Page 27 of Touch In The Dark

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As I peeled off my trousers and boxers, a surge of heat rushed through me at the sight of her eager gaze. I positioned myself between her parted legs, our eyes locked in a fiery exchange. Her lips were full and swollen with need, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. Without hesitation, I pressed my mouth to hers, drowning in the intoxicating taste of her desire. My throbbing cock pulsed with anticipation, eager to be buried deep inside her. With a firm grasp, I guided myself to her entrance and thrust forward, feeling the warmth and tightness of her walls envelop me.

Soft moans of pleasure escaped her lips as she surrendered to my every movement. In and out, I undulated my hips, each thrust stretching her to new heights of ecstasy until she took me completely. She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me deeper inside her as she clung to me with desperate desire. Our hands explored each other’s bodies, seeking out every inch of pleasure until we were both consumed by the intense sensation of being joined as one.


Harper lay contently beside me, her warm body draped over mine and her head resting gently on my chest. The sweet scent of her lingered in the air, mingling with the remnants of our passion from the night before. But as much as I wanted to stay in this moment with her, the thought of Davian calling me with some news about Drake Pierson brought me back to reality.

Slowly, I extricated myself from her embrace, savoring the feeling of her skin against mine before reluctantly getting out of bed. As I slid on my briefs and trousers, a sense of longing washed over me for the warmth and comfort that she provided. But duty called, and I made my way to the living room to answer the call.

My suit coat hung where I had left it the night before, across the armchair next to the couch. I reached into the inner pocket to retrieve my ringing phone. True to form, it was Davian on the other end, interrupting our precious time together.

I greeted Davian with a chirpy “Good morning” before getting straight to business. “So, what do you have for me?” I asked eagerly.

“I think you will be surprised by what Patton was able to find out about Drake Pierson,” he replied confidently.

“Tell me everything.”

“It appears that Mr. Pierson has quite an extensive history. Multiple sexual assault charges have been brought against him, yet somehow, they have all been dropped or dismissed.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the unsurprising news. “What else?”

“We had some difficulty locating his birth record, but Patton stumbled upon something else. Apparently, he legally changed his name five years ago. His real name is Julien Turner.”

“Julien Turner… where have I heard that name before?” I racked my brain trying to place the familiar name.

Davian didn’t miss a beat as he continued, “Perhaps because he is none other than Jed Turner’s son.”

My jaw nearly hit the floor. Jed Turner was the last person I ever thought I would hear mentioned again. He was the man who almost swindled me out of 200 million dollars and half of my company brand. Thankfully, the deal fell through when his body was discovered in the trunk of his Bentley on the day he was supposed to sign the paperwork. It was rumored that he had gotten involved with some dangerous individuals and paid the ultimate price.

“Thank you for the information,” I said, still reeling from the unexpected connection to my past. “While I have you on the line, any updates on Niles and his whereabouts?”

Davian’s response was less than reassuring. “Unfortunately not, River. We are still searching but have found no leads.”

As I hung up the phone, a sense of unease settled over me. Would we ever be able to find Niles? It seemed like a daunting task, and I wasn’t sure if my team would ever be successful in locating him.

When I was about to make my way back to Harper, her beautiful eyes met mine. “Who is Niles?”

I didn’t know how much information I wanted to share with her about my estranged brother. If she knew about my sordid past, our time together would come to an end. Walking up to her, I pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead.

“How about you take a shower and I will find us something to cook for breakfast,” I responded, completely avoiding her question.

“Sounds yummy. There are eggs and bacon in the fridge,” she smiled and left me with a sweet kiss before heading back to the bedroom.

As I watched her turn and walk away from me, all I could think about was nixing breakfast and taking her one last time before reality set in. Unfortunately, those thoughts weren’t possible, since I knew she had to be at work in a little over an hour.

Turing on my heels, I headed to the small kitchen. Everything was at arm’s reach, so it didn’t take me long to find everything I needed. Harper’s apartment was small, but still functional, and probably all she could afford on a junior partner’s salary.

After carefully arranging the strips of bacon on a cookie sheet and sliding them into the preheated oven, I turned to the stovetop. With a flick of my wrist, I coated the pan with a generous amount of butter, watching as it sizzled and melted. The smell of warm, savory butter filled the room, making my stomach growl in anticipation.

As the pan heated up, I cracked four eggs one by one and slid them gently into the pan. The edges of the egg whites started to bubble and turn opaque as I quickly covered the pan with a lid. Turning toward the trash bin to dispose of the empty egg shells, I was surprised to see a pair of black heels discarded among the garbage. My heart sank at the sight - these were her favorite heels that she had worn just yesterday.

Picking up one of the shoes, I saw that the heel had been broken off. The thought of her struggling to walk in them flashed through my mind. She had worn them only yesterday; I remembered all too well how she wrapped her legs around my waist with them on. These heels would always hold a special place in my heart, a symbol of our time together.

I glanced at the size before placing the shoe back in the trash and rushing over to where I had left my phone sitting the coffee table. My fingers slid across the screen in search of Brian’s number.

“I need a pair of black heels, size 6, pronto,” I barked into the phone as I made my way back to the kitchen.

“Any particular designer?” he asked, and I could hear a hint of annoyance in his tone.
