Page 139 of Survival is Hard

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Micah presses play, and we catch sight of Cevon carrying a naked Nora in his arms. She’s unconscious, and rage fills me.

Why the fuck is she naked?

Orson’s the one to voice that thought, one that’s clearly on all of our minds.

“No idea,” Atticus whispers. His guilt fills the air, and I don’t know what he’s blaming himself for. “She… I forced her to shift. Maybe she didn’t focus.”

It could be that this happened in the first place, since he refused to take guards.

It could be that he forced Nora to run, rather than telling her to hide.

It could be that he let the hunters get a hit on him.

It could be for a number of reasons, but we can’t blame him.

Not truly.

This is the fault of Cevon and those hunter friends of his and nobody else.

“Or maybe he did something to her,” Malachi roars.

“No,” Griffin says, shaking his head. “I don’t think that’s the case. Whenever I connect to her through the bond, she’s content. She’s not upset, she doesn’t seem to be in pain. She’s content.”

“Check again,” Malachi pleads.

We all fall silent as the griffin seems to dissociate. It’s harder to connect to Nora since their bond isn’t fully complete, but with his mum’s help, he’s managed to get himself into the right frame of mind to concentrate.

“She’s worried,” he says, sounding confused. His words are slow, kind of like he’s not sure himself. “About somebody.”

“About us?” Micah asks sadly.


But I get the feeling that’s not it.

“Play it again,” I demand, and Micah nods and presses play. We watch the screen, seeing our delicate mate passed out in his arms.

But I’m not focused on Nora this time. I’m focused on Cevon.

Once I had my theory, I thought I knew what we were dealing with. I thought he took her for revenge.

I thought he had a plan for her, for Atticus.

But I was wrong on all counts.

When he walks from the forest to his car and delicately puts her into the seat, I know.

I hate it.

I truly fucking hate it.

But that man has just fucked up.

He didn’t take Nora for revenge.

He took her because they’re mates.

And I’m not sure either of them realise it.
