Page 199 of Survival is Hard

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My human is ready. She’s learning about herself, learning how to heal and grow.

Our ex-mate nearly destroyed us. He nearly ruined us, nearly ruined me.

But she’s strong. She’s learning how to love herself. My human is resilient.

She’s done this alone for so long, without me to help her. And, soon, we’ll have seven new bonds. Seven new animals to love me, love us.

She’s ready. I’m ready.

Now we just need our heat to start so that we can consummate it properly.



“What are you doing?” I demand, glaring at Malachi, who is hunched over the table Nora and I use to do our jigsaw.

He quickly drops the piece in his hands and turns to me with a pale face. He’s wearing a pair of pyjama bottoms and nothing else, and his whole chest has flushed with guilt.

“Nothing!” he says, but I don’t buy it. Even if I didn’t see him holding a puzzle piece, I can smell the guilt in the air. I walk closer, and he glares at me, trying to deflect the situation. “Why aren’t you upstairs with Nora?”

She went up to bed without us, and we continued drinking and joking around. Cevon came and joined us for about twenty minutes after his shower, and he wasn’t in the best of moods.

But I think it’s progress. He willingly sat there and at least pretended he gave a shit about what we were talking about, and the insults he hurled our way weren’t extremely hurtful.

I went up with Cevon, and Nora was passed out, her vibrator to the side of her, and her pants on the floor.

It’s not hard to figure out what she did, and I’m full of pride for her for it.

“She’s asleep, and Cevon’s with her. I was coming for a piss and a bottle of water.” I cross my arms in front of my chest, glaring at my older brother, who is doing something he shouldn’t be. Is he trying to help finish the jigsaw? That’s mine and Nora’s thing, not his. “Not that I need to explain myself to you.”

“I… you’re getting closer,” he says slowly, glancing back at the jigsaw, before giving me a weird look.

“What?” His nonsense words only annoy me.

He jerks his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the jigsaw Nora and I have been effortlessly pouring our energy into over the last two months. I understand we’re discussing the jigsaw, I fucking caught him manipulating it.

“I’ve been taking a piece off whenever I walk past it,” he says, rubbing his arms as the red flush travels up and coats his cheeks now, too. I gape at him, smelling his shame, his embarrassment. “You’ve both been enjoying it… and I wanted to prolong it.”

“Fucking hell,” I groan, and he sighs. The apology is on the tip of his lips, I can see it, but I just laugh and shake my head. “I’ve been doing the same thing.”

“Me, too,” Griffin says, drawing both mine and Kai’s attention. I didn’t hear him come in, but he’s leaning in the doorway with a cocky smirk on his face. He’s already prepared for bed, his shorts hanging low on his waist. Is it weird to be jealous of another man’s chest? Yes? Yeah, thought so. “I caught Devoss doing it a little while back and decided to take part. Couldn’t let that fucker one up me.”

“So each day, where we manage to get pieces in, we’re all just taking them back out?” I ask before laughing. Of course, we are.

Kai seems relieved it’s not just him, although he’s likely only relieved that whilst he got caught, I’m not mad at him. Fin’s smirking.

“Orson wouldn’t dare, he’s a bitch that way,” Kai says, scrunching his nose up.

“Atticus?” I ask, considering our Alpha.

“Doubtful,” Fin says, considering it for a brief moment. “He’s ordered at least seven new jigsaws for you both to do. I think he’s excited to frame this one.”

“How do you know that?” I ask, tilting my head.

“I pay attention.”

“You’ll not be able to pay attention for long if you don’t get those eyes of yours fixed,” Kai says before smiling at me. “I’m sorry. I just know you both love it.”
