Page 19 of Touch In The Dark

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“I want you to touch me,” she moaned, her words dripping with need.

“Where?” I teased, enjoying the effect I had on her.

She took my hand and guided it down her stomach, beneath the fabric of her dress. “Touch me here,” she pleaded.

My fingers eagerly made their way up her smooth thigh, feeling the softness of her skin beneath the thin material. As I reached the edge of her panties, I could sense the dampness that awaited me. Sliding my hand beneath the fabric, I explored every inch of her heat, reveling in the sensations she elicited from me. Slowly, I pulled her panties down her legs, savoring every inch until they reached her feet adorned with heels.

There was still one piece of clothing remaining—her dress—the only barrier between us. And if I wanted to fully enjoy this moment with her, it had to go. With purposeful movements, I pushed her back onto the couch and ran my hands up her body. Determined to have all of her for myself, I began to remove the final piece of clothing.



I wanted to beg him to fuck me, but my mouth wouldn’t open. My body ached and yearned for him, but I couldn’t form the words to ask. His skilled fingers traced slowly down my abdomen, sending shivers through my body. When they reached my core, he slipped them between my moist folds and gently probed inside. A familiar sense of desire flooded over me and I knew he could feel it too. Spurred on by his touch, my hips bucked against him as he added another finger, exploring deeper and reaching that elusive spot that no other man had ever been able to find. I was completely at his mercy as his fingers played and teased me.

“River,” I cried out, my voice overcome with pleasure and desire.

His fingers pressed against my inner walls, exploring and manipulating me in ways that no one else had before. Every movement ignited a new wave of pleasure throughout my body, bringing me closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. Unable to resist any longer, I let go and surrendered, feeling more satisfied than ever before.

“Don’t hold back,” he urged, his words a whisper in my ear as he pressed harder against my inner walls. Every movement, every sensation was like a current coursing through me, building and building until I could take no more. And then, in an explosion of ecstasy, I let go and let the pleasure consume me completely.

As I lay there panting and trying to catch my breath, my mind suddenly cleared and reality set in. Layers of regret and guilt consumed me as I realized what had just happened. This should never have happened. I should have stopped it before things went too far.

Gathering my composure, I pushed myself up to a sitting position and frantically began gathering my clothes. But River’s hand on my arm stopped me.

“Oh, God. What have I done?” I scolded myself as I rushed to put my clothes back on.

“It’s okay, Harper,” River reassured me, stopping me in my frantic motions. “You did nothing wrong.”

“You don’t understand. This should never have happened,” I choked out, covering my body as best as I could. “This was a mistake. You’re my client.” My eyes darted around the room, searching for some sort of escape or cover.

“The bathroom is down the hall and to the right.” River said softly, holding up his hand and pointing in the opposite direction from where we were standing.

“Thanks,” I murmured, ducking under his arm and rushing toward the bathroom in a frenzy of embarrassment and shame.

After hastily entering the bathroom and securing the door behind me, I frantically threw on my clothes. As my hands fumbled with the clasp of my bra and zipper of my dress, my mind raced with thoughts of escape. As I struggled to dress myself, I realized I couldn’t even remember if I had put my underwear on correctly. All I wanted was to erase this experience from my memory as if it were just a bad dream.

Once fully clothed, I forced myself to look in the mirror and face the image of the seductress I had become. My once pale complexion now glowed with a flushed heat, and dark circles smudged my eyes thanks to smeared mascara. With trembling fingers, I reached for the faucet and let the cold water flow over them. Trying my best to remove the evidence of my indiscretion, I realized no amount of scrubbing could wash away the guilt and shame that lingered within me.

As I emerged from the bathroom, I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. In my haste to leave, I had left my purse on the floor beside the marble table. My heart raced as I walked toward the door, knowing that facing River was inevitable.

I approached the couch where my purse lay and quickly snatched it up, hoping to avoid River’s gaze. But he stopped me, his hands gently grasping my arms.

“Harper, please don’t go,” he pleaded, his warm hands gentle on my arms.

My eyes searched for any sign of regret or remorse on his face, but all I saw was desire and longing. “Please, don’t make this any more embarrassing for me.”

He sighed, his shoulders slumping as he realized he couldn’t change my mind. “At least let me drive you home,” he offered.

Despite my desire to get away from him, I knew it would be difficult to find a cab at this late hour. Reluctantly, I agreed, “Okay, but only because it’s late.”

As we made our way to the door, River grabbed his suit jacket and held it out for me to slip into. With a deep breath, I slipped on his suit jacket before I stepped through the open doorway and into the hallway.

The walk to the elevator felt excruciatingly long as my thoughts raced with questions and doubts about how I could ever face River again after what had just happened between us. He held the elevator doors open for me and we stood side by side in tense silence as it descended to the parking garage.

Despite everything that had transpired between us, there was still a part of me that couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. But when the elevator doors opened, and we stepped out into the deserted garage, I knew things could never be the same between us again. He had seen me naked and fingered me without hesitation or permission. The thought made me want to crawl into a hole and never come out.

