Page 13 of Giveaway

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Oxygen escaped my lungs, which normally would have been fine...if they’d been replenished with a fresh supply. This time, they weren’t. And the more that the pretty boy—Mitchell, he said his name was, although I definitely preferred Mitch, although moaning out a long MMM sounded even better—spoke, the more I forgot about the guy I had been complaining to Miguel about.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Mitchell asked, as my fingers remained glued to his forearm.

I furrowed my brow. "The problem?"

"Yeah, you know, the guy who wouldn't snog you."

His eyes dipped low for a second. A ray of sunlight cut across his cheek. I wanted to reach out and trace my finger along it. "Sorry, I was kinda eavesdropping," he explained. "That was rude of me. I’m—I’m sorry."

"Don't be." My hand slid up his arm, landing somewhere between his elbow and the start of my dreams… I mean, his shoulder.

I extended my free hand. "I'm Cayman, by the way."

His brown eyes shone brightly, reflecting the warmth of the sun. His hand slid into mine, the wetness of his fingertips shooting a pulse of electricity through me,

"Cayman?" He repeated my name. It sounded so fucking sexy on his lips.

"Like the islands, you know? It's where I was conceived."

He grinned. "Good thing my parents didn't name me after where they made me. Otherwise, my name would be Cowbell Creek."

I snorted. "Seriously?"

His cheeks reddened, flourishing into the prettiest blush I had ever seen.

"Uh-huh. It's a small town, about two hours south of Los Angeles."

"Actually, now that you mention it…"

He cocked his head curiously, in a way that I couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking.

"When I first came to the States two years ago, I wrote a list of must-see cities," I began. "Ah, yes. I remember it now. It went New York, Chicago, LA, Vegas"—I was tapping my fingers against my thumb as I listed them—"and, yep, sure enough, Cowbell Creek was on that list, too."

It was his turn to snort.

Once he regained some composure, our eyes met again, dancing in each other’s reflections. I didn't know how long the moment lasted, but holy fucking hairballs, my heart did a Simone Biles-level gymnastics routine. I ignored the beads of sweat forming on my upper lip, trying instead to look cool, calm, and like I stood a chance in hell of getting this guy to snog me.

"So…" He widened his eyes. "The guy who wouldn't snog you."

His lips pulsed adorably every time he said the word snog.

"Forget about him," Miguel interjected over my shoulder.

Oh, that’s right. I was here with Miguel. I’d forgetten that. "Tell us more about your love life. How the heck do you get dumped three times in one year?"

Mitchell’s eyes widened in a way that made my heart clench, tugging on something inside of me. A protective instinct, which made no sense at all since I’d barely only met the guy.

"No." My voice was firm.

"No?" Mitchell and Miguel echoed back to me at the same time.

"Let’s talk about more pleasant things."

After a short silence, Miguel pulled himself off the seat. "As much as I’d love to, I actually need to get going. It was nice to meet you, Mitchell"—he shot a cheeky look my way—"and I’ll see you later. Have fun, Cayman."

Believe me, I intended to.

I gave him an absent wave as he splashed away from us, my head snapping back to Mitchell immediately.
