Page 32 of Giveaway

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The door swung open, and I recognized the guy but didn’t know his name. He’d been with Cayman that first day at the swimup bar.

"It’s Mitchell, right?" he asked, smiling warmly at me.

I nodded. "Yeah, that’s right."

"I’m Miguel."

I wiped the sweat that had formed on my forehead off with the back of my hand. "Hi, Miguel. Is Cayman here?"

He stepped out, closing the door behind him carefully. His dark brown eyes were filled with an uncertain look. Maybe he was going to tell me off for encroaching into a staff-only area?

"Cayman’s gone."

"What?" I spat the word out with such velocity I almost lost my balance.

Miguel scratched the back of his neck, his face pained.

"I’m sorry, but it all happened so suddenly. One minute he was here. The next his suitcase was packed and he was...gone."

I never knew a single word could sting so much.

"He—he just left?"

My mind was clearly unable to process what was going on. I felt a panic building in my chest. How could he be gone? Maybe something was wrong? But what, a family emergency back in the UK?

"He only left a few minutes ago." Miguel’s words momentarily stopped my thoughts from continuing to splinter into a million stress-inducing directions. "You might still be able to catch him."

"Okay...thanks," I mumbled as I turned and walked away.

I was shell-shocked, like I’d been struck by lightning. Something had to have happened to make Cayman leave without saying goodbye. I glanced down at the time again. I had none to spare. I had to grab my stuff and go.

I ran back to my room, my heart banging wildly against my ribcage. Exercise and heartache shock did not mix well.

I fumbled with the key card, my hands shaking. I let myself in and quickly gathered my things. As I did, my mind raced, but oddly, I heard a quiet voice trying to break out inside of me. I stilled before I reached the front door and took a moment to close my eyes, breathe, and listen to that soft voice trying to break through.

And as I did, a message emerged from the haze. Somehow, in some way, it was telling me that everything was going to be okay. I was going to be okay. And despite the seeming impossibility of it, things with Cayman and I would be all right, too.

With a determined nod, I picked up my luggage and opened the door...



"Thought I might find you here." Leo’s deep voice stirred me from my thoughts.

After leaving Mitchell’s room, I needed to clear my head. Good thing the resort lay on the edge of an ocean with perfect views to get lost in as I contemplated what was going on in my head...and in my heart.

Leo joined me on the bench outside of the staff headquarters perched perfectly to capture the entire length of the shoreline and the endless ocean that stretched out in front of us.

"What’s been going on with you?" He asked the question in a way that told me he half knew the answer already.

"I’ve met someone."

He smiled as his eyes settled on me. "That’s a good thing, isn’t it?"

I let out a resigned sigh. "It’s complicated."

"What makes it complicated?"
