“No, sweet girl.” He grasped my hand and led me to the bathroom. “I’m going to help you get all cleaned up, then I’m going to dress you in a warm pair of jammies and tuck you into bed with me.”

I stifled a huge yawn. “Oh, good. That sounds wonderful, Daddy. Not that I don’t love it when you take me to pound-town, but we’ve had a long day, and I’m exhausted.”

He kissed me before turning on the bath water. I watched as he added bubbles and set out a few washcloths.

“All right, sweetheart. Looks ready to me.” He turned off the faucet and tested the temperature.

My heart warmed as he carefully helped me into the water. He gave me a fast but efficient bath. When it came time to clean my privates, he rubbed me to a quick release before dragging the cloth over my folds.

I couldn’t stop yawning. Apparently, weddings took a lot out of me.

Husband. I cast a glance at Daddy, admiring the way his muscles flexed as he shifted the shower head from one hand to the other while rinsing me off.

Gratitude spread through me, a surge of emotion that brought tears to my eyes. I was so thankful to have met him, so thankful we would spend the rest of our lives together.

After he finished rinsing me off, he wrapped me in a warm, fluffy towel and dried me off. As always, he spent extra time drying off my butt cheeks, and I winced a few times at the soreness.

“Does your bottom hurt, babygirl?”

“Maybe a little,” I admitted, flushing hot.

He finished drying me and patted my bum. “It’s still a tad pink.” He gave my right cheek a firm squeeze before applying the same treatment to the left one. “Maybe I should give you a light spanking like this before bedtime every night. Maybe it would help remind you to obey your husband.” Another squeeze.

Heated pulses besieged my core, and I wavered between wanting sleep and wanting him to claim me again.

He made the decision for me, however, and guided me back to the bedroom where he helped me into my purple onesie. He quickly got me settled underneath the covers.

“Wait!” I bolted up. “Daddy, I left Possum Bob downstairs. I placed him in the window that overlooks the garden so he could watch us get married.”

He stroked my hair. “Lie back down and I’ll go get him for you.”

I complied and rested my head upon the soft pillow as I drew the covers back over myself. Aside from Daddy’s footsteps on the stairs and the ticking of an old-fashioned grandfather clock in the living room, the house was quiet. Peaceful.

I started to drift off but roused when Daddy returned and tucked Possum Bob under my arm. I hugged my favorite stuffie to my chest and sighed with contentment.

The mattress dipped as Daddy joined me. He spooned me from behind, draping an arm over me as he tangled his legs with mine. His familiar scent and the warmth of his body brought me comfort.

Just before I succumbed to sleep, he kissed the back of my neck and whispered, “I’ll love you forever, babygirl. Until 2132 and beyond.”

* * *
