Page 12 of Survival is Hard

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Fuck being awake.

* * *

When I next wake, I’m alone. My blanket is tucked around me, my bladder is bursting, and the scents of citrus and lime have dulled enough that I know Orson’s been gone for more than a few minutes.

My wolf hates that more than I do.

I check the clock, noting it’s just after eight, so I’m not sure if they’re asleep or what. I doubt it, since we all tend to stay up until about ten, but maybe they need some time to themselves after what has happened.

I am surprised I’m alone, though.

I scurry into the bathroom, relieving myself, before groaning at the state of my face. I take a few minutes to wash my face, put some cream under my eyes, and, hopefully, the puffiness will settle down before morning.

I don’t want to give the guys another reason to worry about me.

There’s a buzzing on my phone when I come back into the bedroom, and I grab it to see it’s a text from Atticus in the family group chat, one he created a few minutes ago. That’s good timing.


Family dinner will be in thirty minutes.

The phone continues to buzz, but I don’t check it. My heart is racing, and I’m starting to panic. I’m not sure what a family dinner will include, but it’s got me very nervous. After my second breakdown of the day, I’m actually terrified to face them all again.

But now… well, Atticus expects me down for dinner in thirty minutes, and I don’t think my attendance is optional.

“Hey,” Orson murmurs, and I screech. Not a cute little scream, but a truly terrified reaction. Orson darts over to my side faster than I can even blink and gently soothes me. “I’m sorry, little cub.”

I nod slowly, my heartbeat still erratic, and he rubs circles into my back, uttering apologies over and over.

Only once I’m a bit more settled do I utter my own, “I’m sorry.” That was an overreaction if we ever saw one.

“No, do not apologise,” he says, shaking his head. “Even without everything that happened today, I’m the one who should apologise for scaring you in your own safe space. I should’ve knocked louder.”

I give him a weak smile, and he tucks my hair behind my ears.

“I did text to say I’d check in on you,” he murmurs, nodding his head to the phone that’s still in my hand.

I open the phone and read over the texts I’ve missed when having that tiny little panic.


Is Nora even awake?


It’s not family dinner without her.


I’ll go check.


If she’s still sleeping, we’ll delay it. I’m not waking her. She needs the sleep. We can do breakfast or something instead.


Kai is right. Sleep is what she needs. I’ll go sit with her. I didn’t realise Orson had left, or I’d have sat with her the whole time.
