Page 120 of Survival is Hard

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Some might judge me, but, honestly, Cevon deserved it. He took me then left me here. He deserves to be snowed upon.

But when I enter the newly unlocked room, my breath is taken away from me. I instantly fall in love because this room is the true definition of perfect.

This place is heaven, and it’s all mine. If it weren’t for the fact that my literal soul aches being away from my mates, this room might have sold me.

It’s nothing like the rest of his house. It’s nothing like anything I’ve ever seen before, and that’s saying something with how impressive my home is back at the pride.

There’s a giant fireplace on the back wall, a large mirror above it, with some decor around it. I don’t know, it seems expensive.

Which is strange considering everything else about Cevon screams barely getting by.

But maybe that’s just me being judgemental. Cev’s shown that his only priority is getting revenge and then dying. Why waste time decorating if you’re not going to find joy in anything?

He might not have confirmed what I know, that he suffers, like me, with depression, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

I look around the giant library, the coziness making my wolf and I relax completely for the first time since we’ve been here. The three walls without a fireplace are covered head to toe in bookshelves, and I’m intrigued to see if there’s an order to them.

There’s a three-seater sofa in a bright red, with a dark oak detailing. There’s an armchair, with the same style, but it looks like it could fit Orson and me comfortably. There’s a blanket across the back that looks fluffy, and when I sniff it, it smells purely of Cevon.

There’s a bean bag in the corner, in front of what looks like non-fiction books, but I dismiss that. It feels out of place here, and for that reason, I’m not touching it. There’s likely a sentimental reason if I know Cevon even a little bit.

There’s a chandelier that’s not turned on, and lots of little lamps dotted around the room.

It’s got a cozy vibe, the aesthetics are pleasing, and the singular lone window to the right side of the fireplace is covered by a long, red curtain.

I’m assuming he forgot to lock the door, and he might kick me out… but we’re mates, and I’m not going to back down from a fight. If this is his safe haven, then he’ll be here sooner rather than later.

I think my best bet is to find a book and relax.

Hey, who says a kidnapping isn’t a good way to clear your TBR list?

* * *

“Hey,” Cevon says, and I turn and look him over. His eyes are bloodshot, his long, blonde hair a lot messier than it was when I saw him a little while ago.

Is his upset because of the bombshell I dropped or because his work is stressful?

I’m not sure which answer I want to be the correct one.

“Hi.” My voice is small, but I can’t muster up the courage to put any more confidence into it. “Are you thirsty? I made some tea not too long ago.”

He shakes his head, looking around at the room. I lit the fireplace and adjusted the lighting to help with the headache I’ve got. I’ve been cramping in my stomach for the last hour or two, and food isn’t seeming very appealing.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. We don’t tend to get sick, not really, but maybe the chicken from earlier wasn’t cooked very well.

I’m not stupid enough to insult Cevon that way, though.

“So, we’re mates.” I nod, and he sighs, coming into the room properly. “What are you reading?”

I’m not sure if he truly wants to know or if he’s just asking to fill the silence. But since his eyes are dazed, his expression unfocused, I don’t bother trying to lie. Instead, I ramble on about my book and the hero within.

“Is that what you like?” he asks. “Heroes?”

I shrug, not truly sure. Atticus is a bit of a hero. Devoss, though? He’s so deliciously sinful.

And I love them both equally.

“I’m not sure if I even have a type,” I reply, but he scoffs. “What?”
