Page 16 of Touch In The Dark

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The hours had dragged on, each minute feeling like an eternity as I sat at my desk, mindlessly scrolling through in search of bargains. It wasn’t a complete waste of time, as I did manage to purchase a cute dress and matching sandals.

As the clock finally struck the end of the workday, I hurried out of my office, mentally berating myself for not taking the longer route to the elevator to avoid running into Drake. But fate seemed to have other plans as he approached me at double-speed, stopping me in my tracks.

“Hey, Harper, a few of us are going to O2. You should join us,” he said eagerly.

O2 was a nearby nightclub that played mainly 80s music—it was okay if you were into that sort of thing. “I think I’ll pass, but have fun,” I replied coolly.

“Oh, come on. It will be fun,” he pleaded.

“I’m good. See you tomorrow.”

With that, I brushed past him and entered the empty elevator. This was a rare occurrence at this time of night when everyone was trying to leave work—perhaps I would get lucky and avoid the rush hour traffic for once.


My aching feet carried me to my small apartment, begging for relief from the torture of high heels. All I wanted was to sink into my tiny tub and let the warm water soothe my tired muscles, accompanied by a glass of red wine. But before indulging in my evening routine, I checked my answering machine for any missed calls. Three were from annoying solicitors, their voices grating on my nerves. However, the fourth message caught my attention—it was from River. The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.

No matter what your plans are this evening, I told you I wouldn’t take no for an answer. Therefore, I will be sending you a car. It will be there at seven. Don’t forget to wear a short dress.

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. Even though I desperately wanted to avoid him altogether, something told me I wouldn’t be so lucky to get out of dinner. Maybe if I hurried, I could still catch the gang at O2 and avoid River. Stripping down, I hurried to the bathroom to take a quick shower. “Quick” meant ten minutes. With less than thirty minutes to get dressed, do my makeup, and fix my hair, I knew time was not on my side. But I was determined to make it work.

The water had barely reached the hot temperature I liked before I got out. Getting ready in twenty minutes was a new record for me. Dressed with minimal makeup and my hair in a messy up-do, I was out the door and hailing a cab.

The city streets were bustling with activity, but surprisingly, most cabs seemed to be unoccupied. Just as one finally pulled over to the sidewalk, a sleek black sedan glided up beside me. My heart sank—it could only mean one thing. Crap!

I tried to ignore the driver as he stepped out of the vehicle. “Ms. Scott!” he called out as he stepped onto the sidewalk.

As soon as I saw him, I knew I was screwed. There was no avoiding it—I had to face him. “I told Mr. Stevenson something came up,” I explained, feeling the weight of his disapproving glare on me. In my defense, I wasn’t exactly dressed for dinner—just a plain t-shirt and tight jeans.

The driver’s smile widened as he approached me and opened the back door of the car. “Mr. Stevenson predicted you would say that. He’s provided you with something to wear,” he said cordially.

Reluctantly, I climbed into the luxurious vehicle, wishing I had just kept walking when he called out my name. Before we drove off, my eyes were drawn to a long white box on the seat beside me. The word “CHANEL” was embossed on top in bold letters, elegantly wrapped with a black bow. My curiosity was piqued, and I reached for the box and tentatively lifted the lid.

“What is this?” I asked, my fingers tracing over the smooth surface of the box.

“You will need to open it to find out,” the driver replied cryptically, glancing at me through the rearview mirror. “I’m sure it will be to your liking. Mr. Stevenson has impeccable taste.”

With apprehension building in my chest, I carefully peeled back layers of tissue paper until a stunning black dress emerged from within the box. My breath caught in my throat as I examined every detail—delicate crystals adorning the neckline, a sheath silhouette that would fall just above the knee—all perfectly tailored to fit my body like a glove. Despite its beauty and obvious expense, I couldn’t bring myself to accept such an extravagant gift from him.

“I wouldn’t feel right wearing this dress. If you wait a few minutes, I’ll change into something else.” I said as I neatly folded the dress and put it back in the box before handing it to the driver.

“Mr. Stevenson would be very disappointed if you didn’t wear the dress he had chosen for you. Take it and change. I will wait for you.”

The driver handed the box to me before getting out of the car. He rounded the front and pulled open the back passenger door. I held the box against my chest as I exited the car. Looking at the driver, I said, “Give me ten minutes.”

He nodded his head in acceptance, letting me know that he would wait for me. As I headed inside my building, I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this, especially since this was against everything I wanted to do.

Fumbling with my keys, I finally managed to stick the key in the keyhole. I pushed open the door and quickly walked toward my bedroom. Using less care than when I was in the back seat of the black sedan, I ripped the top of the box and pulled out the dress. Placing it on the bed, I hurried to take my clothes off. The zipper on the back of the dress was a little chore, but I managed to get it zipped up.

As I looked at myself in the long mirror, I admired how good I actually looked. The dress fit perfectly. When I looked at my feet, I rushed to my closet to grab the only black heels I had. They were Louboutin knockoffs, but even then, I loved the way they made my legs look. Maybe if I ever made partner, I would be able to afford the real thing.

Sliding into them, I stepped inside my small bathroom to check my makeup before I headed back to the car that was waiting for me. With a touchup to my mascara and a swipe of my favorite red lipstick, I was as ready as I would ever be.

When I walked outside my building, the driver was still standing in the same spot as before. He looked my way and instantly opened the back passenger door for me.

Giving him a smile, I said, “Thank you for waiting.”

“It was my pleasure, Ms. Scott,” he replied as he assisted me inside.
