Page 35 of Giveaway

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Cayman and I exchanged a knowing glance. I loved that the two of them got on so well. He’d only known Jedfire for a few weeks, but Cayman already knew how crazy he could be.

Jed spun the globe and closed his eyes. He placed a finger on it, causing it to stop rotating. His eyes shot open as he peered down closer to inspect where his finger had landed.

"Ooh, Tokyo. Nice. I haven’t been to Japan in a while."

"That’s what you’re doing?" Cayman asked, licking a little icing off the top of the cake and scooping it up into his mouth.

Jed nodded and shrugged. "Sure, why not? Beats hanging around here with you two lovebirds."

Sighing, I got up and walked into the kitchen. If I wanted us to eat the cake at some point in the evening, I’d have to go and get the plates myself.

As I spun around, I knocked into Jed, who had followed me in. "Hey, I just want to say how happy I am for you, little brother. Cayman’s a terrific guy, and you two make a perfect couple."

I rested the plates on the counter. "Thanks."

We embraced. He might have been maddening and batshit crazy at times—as Cayman put it so British-ly—but I loved my older brother with all my heart. If it hadn’t been for him, I would never have met Cayman in the first place.

"Anyway, I gotta go."

I narrowed my eyes. "Another one of your midnight walks?"

His tongue clacked against the roof of his mouth. "Uh, yeah. And remember? I'm the best man at your wedding, okay?"

"Sure thing, Jed."

We hugged again and he left.

Best man. Weddings... Those words did have a nice ring to them.

One day. For now, I was perfectly happy enjoying what we had.

I grabbed the plates and took them into the dining room with me. Cayman had cut the cake, so I placed a slice on each of our plates, and we each took a bite.

He closed his eyes and let out an impassioned, "Holy shit, this is some seriously good cake."

"It’s Grandma’s secret recipe."

"Your grandmother made this...for me?"

I nodded, and for a moment, it looked like Cayman’s eyes went a little glossy. "She really likes you. She insisted."

My whole family liked Cayman. Heck, everyone in Cowbell Creek had given him their tick of approval, whether I wanted to hear it from them or not.

Mrs. Clover spoiled him with free cookies for making her feel like she was in a Harry Potter movie every time he came in for bread.

John, my next-door neighbor, was glad he finally had someone to talk cricket with. Whatever the heck cricket was.

And all the workers down at the cowbell plant that I’d introduced him to had instantly succumbed to his charms. Just like I had.

He really was the complete package, everything I ever wanted in someone.

But it wasn’t just his ravishing looks or dashing British accent that made me fall for him. It was knowing he was a decent person, someone who respected me and would always have my best interests at heart. After the hell I’d gone through with other guys, that meant the world to me.

Well, that and the fact that my skin rippled with pinpricks every time he was around me. And especially when he was inside of me.

By learning to listen to my heart—really, truly listening to it—and following what my gut and my intuition were telling me, I had found the right guy and finally stumbled upon my own happily ever after.
