Page 133 of Survival is Hard

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So, I set a timer for five minutes, knowing that wherever Nora is she’d never begrudge me this and let myself take the time I need to get my head in the game.

I hide under my desk and let the tears fall.

And once those annoying beeps go off, I snap my elastic band, wipe my eyes, and get back into my chair.

It’s time to see if someone has been paid to kidnap my mate.

And, honestly? I’m not sure if I hope the answer is yes.

* * *



Atticus is awake.

I’m going in to see him now and will let him know you want to speak to him.

“Atticus is awake,” I say, relief filling my tone. Thank fuck. Kai nods. “Get the team over to the chopper. I want them ready to go as soon as he gives word.”

Kai and Fin nod, the pair of them working together on this. It’s good, since I never thought the griffin would fit in when it came to these kinds of issues. Voss was never a concern, his ability to adapt to situations using his skills is very handy.

But Fin? He’s a mechanic with very little insight on anything except feelings.


We’re getting him set up in some offices, and then he’s going to call you.

“Okay, Atticus is creating a command centre,” I say, updating the group. Fin’s eyebrows raise. “And then he’s going to call. I’ll join back once I’ve spoken with him. I’m going to quickly update Micah.”

Kai and Fin nod, and I leave that chat before calling Micah.

“Hey,” he answers, sounding utterly miserable.

“Nothing?” I ask, and he sniffles. “Believe it or not, Romeo, it’s a good thing.”


“Yes. It means that it’s likely not a professional who has taken her. Atticus is awake, and we’ll have more information soon,” I say, and even without seeing him, I know he nods. “Make sure your line stays open in case any of us need anything.”

”Okay,” he replies. “I’m going to… do you mind if…”

“What’s wrong?” I ask, keeping my tone soft. “What do you need?”

“I was wondering if you could find out where the crash happened. If I can locate cameras, then I could see what’s been happening.”

“Genius.” I never would’ve thought to check security cameras. “I’m not sure what they’ll have, if anything, but I’ll get a location from Voss and send it your way.”

“Thanks,” Micah says.

“Atticus is calling,” I say. “I’ll speak to you soon.”

I hang up on him and accept the video call. I can see a large open room with multiple desks in it. There’s nobody on these desks that I can see.

David, or, at least, I assume he’s David, appears in front of me.

“Orson?” he checks, and I nod. “It’s good to put a name to the face. Atticus is just getting settled with the doc, and then he’s yours.”
