Page 17 of Touch In The Dark

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I waited for him to get behind the wheel before tapping him on his shoulder. “So, where are you taking me?”

“Mr. Stevenson instructed me to keep silent. You will have to wait and see.”

I usually hated being left in the dark, but for some reason, this time I didn’t mind it. I had a funny feeling that wherever it was, it would be amazing. Settling back into my seat, I sat back and enjoyed the ride.


After a twenty-minute ride, the driver finally pulled up to an elegant restaurant with a circular entrance and a large waterfall in the middle. This was one place I had never been, nor had I known it existed. Based on the name, La Flora, I knew it had to be Italian. Other than good old American cuisine, I loved Italian food.

The driver remained behind the wheel as a valet stepped up to the car and opened the door. Bending his body at the waist, he greeted me with a smile. “Welcome to La Flora.”

“Thank you,” I said as I placed my hand in his outstretched hand. “I am supposed to have dinner with River Stevenson.”

“Yes. Mr. Stevenson is awaiting your arrival. Please head inside and a hostess will take you to him.”

When I got to the entrance door, a doorman was standing there holding the door open. He gave me a courteous nod as I headed inside the luxurious restaurant. Just as the valet had stated, a young woman was there to show me to River’s table.

“Right this way, Ms. Scott.”

I wasn’t sure how she knew who I was, but I felt foolish asking. River must have given her a heads up by letting her know what I looked like. The hostess stepped in front of me and led me through the rows of finely set tables. The small lights that illuminated the tables were a nice touch.

As we rounded the corner, there was no missing River. When his eyes fell upon me, he immediately stood, sporting a smile that would light up the United States. It was that brilliant.

“You look amazing,” he said as he walked around the table and pulled out a chair.

“Thank you for the dress. But it really wasn’t necessary.” I walked to where he was waiting and took a seat.

“Maybe so. But there was no way I was going to let you cancel our dinner date,” River replied as he pushed in my chair. “I knew black would be the perfect color for you.”

I could feel my body getting hot at just the sound of his voice. Why did he have this kind of effect on me? Avoiding eye contact with him, I picked up my napkin and began unrolling the material before placing it on my lap. I wasn’t sure why I felt intimidated by him. As I took a sip of water, the waiter had returned with a bottle of what looked like very expensive wine.

“The wine you requested, sir,” he said with a hint of an Italian accent. “I hope it is to your satisfaction.”

The waiter poured a small amount into a wineglass and waited for River to test the flavor. Sending the waiter an approving nod, the waiter continued filling his glass and then mine.

“Here is to an unforgettable evening.” River lifted his glass in a toast.

I hesitated for a moment, but then lifted my glass and softly hit the side of his. Unforgettable wasn’t the word I was thinking of. More like terrifying. I put the edge of the glass to my lips and took a healthy drink. I needed all the liquid courage I could get to get through dinner.

“I have never been to this place,” I admitted as I looked through the menu.

“Well, it will be a treat for you. May I suggest the Chicken Marsala,” he suggested.

I wasn’t a fan of chicken or marinara sauce, but I was willing to try it. “That sounds good.”



As the evening wore on, I couldn’t help but become completely enamored by Harper and her effervescent personality. Perhaps it was the effect of the wine, but she seemed to radiate warmth and joy in everything she did. As we sat at our table, surrounded by the soft glow of candlelight and the lively chatter of other diners, I found myself not wanting this evening to end.

“I have something special I would like to show you,” I said, my heart racing with nervous excitement.

“Really?” Harper’s eyes sparkled with curiosity and anticipation.

“Yes, as my attorney, I believe it is only fair that you see Triage International for yourself.”

It was a bit of a stretch, but it was the perfect excuse to get her back to my apartment. Last time I had invited her, she had declined, and I wasn’t about to let that happen again.
