Page 9 of Imperfect Cadence

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“Sure, whatever you say. Your secret’s safe with me,” I declared with an exaggerated wink.

“What secret?” he snapped.

“That behind that prickly exterior, you’re actually a better human than most people.”

“Isn’t there a cat stuck in a tree somewhere that needs saving?” he quipped.

“A cat?”

“Yeah, or a little old lady who needs help crossing the street. You know, people who would appreciate your savior complex bullshit,” he deadpanned.

“Do I need to point out you’re helping Carol right now?”

That endearing scowl returned with full force. “She gives me cookies when I help out,” he reasoned.

“So you admit that you’re helping.”

“You’re the reason God invented the middle finger.” With that, he spun on his heel, striding away with said middle finger raised in my direction, leaving me to explain the scattered oranges to Carol.

Colt could pretend he hated the world all he wanted, but I saw through that facade, and I had the overwhelming urge to wrap my arms even tighter around him.

Even though he seemed uncomfortable in my arms, some inexplicable compulsion I couldn't recognize or understand prevented me from moving away. In the quiet of the moment, his unique scent—vanilla with a rich, woody undertone—enveloped me. The heady combination forced me to suppress a groan of arousal.

I mentally scolded my dick for getting a bit too interested. This was so not the time and place to be turned on.

As we continued to lie there, him as the little spoon to my big, I mulled over and discarded several ways to start our much-needed conversation. I hadn't been lying when I promised not to pry into his situation last night as I practically forced him into my truck.

But circumstances were different now. Even if I wasn't the brightest tool in the shed, I could see that no one in Colton's life gave a shit about him. He probably felt utterly alone. He kept people at arm's length, and tonight only solidified that it was his coping mechanism to avoid more hurt.

As he slowly relaxed into my hold and even tucked his head under my chin, it became clear he was subconsciously crying out to be taken care of. It triggered something deep within me, a desire to be that person for him.

Only him.

This foreign feeling caught me off guard, yet it felt right. I'd never experienced such a sense of completeness as I did holding Colton Ray.

"You can leave now," Colton said in a small, sleepy voice.

Contrary to his words, he seemed to snuggle in closer to me. His body now touched mine from his bare shoulders down to his calves. Colton's warmth caused my equally bare torso to tingle and burn, sending jolts of electricity to my core.

He shifted in my arms, unwittingly wiggling his perfectly tight ass against my groin. I doubted he even registered the action. My cock, on the other hand, certainly got the memo, plumping under the snug fabric of my boxers. Trying to subtly pull my hips away from him, I hoped he wouldn't notice.

But sleepy Colton didn't seem to give a damn, moving his ass in sync with mine until we were pressed up against each other again.

To avert any further complications, I cleared my throat. Colton hummed happily in response, teetering on the edge of sleep. The temptation surged to use his half-conscious state to finally get some answers.

One look at him quashed that urge. For once, the worry lines between his brows were smoothed out in peace. His face had taken on a childlike quality that heightened the protective instincts welling up inside me. I could guess he rarely, if ever, slept soundly. The time for conversations and hard truths would come soon enough. If he felt secure here in my arms, I'd let him sleep as long as he wanted.

The next thing I registered was a bright light assaulting my senses. A haze of confusion washed over me before the memory of last night flooded back.

Tentatively, I stretched my hand across the soft sheets. Upon finding the bed empty, without any lingering traces of body heat, I kicked the covers with such force they tumbled to the floor, and I leaped to my feet.

Colton had promised, albeit begrudgingly, not to leave. I had been pretty certain he was just telling me what I wanted to hear to get me off his case, but the sinking feeling in my gut was unsettling. It was as if, subconsciously, I had placed more trust in him to accept my help after he'd let me hold him last night.

Stupid. That kind of thinking was beyond stupid.

I had to admit, I knew next to nothing about Colton. Looks could be deceiving, but my gut instinct told me Colt's emo aesthetic was as purposeful as it could be for someone without a lot of disposable cash.

Both Colton's actions and behaviors pointed to a troubled young man. If the rumors were to be believed, and after our interaction, I was inclined to believe them, he had dealt with some shit that would bring most adults to their knees, let alone a kid.
