Page 39 of Touch In The Dark

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“Take all the time you need.” River placed his mouth over mine in a passionate kiss. He just reminded me of what I would lose.


Two weeks had passed in anxious silence since Davian and his men last updated us on Niles’s whereabouts. The only information he had shared was what we already knew—the Triage fire was no accident. The charred remains of the building now stood as a testament to the violence that had occurred there. Our suspicions were confirmed by the fire marshal, who contacted River a week ago to inform him that it was a case of arson, and that it would be thoroughly investigated.

River’s nerves were stretched thin as he prepared for the trip back to Chicago to answer questions from the authorities. He felt like a prime suspect in their eyes, despite being nowhere near the scene when the fire erupted. Thankfully, once the authorities established a timeline, they had also determined River was nowhere near Chicago when the building when up in flames.

Even though River accepted their suspicions, I, on the other hand, couldn’t. But who was I to decide how much information to share with the authorities? My gut told me to trust Davian and River’s judgment on this matter. For now, it seemed best to withhold any details about Niles until we knew more about his plans.

As I sat on the back patio, savoring the last remnants of summer air, I anxiously awaited River’s return. It had only been two days since he left for Chicago, but I missed him terribly. Trying to distract myself from my worries, I helped Gretta in the kitchen. She showed me some tips and tricks for making the most succulent meatloaf I had ever tasted—soaking breadcrumbs in milk before adding them to the ground beef being her secret ingredient. It was a welcome distraction from my racing thoughts and fears about River’s safety.

“Now that is a beautiful sight,” River’s voiced sounded behind me.

I sprang from the comfortable lounger and rushed over to where he stood near the patio door. Wrapping my arms tightly around his broad shoulders, I pulled him in for a long hug. The familiar scent of his cologne enveloped me as the warm summer breeze blew between us. It was like coming home after a long journey—River’s touch and presence brought a sense of comfort and familiarity that I had been craving.

Throwing my arms around his broad shoulders, I pulled him in for a tight embrace. “God, how I missed you,” I whispered.

His lips met mine in a passionate kiss, his cologne mingling with the sweet scent of summer. In that moment, I knew without a doubt that he had missed me just as much—his strong hands and body enveloped me in a sense of safety and belonging.

Breaking away from our kiss, I gazed into his deep blue eyes. “How was your trip?” I asked with genuine interest.

“Exhausting,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “Let’s go inside and relax.”

River took me by the hand and led me inside to the leather sectional couch. We sank into the plush leather sectional couch, and I couldn’t help but notice the way River seemed lost in thought. I didn’t want to pry or burden him with questions right after he had returned home, so instead, I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped one arm around his waist. The rise and fall of his chest beneath me was soothing in its rhythm, but the silence between us felt heavy.

Lifting my head, I looked up at him, only to find that he had fallen asleep against the couch cushions. A small smile tugged at my lips as I watched him sleep peacefully, feeling grateful for this moment of quiet tranquility with the man I loved.

I heard Gretta’s soft footsteps behind me before she lightly touched my shoulder. I turned my head toward her, lifting my index finger to my mouth. She leaned over the couch to see River still sound asleep.

She patted me on the shoulder once more, leaning toward my ear and whispering, “Dinner is ready. Should I save you two a plate for later?”

I hated waking up River since he was sleeping so soundly. I wasn’t sure if he had eaten on the plane, but knew he wouldn’t pass up on Gretta’s great cooking. “We will be there in a minute,” I replied with a smile.

Gretta nodded her head and left us to head back to the kitchen. I swiped my hand across River’s cheek and then replaced it with a tender kiss. His eyes fluttered open. “I’m sorry. I must have fallen asleep.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. Dinner is ready, if you’re hungry.” I rose from the couch and held out my hand.

River placed his hand in mine and pulled me in for a kiss. “Let’s not keep Gretta waiting.”

We headed to the dining room, my hand in his. A sense of longing entered my thoughts as I remembered the decision I had to make. With our hands entwined together, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. If I had to give up my life in Chicago, so be it. It didn’t matter where I lived as long as River and I were together. The truth was, my decision was made days ago.



Harper had been confined within the walls of our home for almost three weeks now, and I could see the toll it was taking on her. She was itching to get out and explore the world outside. Davian had stumbled upon a newly built building that was going up for auction and thought it might be of interest to me. Though not as grand as the towering Triage Building, this one seemed to have potential with its modern design and architecture. The development company had run out of funds and had to relinquish ownership back to the bank.

“Hurry up, baby,” I called from the bedroom. “I want to get to the auction early, so we have time to explore the building.”

“I’m ready,” Harper replied, appearing from the bathroom.

Despite not seeing or hearing anything from Niles, with Axe and Brian accompanying us to the auction, I felt more secure venturing out. Davian and his men would also secure the perimeter of the building where the auction was taking place, ensuring our safety.

As we stepped out of the house, Brian had already pulled up in the Land Rover and parked it conveniently in front. Axe remained in the front seat while Brian got out and headed toward us. Although I didn’t see him as anything more than my security detail, there was an unspoken understanding between us that he held a deeper level of responsibility toward me and the people I cared about. For that, I was grateful.

“Everything is set, Davian and The Society are in place,” Brian said as he pulled open the back passenger door.

“Thank you. I don’t foresee any problems,” I replied optimistically.
