Page 154 of Survival is Hard

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But I do believe he’s a good man deep at heart, and I’m more than willing to work past it.

“You don’t know what they’ll say.”

I shrug. At first, everything that is said is likely to be mean and rude. But then the truth will eventually come out—the good, the bad, and the ugly. “Is there anything you feel I should know?”

“A lot. Probably.”

I laugh. “Kidnapping me and leaving Atticus to die was probably the worst thing you could’ve done, and I got over that pretty quick.”

“I’ve killed people.”

“Malachi killed someone on our first official date,” I say, even though I still protest it doesn’t count as a date. “You’re not the only killer in the group.”

“Who?” he snarls, turning to me with a flare on his face. “Who did something so worthy of death? Did they hurt you?” His arm grabs mine as his eyes rake over me as if there will still be an injury.

“One of your, um… subordinates I suppose is the correct word…” I trail off as his anger gets more intense, the scent causing me to gag.

“What did they do, Nora?” The words sound like they’re being yanked out of him, his teeth clenched together so strongly.

“Nothing, really.” But when he goes to argue, I shake my head. “No, I’m being serious. They literally did nothing. I kept getting letters, and it was of a dead wolf, and they depicted them as being me.”

He frowns.

“And then the night of the gala, someone knocked on my door, and I was a little bit scared,” I say. “Mal decided killing him was the best option. The hunter did have wolfsbane on him, and he was trying to get inside, so as annoying as it was, it was warranted.”

Cevon grinds his teeth, the sound causing me to flinch.

But it seems I’ve distracted him from his anxiety.

“Devoss does some sketchy things, too,” I add, turning back to look out the window as I continue rubbing my thumb across his knuckles. I’m starting to recognise the buildings and know we’re going to be home in less than five minutes.

Well, I’m going to be home.

Cevon doesn’t think this place is his home, that it could ever be his home, despite it once being his pride.

“Did he leave his family, his pride, and decide to join the hunters?” he asks.

I shake my head, and he sighs. “It would’ve made everything a lot easier if he did.”

* * *

“Touch him, and I kill you,” I say, climbing out of the vehicle with my body already being prepared for a fight.

I watch as they all inhale, and when realisation hits Orson, I know he didn’t actually believe Cevon when he told them my period has started again.

That little tidbit only confirms what I already know. That this isn’t going to go down well, not even a little bit.

But I need to be with my guys, and, unfortunately for Cevon, he’s now one of my guys.

My fox mate, Devoss, winks at me, and I grin. I fucking knew that I could rely on him. He’s wearing a shirt, but the chest area is open, showing off his toned torso. He’s got bright red curly hair, which looks a bit darker in the dusk lighting, and the stubble across his jaw looks a bit longer.

Atticus is to his left, and he looks completely different to the man I left behind on Friday. Something within me settles seeing him standing here right now, but I’m also very anxious. His beard is normally thin and neatly shaven, but he’s definitely not cared for it in a few days. His hair is due a cut as well, the dirty blonde shade looking brighter with the length of it. He’s frowning, and his anger radiates from him.

Orson stands slightly behind him, his large hand wrapped around Malachi’s forearm as he holds the temperamental tiger shifter back. His blonde hair is down, a crinkle in his hair from where the bobble has been. His arm bulges as Malachi tries to move forward, the sheer depth in his muscles taking me by awe again.

Malachi’s as tense as ever. On his own, he’s a strong, muscular male, with broad shoulders and wide hips. Next to Orson, that pales. Especially when the bear is holding him back from attacking one of my other mates. His dark brown stubble is thin across his jawline and philtrum, making him look dangerous. And hot. Oh, so very hot.

Micah and Griffin are standing off to the side watching warily. Micah’s got a jacket on over his clothes, his ears sticking out ever so slightly. His lips are parted, his pouty bottom lip enticing me, and if this were a different moment, I’d love to suck on it. His clean, lavender scent smells like coming home.

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