Page 14 of Giveaway

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"I love your accent by the way," Mitchell murmured as my brain registered the fact that my hand was still resting on his arm...and I had zero intention of changing that. "It's so ex?—"

"Please don't say exotic," I interrupted.

"Ex...orbitant, I was going to say," Mitchell drawled as a wide grin cascaded across his face.

"Oh, exorbitant, huh?" I leaned in closer, my fingers still on his smooth flesh.

"Yes, exorbitant." He placed both palms on the bar, steadying himself. "I mean, sure, you’d be required to broaden your English-language definitional horizons a bit…"

I let out a laugh, and his face relaxed. "You got me. I was going to say exotic. Whereabouts are you from?"

"A small town a few hours north of London. Oundle. Have you heard of it?"

"Nope. Have you actually heard of Cowbell Creek?"

I shook my head. "Then we’re equally ignorant of each other’s home cities. Lovely."

"Indeed," he said, and I could have sworn I heard a slight English inflection in the way the word eased out of his mouth.

A slowly warming heat spread throughout my body. "So, you won the contest, huh?"

His eyes grew gloomy.

"Don’t worry. I’m not going to ask you any questions about it." The last thing I wanted to do was to make the guy feel bad or awkward. "I just heard you’d be here, that’s all."

He fidgeted with his fingers. "You—you did?"

"I work here, at the resort," I clarified as it dawned on me why he looked a little stupefied.

"Oh, I see."

"Yeah. Leo, he’s the owner?—"

"Oh, I met Leo earlier. He seems really nice."

I nodded my agreement. "He’s the best. He told us last night we’d be having a VIP visiting us this weekend."

Mitchell tossed his head back as a rumble of laughter erupted from him, drawing my eyes like magnets to the profile of his Adam’s apple thrashing around the front of his throat. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and take it between my teeth.

And that wasn’t the only thing I wanted to take in my mouth.

My eyes traveled down his lithe, sinewy physique. At least the part I could see above water. It intrigued me enough to want to know what his lower half looked like. Were his legs smattered with the same golden hairs his arms were? Was his ass tight and bubbly? What would it feel like wrapped around my cock?

All that bodily goodness shimmied in the water close, yet so tantalizingly far away.

I knew that Leo had no problem with staff fraternizing with guests (as long as it didn’t affect our job performance), so I blew out a deep breath and asked, "Hey, would you like to hang out with me later tonight?"

A gleam hit his eyes. "Uh, yeah, sure. That sounds nice." He cracked a smile, and my chest heated.

"Great. Meet me at midnight?"

He let out a bemused snort. "Midnight? Who are you—Cinderella?"

I snickered. "Uh, no. And not to get all technical on you, but if I were Cinderella, I’d be pushing for a pre-midnight meeting. You know, for not wanting to turn into a pumpkin in front of you when the clock struck twelve."

He gave my silly words more serious consideration than they were worth, scratching under his chin. "You’re right, actually."

I couldn’t tell if he was kidding or being serious...and something about not knowing what was going on behind those pretty eyes of his turned me on like crazy.

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