Page 50 of Keep Me Daddy

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A different approach would need to be taken, one that would give Tucker no option but to relinquish control and hand back all of the passwords and login details to what was rightfully Benji’s hard-earned money.

The wait was an agonizing one for Harrison – and it must have been even worse for Benji too…

‘You’re nothing special,’ Tucker said, his words making a listening Harrison’s skin crawl. ‘I could have any boy I wanted. If anything, you should be paying me! Ha! I really do crack myself up.’

Harrison’s fists began to squeeze tighter and tighter. He was close to losing it completely and beating Tucker to a pulp. But just before Harrison could do anything, he felt his phone vibrate. It was Lars…

LARS: Details secured. Email hacked. We’ve got proof of a ton of tax evasion, financial mismanagement, blackmail, and even evidence of selling illegal substances. We’ve got the butt-head where we need him! Lars

Harrison grinned. This was going to be a good moment, and he didn’t want to waste a single second more listening to Tucker wax lyrical about himself. This jerk was about to get his comeuppance…

‘You might want to shut the hell up,’ Harrison said as he rose from the park bench. ‘And I don’t mean maybe.’

‘Who the hell are you?’ Tucker said, spinning around with a smug sneer on his face. ‘Like I’m going to listen to some park bench bum?’

Benji giggled in delight, but this only seemed to make Tucker angry.

‘What’s so fucking funny?’ Tucker snapped. ‘You think I’m scared of this loser?’

Harrison smiled. Tucker was angry, emotional, and about to be delivered a killer blow…

‘If you’re not scared of me, you should be,’ Harrison said. ‘Boy, over here.’

Benji immediately ran over to Harrison and took his place by his side. Harrison loved the feeling of putting his arm around Benji and showing Tucker that things were about to change – and not in a way that Tucker would like…

‘I’ve got proof of your financial misdeeds. Concrete evidence,’ Harrison said. ‘And a whole heap of other evidence too. Now what I’m going to need is for you to give me all of Benji’s details. Your time controlling him is well and truly over. You’re already in enough legal trouble as it is, you don’t want to make things worse. Trust me. I have the money to pay for a hundred lawyers to bury you in litigation for years.’

‘B-b-b-but… this can’t be…,’ Tucker said, a panicked look on his face. ‘You asshole! You little shit, Benji! How could you do this to me?’

‘Respect the young man!’ Harrison said, gripping Tucker’s collar and yanking him up onto his tiptoes. ‘Show some manners and decency for once or I’ll toss you into the park lake and let the ducks have you as their personal play toy.’

Tucker struggled to free himself from Harrison’s grip, but he couldn’t manage it. It was clear that there was only one alpha in this situation, and that was undoubtedly Harrison.

‘Fine! Fine! Just get off me!’ Tucker said, squirming and squealing as he helplessly flapped around.

‘So you agree to hand all banking and financial control back to Benji right this second?’ Harrison said, squeezing Tucker even harder. ‘And more than that, do you apologize to him for all the hurt and pain you’ve caused?’

Harrison knew how important it would be to Benji for him to hear Tucker own his terrible behavior. Given Benji’s insecurities from childhood, Harrison wanted to make sure that Tucker made a clear statement confirming that Benji was worth way more than the ridiculous videos he’d been made to perform in…

‘I’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry,’ Tucker said, a look of shame on his face. ‘But… whatever. Just put me down. I’ve done what you’ve asked.’

‘Is this enough, Benji?’ Harrison said. ‘I’ll keep this rat dangling until you’re satisfied.’

‘It’s fine, Daddy,’ Benji said. ‘I’ve heard enough.’

Harrison did as Benji requested and dropped Tucker to the ground. But just as it looked like Tucker was about to get up and run away, Benji stepped in front of him and blocked his path.

‘Before you go,’ Benji said, a calm and focused tone in his voice. ‘You were horrible to me. And all I did was try to work hard and put my love of food out there for people to see. I don’t think you should ever work as a manager again, because no one in the world deserves what you put me through.’

Tucker shook his head and ran away into the distance.

‘And don’t come back!’ Benji shouted, his voice now full of emotion. ‘Daddy, thank you so much for rescuing me. I don’t know what I would have done without you.’

‘Same, boy. Same,’ Tucker said. ‘I think it’s time we met up with Zane and Lars and had some breakfast. Know of anywhere good around here?’

‘I know just the place!’ Benji replied, a big smile on his face.

The Littlest Waffle House was Benji’s favorite breakfast spot in the whole of New York City. With its funky décor and absolutely lip-smacking delicious pancakes, it was the place to be for a tasty breakfast.
