Page 35 of Imperfect Cadence

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“You’re not mad?”

“Gray, we’ve only just started dating. I know we’ve been headed this way for a while now, but we’re still getting to know each other. I don’t expect you to spill your entire life story to me in the name of honesty. We’ll get there with time. Now, if I’d outright asked you how old you were and you lied to my face, my reaction would be different. But you didn’t. You just didn’t tell me something personal, because it’s never come up before. I know you, Gray, and I know your intentions. You’d never deliberately hurt me.”

A thunderous cheer erupted from the crowd surrounding me, punctuated by a few wolf whistles that sliced through the noise and jolted me back to the present. Colt had a knack for commanding my full attention, even from a distance in a bustling bar.

Amid the cacophony, a familiar voice cut through, drawing my gaze toward the small raised platform where live bands usually performed. As Remy stepped into the single yellow spotlight, microphone in hand, my mind conjured an image of Colt up there, belting out a song. I could almost see how the crowd would be left breathless from the very first note.

“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! I’ve got a special treat for you tonight! As you know, Friday night at Spark is our live entertainment night. Unfortunately, our scheduled band had to bail on us, but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. You see, it’s this man over by the bar’s twenty-first birthday tonight,” Remy paused, allowing a louder round of cheers to subside, and suddenly, the spotlight bore down on me. The cheers escalated, and I found myself blushing with embarrassment, which luckily was hidden behind the arm I was using to shield my watering eyes from the blinding light. I was going to kill Remy.

Oblivious to my silent protest, he continued, “And when a special someone heard our predicament, he volunteered to step in. Now, mark this date in your calendars, folks.” Remy paused for dramatic fact. “Because once you hear this guy sing, you’ll realize he’s destined for stages far grander than a free gig at your local watering hole. It’s going to be a story you’ll dine out on for years to come. So, here tonight, with a specially dedicated performance for his boyfriend, I give you Colton Ray!”

My incredibly sexy boyfriend walked onto the stage, a slight tremble in his legs and his guitar in hand, and I almost toppled off my stool in shock.

Holy fucking shit!

My eyes managed to leave Colt just long enough to catch the smug grin on Remy’s face, and it hit me—those scheming bastards orchestrated this entire thing. No wonder Colt didn’t lose it over my confession this morning; Remy had already spilled the beans and masterminded the one thing I’d been yearning to witness.

Colt, my Colt, was about to share his incredible talents with the world for the first time.

Colt’s fingers began their intricate dance along the guitar’s neck, the rhythm casting a hypnotic spell. I didn’t immediately recognize the melody, but that didn’t surprise me; Colt still kept his music close to his chest.

An audible gasp reverberated through the bar as Colt sang the first line. I wore a Cheshire cat-like grin, satisfaction evident on my face. Whispers erupted around me, with people marveling at how someone so tiny could possess such a commanding voice, capable of sending shivers down their spines. I had no explanation for them, but I basked in the praise showered upon my man.

However, my attention quickly shifted as I became absorbed in the lyrics Colt was passionately belting out. Lyrics that perhaps conveyed the sentiments he struggled to put into words. He loved me.

In the quiet of the shadows, where the darkness used to reign,

A gentle light emerged, and everything began to change.

A hero in disguise, you pulled me from my bleak despair,

Your kindness, like a melody, a symphony filling the air.

I stumbled through the storms, lost in the freezing rain,

But you were there to catch me, your love became my flame.

In the echoes of the silence, where my heart lay torn in two,

You whispered words of solace, and I knew it was you.

Oh, I’m falling, falling, falling, for the boy who saved my soul,

In your arms, I’ve found my home, where the fractured become whole.

You’re the song that plays in my heart,

The reason my walls began to smash,

In this love that started blooming, with a flower in the trash.


My back slammed up against the wall in our bedroom with unexpected force, Colt’s lips immediately seeking the curve of my neck. A shiver ran down my spine at the contact, and I arched my hips forward, desperately seeking friction on my aching cock.

“That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” I growled into his ear. Seriously, watching an entire crowd with their jaws on the floor, all because of Colt’s talent, coupled with the fact that his eyes never strayed from mine throughout the entire set, as if I were the sole person in the world, and I’d never been so fucking turned on.

It had required every ounce of self-restraint not to pounce on him during the drive home, though it had been a close call with all those sinful side glances he kept shooting my way. And now, with Colt fervently attacking my neck, it was clear he felt the same electric charge between us.
