Page 41 of Bishop

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“Been with the Angels since I was sixteen,” I mutter. “No time for mates.”

“So what’s your relationship to Aisling Faye?”

“She’s…” I trail off with a wince, shame painting my face red. “…packed up with a good friend.”

“On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your attraction to Aisling Faye prior to arriving in New Eden?”

I snap my head toward him, teeth bared. “This doesn’t feel very scientific.”

“So…a five? Six?’

“Fuck you.”

Without warning, a scalpel is suddenly in the doctor’s hand—and he slides it right across my bare chest. I hiss out a ragged breath, eyes wide as I watch the blood drip down onto the chair beneath me.

“This doesn’t need to be difficult, Mr. Petrov,” the doctor says. “But we are on a schedule.”

I look back at him, incredulous.

He just stares back.

“Three,” I mutter.

He smiles. “Excellent—and since you arrived?”

I think back to that first night—dosed with a heavy helping of eros, when I slid my cock between Aisling’s thighs and dry humped her until dawn. And ever since…I’ve wanted her. Dreamt of her, fantasized about all the filthy things I would do to my best friend’s girl.

It’s all been leading to this, hasn’t it?

“How long did you know?” I say, my voice low.

He hums. “Answer the question and I’ll tell you.”


The doctor smiles and puts the scalpel down on a tray beside the examination chair, then jots down the number on his form. “We’ve known for some time,” he says.

“And this whole time, you were just…what? Playing games?”

“No, Mr. Petrov, we aren’t doing this for fun,” he says, cocking his head. His hair is graying, balding slightly. Not like anyone here on the island—he’s not one of them. “You have to have figured it out to a certain extent, right? This island is a laboratory—the whole island, not just the facility you find yourself in now. It’s not a game at all; it’s an experiment.”

“And you brought me here because…”

“Because we wanted to test the power of omega pheromones in one of our most prized subjects,” he finishes for me. “Of course. The fact that you came here of your own volition? That was just a happy accident.”

“So, you’re saying this whole time, I’ve been a lab rat?”

He shrugs. “I suppose so. All of those in New Eden are, in their own way. It’s all part of the greater good, Mr. Petrov.”

I spit out a laugh. “What, the ACB’s idea of the greater good? How do you sleep at night knowing you’re part of this twisted science experiment?”

He doesn’t answer, simply chuckles and scribbles down some more notes.

I glare at him. “And now? What happens to me? To Aisling?”

“I think you’ll find it quite pleasurable, even if you won’t fully remember,” he says. “Just relax, Mr. Petrov…and let me get to work.”

I try to struggle as he gets up, but a moment later, he’s increasing the dose of the sedative. I blink my eyes as my eyelids grow heavy, trying desperately to stay awake…but it’s no use.
